The Cameron Highlanders Regimental Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2012 at 19:30 hours
1. Call to Order
a. Time: 1931 hrs
2. Pause and Observe a moment of silence for our fallen comrades
Binyon’s Verse- They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them or the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
3. Roll Call: Request for and acknowledge any regrets:
a. Members in attendance: Please sign the nominal roll
b. Regrets: HO’D – Course
c. Proxy Votes & regrets received from: N/A
d. New Members (First timers that is !): Nil
4. Recording Secretary: Karen Tyler to read the minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting.
a. Amendments: Nil
b. Motion to Accept: KT
& seconder: MN
5. Presidents’ Report: Taffy Gray
- Taffy’s remarks
- The Cameron Assn should try to help and support the Cameron Museum. Suggestions include having a committee or at least a Museum Rep to assist with things like more volunteers, more computers and modern kit as appropriate, etc. Incidentally, what is the reporting chain for the Museum these days ? To the DCO or CO of the WITG or a designated officer ? What other bodies play a role and what can we do to help ?
- The Kit Shop – we need to do a bit better job at tracking what is available, and perhaps more importantly what we wish to keep available (that will sell of course !). Perhaps a master copy of key items needs to be secured for some items ?
- Awards: We need to get more of a grip on which awards and funding we need to present annually and what all comes with presenting said awards. We are not a rich organization after all.
a. Highland Dance Trophy – fund medals some year ?
b. Fund Highland Games Mobile Bogs - $200 / year
c. Golf Trophy (ies) – Russ Miller Trophy, etc...
d. Other ?
(Taffy’s Notes, TBC with him)
- Sick & Visiting and Last Post: Doing ok but can be tightened up. Be sure to pass the word of deaths to President in a timely fashion. This prevents some embarrassing situations.
- The Cameron Advisory Board: We need to keep relations good with the Board. We are very much working for the same goals and friction does not help achieve these goals.
- Cameron Association Flag: Maybe we should get one for ourselves ?
- SOP’s and Duties: These need to be reviewed shortly after each election by all members of the exec. This can be a part of the first post AGM meeting.
- Social activities: The Assn needs to start doing more activities amongst ourselves. These need not be costly or over organized efforts !
This is not to form cliques, but rather to keep the comradeship alive and to keep each other up to speed on all developments with our members and the unit. Sometimes known as gossiping, but it is still key to staying alive.
- The Golf Tournament: Is improving to match the new wave of Camerons. Can we make it more family friendly or should we even try ?
- Museum of the Regiments Wpg Style: Funding, staffing, participation, etc.
(Secretary’s note: This has been discussed by several groups over the years. I think it always founders on a few things. Competing for financing, financing period, management, and location.
It is a certainty that the relevant organizations could however establish a virtual museum for little or no cost to excite interest in the bricks and mortar versions.)
6. Vice-President’s Report: Steve MacMillan
- Welcome to this evening. I look forward to getting things done.
7. Treasurer’s Report: Dave Gibson
- Gave update on numbers in bank account, cash on hand, outstanding bills and dues owed. We’re still in the black !
- 2011 Budget – Still a work in progress
a. Amendments: Nil
b. Motion to Accept: DG
& seconder: LJ
8. Auditor’s Report: Shelley Finnen will do the duty if necessary but Bob Darling suggested a solution.
9. Correspondence Secretary: Karen Tyler
- We still receive many letters for family information which have been placed in the Oatmeal Rag. If you can help out please do so.
- We also receive requests from history minded people, some of whom are Belgian, Dutch, and French to help out with any veterans’ notes about certain battles. The Association will refer them to the Museum and our histories but veterans and their families are by all means encouraged to send any comments our way or directly to these people. Please send a copy my way too – some of these things crop up again later.
- Association revitalization – ongoing success. Help where you can. Our old membership list rebuild is completed such as it ever will be. Please keep your dues paid and your contact information up to date.
- Plaques – Provincial plaque is installed in the Legislature. Freedom of the City plaque – anyone know where it is ? TBC with Advisory Board.
- Our Valour Rd Plaque project is done and paid for !!!
- Meeting schedule – The Sec has yet to book for 2013. Is away on course in Kingston, ON and will do upon return and consultation with the new Exec. The incoming Exec will be able to book more dates as required.
- Oatmeal Rag – 10 issues have now gone out. E-versions save the Assn money and are often going to have extra content such as pictures and links. You can help by telling us if someone who should be getting them is not, by feedback on issue content and by paying your dues in a timely fashion. Articles are always welcome too !
10. Social and Entertainment:
- Men’s Dinner – TBC Dec 2012 Minto – inform Pres / Sec NLT 02 Dec if you plan to attend so that they can info the Unit for feeding !
- Levee 0800 hrs Minto as usual
- Robbie Burn’s tickets will be avail shortly for the mbrs of the Cameron WO’s & Sgt’s Club. 26 Jan 2013
11. Last Post: Don Collins, Len Johnson, Hugh O’Donnell
- Any new ones ?
- Ed Abraham WW2 Cameron had a stroke near Easter. Ms. Leona Stilling told me that he was recovering OK but was currently paralyzed on his right side. His vital signs were good and he was able to speak, eat regular meals, and was working very hard to regain mobility. Nothing has been heard from her since then although I have emailed her a few times.
- Update: Ed died quite a while back but the family never got around to notifying us, and have not responded to any inquiries. He is remembered on a US RCL web page as a very active mbr in their Br.
12. Welfare Sick and Visiting:
- BGen Hugh Comack - is in Deer Lodge Hospital - Tower 4 Rm 410. His vision is reportedly poor. Lloyd McDougall knew him from before 39/45 and will be trying to contact him to visit and perhaps read him the Oatmeal Rag
- Roy Taylor (WW2 RAF, Post WW2 Cameron) Roy is at home and comfortable. He enjoys short visits and does get tired quickly.
Regimental Report:
Upcoming dates of note:
29 Oct 12- Officer's Annual Mess Dinner at The Hotel Fort Gary ?
26 Nov 12 - St Andrew's Society Dinner at Fort Garry Place
17 Dec 12 - Unit Christmas Dinner at Minto Armoury
26 Jan 13 - Robbie Burns Dinner at the Hotel Fort Gary; and
03 Feb 13 - Regimental Church Parade at First Presbyterian Church.
13. Old Business
- Support to JR’s run Highland Games $200 for portapotties – Done,
- Fundraising – Ongoing topic.
- Run a bingo night ?
- Advertise in The Oatmeal Rag, etc – Secretary is pursuing
with some success.
14. Constitutional Amendment: Hugh O’Donnell
- Proposed amendment to create the Associate Membership category per mailout and web posting
- Motion: HO’D Seconder: Mike Nickerson
- Discussion: The mailout was not clear that the new category would not impact in any way on the Honorary category. This was clarified.
- Amendment to motion by HO’D that it be numbered para 6 so as not to interfere with the Honorary category !
-Vote results: Aye - unanimously
15. Election Officers and Executive: ? Past President and Co Chair of the Nominating Committee will chair the Elections
- Nomination slate – In view of the lack of people screaming to take over the Assn here is the proposed slate:
Pres: S Mac
V-Pres: K T
Treas: D G
Sec: H O’D
16. Exec: Len Johnson
Exec: Sean Rivas
Exec: Mitch Prudhomme
Exec: Mike Nickerson
Exec: Tom Russell
Past President: Taffy Gray, Bill Worden
President Noms: Steve MacMillan – Acclamation
VP Noms: Karen Tyler – Acclamation
Secretary Noms: Hugh O’Donnell – Acclamation
Treasurer: Dave Gibson – Acclamation
Association Trustees to the Foundation
a. Fred Westphal (2012-14)
b. Marc Gautron (2011-2013) - no change
Five Directors (Exec Mbrs): All– Acclamation
a. Len Johnson
b. Sean Rivas
c. Mitch Prudhomme
d. Mike Nickerson
e. Tom Russell
17. New Business
- Nil
18. Time & Motion for Adjournment: 2135 hrs
Meeting Schedule:
Next Exec Monthly Meeting: TBC by new Exec
Activities: Per CO’s Regimental report
WO’s & Sgt’s 53st Robbie Burn’s Dinner Jan 26, 2013 Hotel Ft. Garry
President Vice President
David Gibson