Library Network Support Services: modernising libraries in Western Balkan countries through staff development and reforming library services CBHE Project 561987
TITLE OF MODULE: English for Specific Purposes (Library context: library lexis and situations, basics of information literacy)
Course books (General English):
Foley, M. & D. Hall. (2005). Total English: Students’ Book. Longman.
Gallagher, F. et al. (2005). Total English: Teacher’s Resource Book. Longman.
Internet resources (ESP):
Module description______2
Module structure______5
Course plan______7
Trainers guide______15
List of suggested Literature______22
Type: Piloting
Semester: Spring, Autumn
Target Audience: Librarians (University, Primary and High schools), University academic staff and Postgraduate students
Teacher expertise: English language teachers
Teacher: PhD Danijela Kulić, ELT Methodology trainer; MA Valentina Draškić
Language: English
Prerequisites: N/A
Restrictions: N/A
Supplementary regulations: N/A
The course provides the participants with the essential knowledge and skills in ESP (language related to library). It presents an introduction into ESP which is designed for librarians, university academic staff and postgraduate students who are beginners both in General English and ESP. It relies on the topic based syllabus which includes a balanced work on all language systems and skills, with special emphasis on lexis related to library.
Overall aim:
To enable participants recognize, understand and use English language systems and skills which are used in academic context, as well as in everyday situations (A1 to A2); to teach participants lexis, structures and language functions related to library context (ESP terms and abbreviations); to make the participants aware of the different ‘search the Internet’ strategies; to enable them understand, manipulate and use E-resources.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course students will have achieved: a) A1 to A2 level of language competence (General English), which is in accordance with the Common European Framework; b) elementary knowledge and skills related to ESP: language specifically designed for library purposes.
General learning outcomes:
1.Incorporating ESP (Library oriented language) into overall academic knowledge, so that it becomes a useful tool in profession/education;
2.The concept of Information Literacy naturally evolves together with the progress in General English;
3.Research and critical thinking are expected and applied in various activities and tasks; the course helps students to develop the awareness and skills they need for lifelong learning.
4.Integrated skills work will result in knowledge which may be transferable and applied in both academic and everyday life.
Specific learning outcomes:
Students will reach the elementary level of competence (A1) in the following language areas: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, language functions, receptive and productive skills. Also, they will be able to understand and use specific terms and expressions that are commonly used in the library.
5.Pronunciation: Students will become familiar with the English phonemes, word and sentence stress, weak forms, intonation and difficult sounds.
6.Grammar: Students will gain basic knowledge in morphology and syntax and be able to apply it both in everyday situations and academic context. Through guided discovery approach students are actively invited to think about grammar and work out the rules for themselves. Basic language structures will be analyzed and tried out in communicative situations in which the students are likely to find themselves.
7.Language functions: Basic communicative competence will be acquired through various simulated situations. By the end of the course, students will know how to start and finish a basic conversation, ask simple questions, talk about theirs and other people’s abilities, discuss and plan activities, use the appropriate language in the library. The appropriacy of language use will be specially emphasized in the course.
8.Lexis: Students will be able to understand and use frequent words and expressions, as well as the lexis related to library. The form, meaning and use will be shown and practiced through examples and appropriate situations. Connotation, denotation and collocations will be considered within the course.
9.Receptive skills: Students will be able to comprehend texts and audio materials which are specially designed for beginners. Also, they will be exposed to more complex forms where they are expected to deduce information and use it for certain purposes or in the tasks. They will gain basic competence in listening and reading through: task-based listening/reading activities, listening/reading for a detail, exposure to authentic language use (CD containing short dialogues, conversations, interviews, stories and songs); the course book offering simple forms such as advertisements, texts from newspapers and magazines: additional Internet resources and appropriate You tube videos)
10. Productive skills: Students will be able to produce simple language forms, both in spoken and written discourse. The course will provide students with various discussion topics and situations where they are motivated to communicate in order to complete a specific task based on clear models and examples of how to structure discourse, teaching elementary students will stress the importance of production stage (expressing ideas and opinions freely or with a minor guidance on the part of the teacher). Also, students will be able to write a simple email, formal/informal letter, shorter composition, oral presentations for the target audience.
11.Students will understand and apply the basic terms and concepts of ESP which are designed for the library purposes. Integrated skills approach will serve as a tool to accomplish various tasks through which students practise vocabulary in a library related context, start and finish real-life like conversation concerning the literature/Internet search, borrowing books, filling in the forms, finding relevant information in the library context, etc.
ECTS credits: 2 / Study Hours 24
Taught Hours:
Day 1: 2 Hours
Day 2: 2 Hours
Day 3: 2 Hours
Day 4: 2 Hours
Day 5: 2 Hours
Day 6: 2 Hours
Day 7: 2 Hours
Day 8: 2 Hours
Day 9: 2 Hours
Day 10: 2 Hours
Day 11: 2 Hours
Day 12: 2 Hours
Independent Hours 26
Total: 50
Assessment scheme
Types of assessment: / Units: / Weighting: / Learning Outcomes:
Attendance and active participation
Presentation in English / 30
20 / 30 %
20 %
30 %
20% / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Description of types of assessment
Attendance and active participation: 30 %
From the beginning of the course students will be encouraged to self reflect upon their own participation and investment. They will suggest the number of points they might be given at the end of the course. They take into consideration the following criteria: their own talking time, number of hours they have spent in the classroom, doing homework and preparing for the presentation. Thus, the self-evaluation assessment technique will be used instead of traditional means.
Homework: 20%
There are 10 homework assignments students are obliged to do during the course. The aim of these tasks is to reinforce the knowledge students have acquired during the lessons. At first, the tasks refer to the general English, then from the lesson 8 ESP language is incorporated. Each of the finished assignments is given 2 points, thus students can get 20 points maximum. The techniques which are used in tasks range from controlled (matching activity, fill in, correct the text) to less limited (write a review using the model, imitate the style of the author, etc.)
Test: 30%
The test comprises 2 sections: 1. General English - testing all language systems and skills (except speaking and pronunciation) and 2.ESP language - specifically designed for library purposes. It has 30 questions which are organized in the following forms: matching activity, fill in, complete the sentences, multiple choice item and open-ended questions. Students are given 30 points maximum.
Oral presentation in English: 20%
Students write a review of the video they have watched at home. They choose among three videos, write a review and prepare for a presentation which will take place in front of their colleagues. The presentation might be done in the Power Point form, or they can give a personal account of the material they have chosen, using their notes. Students pay attention to the following issues: language that they have acquired from the material, the purpose of the material, target audience for whom the video is aimed at. The presentation should last from 10 to15 minutes. The maximum number of points for this task is 20.
Activity day / Lesson Topic / Lesson Activities / Estimated student work time in minutes/ hours / Lesson Outcome / Assessment forms
Day 1
(2 hours)
Day 2
(2 hours)
Day 3
(2 hours)
Day 4
(2 hours)
Day 5
(2 hours)
Day 6
(2 hours)
Day 7
(2 hours)
Day 8
(2 hours)
Day 9
(2 hours)
Day 10
(2 hours)
Day 11
(2 hours)
Day 12
(2 hours) / Unit 1:Your life (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p.5)
Unit 2: Activities (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 15)
Unit 3: Free time ((Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 25)
Unit 4: Food ((Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 35)
Unit 5: Home ((Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 45)
Unit 6: City life (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 55)
Unit 7: People (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 65)
ESP: Library interior- common objects and notions
Unit 8: Day to day (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 75)
ESP: A simple dialogue in the library
Unit 9: Culture (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 85)
ESP: Searching for an information in the library
Unit 10: Journeys (Foley, M &
D. Hall, Total English, p. 95)
ESP: A tour of the public library
Test (progress test assessing the language knowledge and skills students have acquired over the course; Units 1-10 +ESP language)
Topics for presentation:
Oral presentations on the given topics / Introduction into the course; vocabulary: countries, nationalities, family; skills: pronunciation of stressed syllables; grammar: verb to be, subject pronouns, possessive’s, possessive adjectives, indefinite article.
Homework check; Vocabulary: holidays, everyday objects, colours; skills: reading about holidays, different jobs; listening to an interview (CD); grammar: present simple, this, that, these, those, noun plurals.
Homework check;
Vocabulary: basic leisure activities, sports, games, days of the week; skills: listening to telephone messages (CD), reading about A.Standing, talking about abilities; writing a short article;
grammar: can/can’t; functions: making suggestions, using the phone.
Homework check;
Vocabulary: food and drink, adjectives describing emotional and physical states; skills: listening to a TV programme about food, reading a problem page, writing an answer to a problem; grammar: countable and uncountable nouns, How much, How many, I’d like; Pronuciation: long and short vowels; functions: ordering food.
Homework check;
Vocabulary: possessions, furniture, houses; skills: listening to descriptions (CD), describing a room, writing about people’s homes; grammar: there is/there are, have/has got; pronunciation: strong and weak syllable stress
Homework check;
Vocabulary: buildings, prepositions of place, transport; skills: reading about R. Andrews, listening to people talking about buildings (CD), talking about past; grammar: past simple tense
Homework check;
Vocabulary: adjectives for describing people, ordinal numbers, months, phrasal verbs; skills: writing a letter describing family members, listening to descriptions of people (CD), ask and answer questions; grammar: possessive pronouns, ESP terms: watching the video: names of the library objects are presented
Homework check; ESP vocabulary: new words related to the library are introduced (fiction, library card, borrow, look for, database, browse, etc.) skills: watching the video and improvising similar situation by using prompts. grammar: Present Continuous, adverbs of manner and frequency
Homework check; Vocabulary: News media, films; phrases related to library (to sign up for a library card, to fill out, computer terminals, etc); grammar: comparison of adjectives, prefer + noun/-ing, will for spontaneous decisions and offers; ESP skills: watching the video and structuring ways to search for a book. Improvisation of a similar conversation by using prompts
Homework check; Vocabulary: travel, sports; skills: reading about TV, grammar: Present Perfect Tense; be going to for intentions; ESP language: watching the video and writing down notes about the sections (fiction, non-fiction, reference); giving report on what they learnt
Written test: Genaral English language systems and skills + ESP language; giving topics for oral presentations
ESP language: To watch videos/materials at home and write review about them.
Oral presentations / 2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
1 hour
1 hour
2 hours / The trainees get familiar with the structure and nature of the course; they learn how to present themselves, ask and answer questions to complete the form.
The trainees learn how to talk about daily routine; they deduce basic information from the audio material.
The trainees acquire structures and words which they use in phone conversations and talking about their and other people’s abilities.
Trainees learn the language which is used at the market and in the restaurant. They use the learnt vocabulary and structures at the production stage (simple piece of writing containing 5-7 sentences)
Trainees learn to describe places and to talk about furnishing an apartment
Trainees acquire structures and vocabulary that refer to giving directions and talking about past life
Trainees manage to identify a person from a simple description, they learn how to write an informal letter; they get familiar with the objects and terms related to the library
Trainees learn the ways of expressing actual happenings; they learn how to ask for a certain information in the library.
Trainees discuss and plan activities using the acquired structures; they acquire the ways in which they can find references. Using appropriate expressions in a structured conversation.
Trainees learn how to book a hotel room and talk about experiences; skimming and scanning of the video material and giving an oral presentation on the perceived items.