1. Complete with the present progressive form of the verb.

a) He __________________________ (connect) the computer.

b) It ____________________ (open).

c) Marcos and Samanta ___________________ (work) on the computer system.

d) We ________________________ (dial) the information.

e) Suzan and I ________________________ (use) the power point.

2. Complete with the present simple form of the verb.

a) They ______________________ (go) to college every Thursday.

b) He _______________________ (write) to a newspaper.

c) It ________________________ (give) a lot of information

d) Bernard _____________________ (play) the guitar.

e) Veronica ______________________ (study) Biology.

3. Complete with the correct form of the verb.

a) Kunico usually ____________________ (read) at night.

b) We __________________ (go) to the beach on Sundays.

c) Just a minute, I ________________________ (get) my bag.

d) The Phone _____________________ (ring), please answer it.

e) My mother and My brother __________________ (live) in Salvador.

f) Please stop the noise, I ________________________ (work) here.

g) My sister _________________ (cook) very well.

h) They _______________________ (watch) TV now.

i) Marcela and Diego ________________ (speak) Italian

j) Sandra and Juan ____________________ (play) soccer.