Become a Susquehanna Health Spirit of Women member and you’re doing more than just joining a club – you’re helping yourself and your family lead healthier, more informed lives.

As a Spirit of Women member, you will enjoy a variety of benefits, including:

· Free or discounted admissions to Spirit of Women sponsored events and health screenings.

· Invitations to members only special events

· Membership loyalty card that will give you access to special offers from a variety of local businesses

· Free Susquehanna Health magazine

YES! I would like to become a member

Please enroll me in the Susquehanna Health Spirit of Women Membership Program

Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss. Dr.

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City State Zip

Telephone Email

Date of Birth (month/day/year)

Are you a school district employee? YES NO

If yes, please list district and school______________________________________

Do you consider yourself a current Susquehanna Health patient/client? YES NO

If yes, which of the following services do you currently use?

Breast Health Emergency Room Imaging Pharmacy

Cancer Center Family Practice Lab The Birthplace

Cardiology Hospital OB/GYN Other

Number of children in your household under the age of 18

Do you prefer to receive your Susquehanna Health magazine via email U.S. mail

My interests:

Career/Education Childcare Cooking Fashion/Beauty

Crafts Relationships Gardening Health/Fitness


By joining Spirit of Women and/or participating in Spirit of Women programs and events, I agree to waive any and all claims against Susquehanna Health, its employees, directors and officers, all sponsors, their representatives and any successors from any all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this program or any related activities. For Susquehanna Health privacy policy, log onto