Cole CountySoil
1911 Boggs Creek
Jefferson City,
Vol. 23 No. 2
The role of the local SWCD was enhanced through legislation passed this year in Missouri. With new emphasis on water quality protection as well as the traditional role of soil protection, the Cole County SWCD will introduce several new practices to help protect the natural resources of ColeCounty.
The Cole County SWCD will have limited funds in the following categories for interested landowners.
Woodland Erosion
C100 Timber Harvest Plans: Provide financial assistance for the proper design and the implementation of best management practices on logging roads, stream crossings, log landings, and other constructive measures during timber harvest.
N655 Restoration of Skid Trails, Logging Roads, Stream Crossings and Log Landings: Assistance for private (non-industrial) erosion control on existing sites.
DFR-4 Forest Plantation: To encourage the conversion of marginal soils to less intensive use, and to reduce soil erosion from agricultural sources.
N472 Use Exclusion: Fencing to protect plant resources from grazing by livestock.
Animal Waste Management
N312 Waste Management System: Collection and storage of waste, for correct application to agricultural land.
Nutrient Management
N590 Nutrient Management: Incentive to apply fertilizer at the proper agronomic rate.
and Water
MO 65101
July 2009
N633 Waste Utilization: Incentive to apply manure and waste products at the proper agronomic rate while protecting the quality of water resources.
Pest Management
N595Pest Management: To minimize chemical entry of contaminants to ground and surface water by properly following a pest management plan.
Ground Water Protection
N317 Composting Facility: Facility to treat livestock or poultry manure, and carcasses biologically by producing a humus-like material that can be recycled as a soil amendment and fertilizer substitute.
N316 Incinerator: Incinerator for livestock and poultry carcasses.
N574 Spring Development: Distribution of a seep or spring as a water source for livestock.
N351 Well Decommissioning: Closing of an existing well to prevent entry of vermin, debris, fertilizer and contaminated surface water to the ground water.
Stream bank Erosion
C650 Stream bank stabilization: To protect stream banks from accelerated erosion, and provide adequate stream bank vegetation. Methods include cedar tree revetments, rip-rap and willow plugging.
Sensitive Areas (Incentive offered on out of production acres)
N386 Field Borders: Establish grass strips on the borders of crop fields.
N393 Filter Strip: Grass strips situated below cropland, hay land or grazing land where sediment, nutrients,
(continued on back)
pesticides and animal waste may leave
these areas and enter environmentally sensitive areas.
N391RiparianForest Buffer: On areas adjacent to permanent or intermittent streams, public drinking water reservoirs and natural wetlands. (Trees must be planted in buffer area.)
WQ10 Stream Protection: On areas immediately adjacent to permanent or intermittent streams, streams containing perennial pools, or natural wetlands, where livestock have uncontrolled access for watering purposes. (Buffer area must be allowed to naturally regenerate.)
If you would like to participate in these practices are would like more information, our office is located at 1911 Boggs Creek Road (phone 573-893-5188 ext. 3.)
Grays Creek AgNPS Project and the Cole County Soil and Water Conservation District purchase weed wiper.
The weed wiper offers landowners another option in controlling unwanted vegetation in their fields and pastures. Taller undesirable species can be controlled with a glyphosate (roundup) based product, while shorter grasses and legumes can be passed over with no damage, heavy grazing prior to treatment may help create this scenario.
The unit is 12 feet wide and is mounted on a carrier for transportation to the farm. Larger ATV’s and small tractors with a 12 volt electric system may be used to pull the weed wiper. Due to cross contamination concerns only glyphosate based products at a 20:1 ratio may be used in the unit. Rental rate for the unit is $50.00 per day and can be arranged through the Cole County SWCD office at 573-893-5188 ext. 3
1911 Boggs Creek Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101
John LoeschChairman
Mark ThompsonVice-Chairman
Harold Mueller, Sr. Treasurer
Kevin KerperinMember
James Quinn Secretary
Tony HooverDistrict Conservationist
Ric Heckman Resource Conservationist
Ed Gillmore Soil Conservationist
D. J. Schroeder Soil Conservation Technician
Peggy Lemons District Manager
Harry Bexten District Technician
Ray Volmert District Technician
Jim FrankInfo/Ed Specialist – SALT Manager
Kenny Bax Equipment Operator
Non-Profit Organization
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