WEBSITE: www.avetongiffordpreschool.co.uk


TEL: 01548 550665

Mob: 07716790920

OFSTED REPORT: SEE www.ofsted.gov.uk



Aveton Gifford Pre-school was established in 1990 by a group of local parents and for 21 years operated in the shared, rented village hall. The pre-school and Toddler Group is a non- profit making organisation, run by a voluntary management committee mainly consisting of parents using the groups. It currently employs 5 staff and provides foundation stage care and education to children aged 2- 5 yrs for three and a half days a week during term time. One morning a week it holds a toddler playgroup for parents and carers and their children aged 0-5 years.

Additional out-of school clubs such as a Breakfast Club and a Holiday Club have been held but are subject to demand.

The premises, The Hive, is built for purpose and was designed by a local architect in conjunction with the committee and staff to meet the specific needs within this village. The building and land is owned by the pre-school and is the result of a ten year project led by a dedicated sub committee wishing to secure the future of this valued village amenity. Funding was secured through Aveton Gifford Parish Council, Devon First (Devon County Council) Better Buildings, local fundraising and by donations from local businesses. It was built by local builders opting for eco-friendly materials where possible and power is supplied by photo voltaic tiles positioned on the south facing roof. It opened in February 2011 and is adjacent to the primary school, enabling a close liaison between the two facilities. The entrance to The Hive is accessed from a specified footpath through the primary school grounds. The Hive provides an attractive, adaptable play space enabling a variety of suitable play and learning areas, enhanced by natural light from floor to ceiling windows and doors. There is open access to a safe outdoor learning environment with spaces for physical play, exploration and gardening.

The Pre-school and Toddler Group is a charity, registered with the Charity Commission and is a member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance. It is registered with Ofsted and was last inspected in July 2011 and was awarded “Good” overall and the report contains aspects of “Outstanding”.


Our aim is to provide a calm and stimulating environment for children to develop within our Foundation Stage setting and to provide support for all families within the community.

The pre-school has a unique ethos which has historically continued to be flexible, supportive and understanding towards the situations of families within the community, in an attempt to enable every family to be able to attend. All children and their families are welcomed, valued and encouraged to contribute. Differences are celebrated and individuals are invited to share special interests to be promoted in an inclusive environment. Each child’s abilities are nurtured and every endeavor is made to meet individual needs.


Aveton Gifford Pre-School welcomes any children aged 2-5 years. Places for children under 3 years are currently limited at each session in accordance with the higher staff ratio required. In the case of a waiting list, priority will be given to those who will be attending Aveton Gifford Primary School.

The Pre-School is accessed from the Primary School entrance in Fore Street following the footpath and steps to ‘The Hive’. There is plenty of parking in the village close to the village shop, opposite. If you need to avoid the steps, then it is possible to walk along the footpath up Church Lane and into Pulley’s Close.

In special circumstances, such as if you have a disability, staff can make arrangements for you to access The Hive car park. Please do not otherwise use this rear entrance as it is a strict regulation in our planning consent.

The Pre-School day begins at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.30 pm. Please arrive on time and wait outside (under the covered entrance) until a member of staff greets you at the door at the beginning and end of sessions. Parents/ carers are welcome to come into pre-school and may stay with their child if he/she is not yet settled when they first start Pre-School.

Remember to sign your child in to each session on the daily registration sheet. If someone other than the parents named on the registration sheet will be collecting your child, the Senior Practitioner must be informed at the beginning of the session. In the case of unexpected delay in fetching you child, please telephone the Pre-School.

Please inform the Senior Practitioner of any changes in circumstances, such as change of telephone number or address, but particularly if a change affects who should or should not collect your child.


Please ensure that your child arrives in easy to wear clothes with long hair tied back, and that a little bit of paint or glue won’t matter. We hope your child will be proud to wear an Aveton Gifford sweat shirt or polo shirt, although this is optional – an order form is available.

A coat should be provided for outdoor play and a sun hat in the summer. When wet, wellies are advised – these can either be brought to the session or kept at pre-school. Indoor shoes or slippers are also useful. Please make sure all items of shoes and clothing are named.

Children still in nappies must be provided with spare nappies, wipes, disposable bags and a spare set of clothes. Nappies must be taken home for disposal as we have no special collection service.

It is a requirement of the EYFS that children have free access to drinking water at all times during the session. We do this by providing a water jug and cups where children are able to help themselves. We have noticed that this is sometimes proving difficult for the younger children and to help them we are asking if you could please bring a named suitable drinking container from home that your child is familiar with. This can either be brought in at each session or kept in our pre-school kitchen.

Do not bring any sweets to Pre-School. It is helpful if all of the child’s own toys are left at home in case they get lost or broken. They can also cause a great many arguments. If, however, your child has a particular ‘comforter’, it may be brought to Pre-School where it can be placed in a special ‘treasure chest’. This serves the dual aim of encouraging independence whilst simultaneously having their emotional support close at hand if needed.


Our policy states that you must not bring your child if they have an infectious illness or have been sick or had diarrhoea in the last 48 hours. This also applies to a child with untreated headlice. We appreciate being informed of any contagious illness your child has so that we can advise other parents as necessary. If in any doubt please contact the Senior Practitioner or the Chairperson who can advise you.


Your child will be allocated a key worker, who will help to settle your child in and keep an eye out for their needs throughout their time here. The key worker will also keep a record of development and help to plan their ‘Next Steps’. Your key worker will also be your first point of reference for your child and is available to talk to you about any concerns you have, although as we are a small Pre-School, all staff will have equal contact and know all the children very well. You will get a chance to discuss your child's progress at Parent's evenings, as well as having the opportunity to attend open weeks and parent information sessions.




Our key structure of education is ‘Learning Through Play’. You will receive a plan of our activities each half term. Please read this through carefully as there will be weeks when the children are asked to bring items in or outings where they might need suitable clothing. If you have any special items at home which could be of interest to our theme, please bring them in or talk to the staff? You might like to continue themes at home with extra activities or visits.

If you or your child has any particular interests please talk to your key worker as we like to incorporate the children’s interests in our curriculum planning.

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: “Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. Practitioners must respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction.”


Children staying for lunch must be provided with a packed lunch. The lunch should be a healthy selection of items for young children, preferably low in salt and sugar. Sweets and chocolate are not permitted at pre-school, however one biscuit or cake with a small covering of chocolate to eat at the end of lunch is acceptable. All lunch boxes and drinks must be clearly labeled with the child’s name. We recommend that lunch boxes contain an ice pack to keep meat and dairy items cold, as they will not be stored in a refrigerator.


Children must be registered for the days they will be attending, at the beginning of term. If you wish to make changes to the days your child attends please inform the Pre-School before the end of the previous term.

You will be charged for the hours and sessions you have registered for. If your child is unable to attend you will not be able to substitute another session. If you wish to attend an extra session you will need to make a request before the end of the previous week. This will be accommodated if staffing levels are adequate and the activities planned are flexible.


Our Pre-school is registered with OFSTED to promote education as well as care to our Foundation Stage children. The Government Funding we claim for each child attending requires a suitable curriculum to provide opportunities for the attending children to develop towards the EARLY LEARNING GOALS (ELGs) set by SCAA (School Curriculum and Assessment Authority).

The areas of Leaning and Development are:-


Personal and Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language




Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

The curriculum is planned each half term by the Senior Practitioner and staff. A suggested two year rolling plan of themes has been selected though these are very flexible and can be altered to reflect the interests and ages of the children attending. Each theme is highlighted with relevant activities.

The Learning Intention codes appear on the curriculum plan each half term and are taken from the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). A summary of each of the Learning Areas is displayed in Pre-school – please ask if you would like to know more.

The practitioners use on-going observations to assess the learning and development and interests of each child attending and from these can plan individual ‘Next Steps’. These observations inform the curriculum plan with specific activities linked to Learning Intentions for the next medium term plan.

The learning opportunities are evaluated throughout the term, with strengths and weaknesses noted for a continual improvement to meet the current needs.

Each child is given the opportunity to build on his or her knowledge and capabilities, with progress recorded in their record book.

The curriculum is planned carefully to ensure all learning objectives for Foundation Stage children are adequately covered across all the sessions.


Where children attend another setting we will try to share information about their strengths and preferences to help with transitions and to provide continuity. This will be in the form of our personal news sheet to be passed between providers by the parent/carer. Please help by letting us know if he/she attends another setting. We can also set up a home/school notebook to share information if someone other than yourself regularly drops off or picks up your child. Please let us know if you think this would be helpful.


All children registered at Aveton Gifford Pre-school are given a Progress Record Book when they start attending. The Progress Record is divided into the seven areas of learning of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum

Under each heading is a list of developmental stepping stones which show progression towards Key Stage 1.Thes are flexible to include all abilities. (The Foundation Stage is from birth until the beginning of year 1 at Primary School, e.g. September before their 6th birthday).

Staff will respect the need for confidentiality regarding children’s additional needs within the setting. The Special Educational Needs Co-coordinator (SENCO) will communicate with the parent regarding their wishes on sharing information about the child’s needs to the group.