Agriculture Education Program
2017-2018 Disclosure Statement
To: Students and Parents
From: Ms. Laurel Selman
Subject: Procedures and requirements for:
Plant and Soil Science
Introduction and Course Outline
This disclosure is to help you get the most out of my class, and understand classroom policies. The curriculum will cover the state core standards as well as specific topics of interest that apply to the local horticulture industry. Class fee of $10. Some of these include:
- Soil Structure and Fertility
- Plant anatomy
- Plant life cycles
- Hydroponics
- Greenhouse & Outdoor Growing
Materials Needed for Class
- $10 Class Fee
- 3-ring binder simple 1-1 ½ inch (not to be used for any other classes).
- five dividers,
- paper,
- pencil/pen,
- package of index cards OR roll of paper towels
- Sections in the notebook: Bell work, Notes, Assignments, Projects/labs and Tests and quizzes. Please label your dividers in this order.
You will need these supplies every day. The notebook will be graded throughout the year, and materials in the notebook will be valuable in studying for tests.
Extra Help
If you are having trouble with an assignment or concept, PLEASE let me know. I will do everything I can to facilitate your learning. Help is available after school each day until 3:00 pm. Flex time is also available should you need extra help. If this will not work for you, please set up another time with me. Remember, if you can’t find me, check in the Greenhouse. It is always best to let me know you are coming, so I will be available. If you need to contact me please feel free to do so. Email is the fastest way to reach .
Students are expected to arrive to class on time, prepared, and ready to participate in all class activities. You will not be able to go back to your locker if you forgot something without using one of your 3 hall passes. Late work is not accepted for full credit, except when turned in with a hall pass. Work turned in late without a slip will be graded and given 50% of the points earned. You will only have three hall passes per quarter, use them wisely. Hall passes may be used if you need to leave the room OR to turn in late work. All work should be the student’s own original work. Anyone caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive an automatic F on the assignment (complete loss of credit).
Attending class daily and arriving to class on time is a must! 90 % of the work in this class is done during class time; attendance is paramount. I will be in compliance with the Fremont High attendance and tardy policy. Refer to your student handbook for information on absences. Excused absences will be allowed to make up missed work. If you are absent, it is up to you to get your missed work from my blog ( ). Students with excused absences will have three days to complete and turn in make-up work. Unexcused and truant absences will not be allowed to make up work.
Tardy Policy
Arriving to class on time is expected of all students. When students are late they are to come in quietly without disturbing the class. They must sign in on the tardy log, and completely fill out the information. Students who are tardy or absent will not be allowed to receive bell work points for the day.
Behavior Policies
Come to class prepared and ready to work. Having a good attitude and respecting all members of the class is expected. Our class is your “home court,” which means you should feel like our class is a safe place from put downs and offensive behavior. Students are expected to respect the rights of others and their property including the classroom, and all equipment. I will not tolerate cheating, offensive language, disruptive behavior, dress code violations, or harassment in my classroom. Absolutely no cell phones or other personal electronic devices are allowed in the classroom or lab unless under direct instruction of the teacher. Electronic devices need to be out of site and turned off unless instructed to do otherwise. Devices will be taken and turned in to the office in accordance with FHS policy.
Grading Policy
Participation, assignments, activities, laboratories, notebooks, tests, quizzes and term project will make up the student’s total grade. The grading schedule will be as follows:
100% = A+
93% = A
90 = A-
87 = B+
83 = B
80% = B-
77% = C+
73% = C
70% = C-
67% = D+
63% = D
60% = D-
Below 60% = F
Students and parents are responsible to check the Portal regularly to monitor assignments and grades. The portal may be accessed through the Weber School District homepage. Students are also responsible to get missed work from my blog. (
Parent Release Form for Media Recording
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to use the name and/or image of my child. Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, videos, and digital images such as those on the Fremont web site.
Parent Release Travel Form
There will be occasional times when class will be held at other school district facilities. In these events, students will be given prior notice and transportation will be provided. Students may NOT provide their own transportation. This release serves as a permission form for said travel. Field trips leaving the Fremont Boundary or to non- school district facilities will require a separate permission form.
The National FFA Organization
All students in agriculture classes are encouraged to join FFA. Membership is not required. However, many enhancement opportunities will be offered through the FFA program. FFA is by law, an Intra-curricular program. As such it is a part of the class and the standards taught.
Non- Discrimination Policy
Weber District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions regarding your grade.
Thank you, I’m looking forward to a great year.
Laurel Selman
Ms. Selman’s Plant and Soil Science Disclosure Signature Form
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the procedures for this class as outlined in the disclosure statement. I also agree to the Media Release and Travel Statements in the disclosure.
Student Name (Printed) ______
Student signature ______
Class name______Period______
I have read and understand the information in this course disclosure statement. I have also discussed the policies and procedures with my student. By signing here I acknowledge and give permission as outlined in the media and travel statements.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Home Phone______
Work/Day Phone______
Please sign and return this portion to Ms. Selman by the fourth day of class. Please keep the disclosure statement for your records. Returning this assignment is required and will be worth 25 points-late disclosures will be counted for partial credit.