

MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 6 December 2017. The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.


Cllr Peter Williams (Chairman)

Cllr Mark Branson (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Denise Dyer

Cllr Jenny Meredith

Cllr Bill Pearson

Clerk Mrs L Parker

Others present Two members of the public

1. Apologies of Absence

Apologies were received from District Cllr Paul Carter who is attending another meeting and Cllr Helen Baugh for personal reasons.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda

No interests were declared.

3. Minutes

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 1 November 2017 were confirmed to be correct.

4. Matters Arising

The Clerk has forwarded the written views and comments of Councillors regarding the Rockbeare Neighbourhood Plan.

5. Police Report

PCSO Steve Trail had forwarded his report for the month of November which was the assault of a person thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm and a theft by finding.

6. Reports of County & District Councillors

County Cllr Claire Wright

Cllr Wright commented on a recent meeting of the DCC Health Scrutiny Committee where Devon County Council’s solicitor, Jan Shadbolt, reminded the Scrutiny Committee of its legal responsibilities. She gave an example where Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust members did not listen sufficiently to ensure the correction of deficiencies and then had the embarrassment of a Public Enquiry. NHS Property Services will be invited to attend the next Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee in January. There are concerns about the potential loss of hospital buildings as there is no clarity over their future.

District Cllr Matt Coppell

Cllr Coppell told the meeting that the EDDC Villages Plan has been reviewed by the Inspector. Recommendations and modifications are out for consultation with the adoption of the Plan expected in March 2018. The Government is to clamp down on rogue drone users with new regulations put in place. EDDC is being asked for a policy ensuring this. The District Council has produced an ‘A-Z of recyclable articles’ which Cllr Coppell will forward to the Parish Clerk.

7. Chairman’s Report

The Chair clarified questions made prior to the last meeting. EDDC does not automatically make site visits pertaining to planning applications; this is done on a case by case basis. On a particularly mentioned property the documents being used were correct and the District Council is aware of the ongoing incorrect use of the facilities. There had been concerns regarding highways drainage in Within Lane. This has been referred to Mike Brown, the Neighbourhood Highways


Officer for resolution. The replacement of the missing sign arm and the extension of the 30mph limit to beyond Bramblemead has been deemed as low priority. County Cllr Claire Wright will pursue this.

The current telephone kiosk is understood to be a K6 box dating from 1936 onwards. It is unlikely that this was purchased by the parish and would have been in the ownership of the previous P O Services. The Parish Council in 2009 declined to accept ownership of the kiosk and the offer being made by the landowner now would appear to be reasonable. He has offered to maintain the box and offer its use to the parish. There would be insurance implications for both the landowner and the Parish Council. It was agreed to take this to the January meeting for a firm decision.

The Chairman understood that the recent film night had been well attended and enjoyable. The bingo also had been extremely successful with, it is understood, revenue taken in excess of £900.

8. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk mentioned the need for someone to look after the four parish noticeboards. The Chairman felt that this could be attended to – maybe a volunteer group of parish residents could be established to perform parish tasks as it has been made evident that our ‘parent’ Councils will not have the finance to help.

There has been some cabling purchased to enable the speakers to be used in the Village Hall recently. County Councillor Claire Wright very kindly offered to settle the outstanding amount from her Locality Budget, details of which will be sent to the Clerk. Cllr Denise Dyer will sort the outstanding amount.

In the coming year the Woodland Trust has funding available for the planting of woodland to commemorate the centenary of World War One. An article will be placed in Topics to see if this is of interest to any residents with land available.

The Clerk has purchased more magnets for the community noticeboard as those that came with the board are not really suitable and their number is dwindling.

9. Reports of Parish Council representatives

Budgets/Precepts Course: 3 October 2017 – Cllr Bill Pearson

Cllr Pearson rated this course as extremely well structured and delivered. Useful topics were covered with all aspects of financial subjects dealt with. These included general resources, risk management, precepts, borrowing and financial recovery. Mention was made of internet banking but there will be more information to come. He was given a USB memory stick which will be circulated to all Councillors together with scanned notes taken at the time.

New Councillor’s Course: 22 November 2017 – Cllr Helen Baugh

In her absence Cllr Baugh had forwarded a short report. She had found the course very informative and answered many questions from the basics to more complex issues. She found it very helpful to be with other new Councillors and to see how their meetings were conducted together with problems that they are facing within their villages. She was given a USB memory stick with information on being a Councillor as well as e-copies of books and other information to take home. She felt very fortunate that Aylesbeare has such a supportive Council and Clerk. She enjoyed learning of new people from villages becoming proactive with village life and wanting to be part of community activities and events.

DCC/EDDC meet Parish/Town Councils: 5 December 2017 – Cllr Peter Williams

Accompanying the Chairman at this meeting were Cllrs Jenny Meredith and Bill Pearson together with the Clerk. The evening started with a short video and explanation of future funding provision for Devon by Central Government presented by John Hart, the Leader of DCC. This painted a bleak picture financially with emphasis being very much on self-help as Central Government funding will eventually disappear. High financial commitment is being given to mental health issues. Public concerns regarding highway issues were raised but DCC focuses on A, B and some C roads rather than lanes and byways; the foundations of the latter being eroded by the


large vehicles using them. A short presentation was given by Toby Russell, Community Landing Sites Development Manager of Devon Air Ambulance.

Standing Orders were suspended.

A member of the public made the Parish Council aware of the fact that the air ambulance had landed in one of the fields behind Lower Barton Farm.

Standing Orders were resumed.

Toby Russell informed the meeting of the challenges of night flying and the restrictions involved. The Devon Air Ambulance Trust is working with communities throughout Devon to create a network of night landing sites. These pre-surveyed floodlit areas enable life-saving services to be given to the heart of communities when it is dark. These are located on greens, sports pitches, fields, parks or other open spaces. The floodlighting can be by means of a 10m high steel column secured in a concrete base with a set of 2 LED lights. The lights are remotely controlled by the pilot and are also beneficial to the paramedics on the ground. Speed and safety is paramount.

The next speaker was Philip Twamley, Neighbourhood Planning Officer at EDDC. He discussed neighbourhood plans. There still appears to be a strong focus on housing and business development opportunities. Overall Aylesbeare appears to be doing pretty well with regard to progress compared to other parishes. There is further finance available for Steering Groups. The final speaker was Simon Davey who is the Strategic Lead for Finance at EDDC. He provided an overview of budgets going forward over the next 10 years. By 2027 there will be a £5.7m shortfall in provision. Much work is being done to overcome this by combining services i.e. IT and maximising business rate income. The transfer of some assets to local councils may be an option.

Exeter Airport Consultative Group: 6 December 2017 – Cllr Denise Dyer

The Managing Director reported that passenger numbers for September were roughly equivalent to those of the previous year at around 89,000. Domestic flights were 7% up and International flights were 6% up. Additional passenger numbers were going to Paris and Palma while numbers to Turkey were down. October passenger numbers were 10% up on previous year with domestic flights up by 8%. Manchester, Glasgow and London City numbers were greater. International charter flights were up by 5%. The runway resurfacing project of £6m is undergoing preliminary works and is on schedule. A disability forum has been established with an audit by the Civil Aviation Authority proving positive. Meetings had been held re bus service improvements with Stagecoach proposals to include links to the science park and to Cranbrook Railway Station. Matt Roach has spoken to Air Traffic Control regarding persistent low level, repetitive flights above Aylesbeare village and hopes that the situation is now resolved. Aylesbeare residents are advised to take down the number of the planes and note approximate times of flights if this problem persists. Denise Dyer will monitor the situation and report back as required. A presentation on The Cranbrook Development Plan and Enterprise Zone was given by Andy Wood. The consultation period for the Plan ends on 8 January.

10. East Devon District Council: Planning Applications

A decision made between meetings, due to time constraints, was ratified:

Application No: 17/2478/TRE

Applicant: Mr N Warren

Location: 3 The Chestnuts

Proposal: T1 Horse Chestnut: crown raise to 3.5 metres above ground level

Observations: To recommend the application is approved


New application

Application No: 17/2616/FUL

Applicants: Mr & Mrs D Chetty

Location: Great Houndbeare Farm – lane to Great Houndbeare Farm

Proposal: Change of use of existing music room to bistro, including construction of a single storey extension with terrace over, for existing holiday lets

Observations: Members support this application providing that the bistro is used just for the existing holiday-let accommodation

11. East Devon District Council: Planning Application Approved

Application No: 17/2478/TRE

Applicant: Mr N Warren

Location: 3 The Chestnuts

Proposal: T1 Horse Chestnut: crown raise to 3.5 metres above ground level

Observations: To recommend the application is approved

12. Finance

Payment of the following invoices was approved:

Cheque No Payee Amount

001018 L Parker - Parish Clerk £269.48

001019 Devon Communities Together – annual subscription £50.00

Direct Debit noted:

BT Broadband (Nov) £44.64

It was noted that PKF Littlejohn LLP of London has been appointed as External Auditor to all the parishes in Devon for the next 5 years with the fee to be advised.

13. Parishes together fund

The Clerk had attended a meeting at Ottery Town Council together with representatives from Westhill PC, Buckerell PC and Newton Poppleford PC. Various projects were put forward for next year including sturdy modular marquees which join together and could be shared, first aid classes and fluid proposals concerning a Health and Well Being Hub at Ottery Hospital. The main venture on the table for this year is a Mental Health Support Scheme for young people aged 13 – 24. A project of this kind is running successfully in Axminster and it is hoped to set up an outreach centre based via the Ottery Help Scheme. A further meeting will be held on 15 December when a representative from Ottery Help will come and explain this project. The Chairman and Clerk will attend this. There is still the option for one parish to employ a contractor to improve drainage and ditching. This option will not be available next year.

14. Playing Field

The Chairman has been unable to contact the relevant person at EDDC to take this matter further. She has been away but a message has been left.

15. Playground

The Clerk had published an article in Topics asking for a volunteer from the parish to come forward to oversee any work needed to be done in the playground. Unfortunately this did not bring in any suggestions. At this stage she will meet with David Griffiths, who has been of great help in the playground, and go through the latest Playground Inspection Report. Historically any high or medium risk comments have been dealt with. These will be highlighted and consideration given as to what must be done and how to go about it.

16. Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Jenny Meredith said that a draft questionnaire has been put together. Comments were invited from Phil Twamley (EDDC) and Martin Parkes (Devon Communities Together) which were forthcoming. The next meeting will take place on Monday 11 December when the questionnaire will be finalised and distribution considered which will be in the New Year.


17. Broadband speeds in the parish

It was decided that this is a difficult strategy to discuss at Parish Council as the pros and cons are vast. Therefore a sub-committee will be set up to discuss this at length. Cllrs Denise Dyer, Mark Branson, Peter Williams with other residents will meet regularly, as a working group, and report back to the Parish Council to find the best solution for Aylesbeare.

18. The Cranbrook Preferred Approach

This large document (emailed to Councillors) closes on 8 January 2018. The Chairman suggested that Councillors take more time to read it and the Community Consultation is put on the agenda in January for discussion. In the meantime Councillors would summarise their responses and email them to the Clerk.

19. Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan (2018- 2022) (emailed to Councillors)

It was not felt that a response to the document is necessary. However the Clerk will take the salient points from the plan and post an article in Topics in order to raise awareness of fire safety in the home.

20. Correspondence Received

NatWest Bank: Changes to banking terms

Clerks & Councils Direct: November 2017 issue

21. Date of Next Meeting

Parish Council : Wednesday 3 January 2018 at 7.30 pm

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.



