Minutes of the Meeting of 8th January, 2015
Comrie Community Centre 7:30pm
Attendance / ActionCommunity councillors:
Andrew Finlayson (Chair)
Pamela Manning (Secretary)
Peter Jones (Treasurer)
Gordon McCartney
Judy McDowall
John Greer
David Robertson
Lynn Duke
Cllr Ann Younger
Cllr Rhona Brock
Constable Donald Florence
1.0 / CCllr Finlayson opened the meeting by welcoming members and wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
2.0 / Police Matters
In the absence of Constable Florence, the Police Report was summarized. Concern was expressed at the lack of presence of police officers at our meetings.
The report included the following:
Youth Calls:
31/12/14 Complaint from Field of Refuge concerning youths.
Incidents in our area:
13/12/14 Overnight report of theft HB. Comrie Garage
18/12/14 Theft of sheep reported from farm near Comrie. Has occurred in the last year.
25/12/14 Cultybraggan Camp. Theft HB power tools etc stolen. Also theft OLP from car at same period.
The police have requested that they be contacted by email rather than by telephone.
3.0 / The previous minutes were agreed as read and adopted
4.0 / Matters arising from Minutes of CCC Meeting of 11.12.2014
4.1 / Cemetery: Damaged Stones
A grant application to PKC Grants Direct for £700 towards restoration of the fallen obelisk has been prepared. Meanwhile we note that repairs are being carried out on the damaged gatepost of the cemetery. We are also pleased to note that some of the trees are being pruned. / Cllr Finlayson
4.2 / Christmas Trees
A letter was received from Primary 6 and 7, Comrie Primary School, thanking CCllr Robertson for proving the school with their Christmas tree.
4.3 / Melville Monument
CCllr McDowall has contacted PKC requesting the monument be put into register of Buildings at Risk. She has also written to Gordon Banks MP concerning the issue but has had no reply. Rosanna Cunningham, MSP wishes to be copied into any correspondence concerning the monument. Meanwhile, Jim Darroch contacted Historic Scotland, who visited the monument and identified some damage to the perimeter but pronounced the monument itself as in a satisfactory state of repair. CCllr Finlayson has taken photos which will be sent to Historic Scotland. / Cllr Finlayson
5.0 / Secretary’s Report
CCllr Manning had nothing to report.
6.0 / Treasurer’s Report
CCllr Jones distributed a balance statement of the 7 accounts held by CCC. The balances were as follows:
Admin Fund £629.09
Community Fund £1,854.80
Hayride £1,074.76
Xmas Lights £8,703.35
Public Toilets £411.08
Legion Park £784.64
Flood Account £649.56
He recommended that an honorarium should be paid to Sandra McRitchie for her sterling work on the Comrie Website and Facebook page. A sum of £100 was unanimously agreed upon.
He also reiterated the importance of claiming expenses for anything spent whilst carrying out CCC business. / CCllr Jones
7.0 / Roads Matters
CCllr McCartney reported that on Saturday 3rd January, the A85 had not been gritted in the early morning and that there were 5 single car accidents between Comrie and St Fillans. He will bring this up with PKC councillors.
CCllr McDowall has been in touch with Jan Shuttleworth concerning drainage. There has been a clearance of the drain at St Serf’s and also at Chattam corner. However, Steve Roberts (cottage after flower shop exiting towards Crieff) phoned CCllr McDowall concerning damp entering his house. Cllr McDowall will write to Bear, our PKC councillors and maybe MP’s about drain clearance. / Cllr McDowall
7.0 / Councillors Reports
7.1 / New Year’s Eve
CCllr Robertson reported a very successful New Year Flambeaux celebration and recommended watching Lynn Duke’s video on the Comrie Website.
7.2 / By-Election
CCllr Finlayson informed CCC that the deadline for nominations for the By-Election have to be submitted by 26th January. Posters advertising this will be exhibited in the PO and the 2 notice boards. Nomination forms also available at the PO. CCllr Finlayson will also contact Lyn Duke to advertise for nominations in the Strathearn Herald. / CCllr Manning
CCllr Finlayson
7.3 / Xmas Lights
CCllr Robertson considers that the Xmas Lights need to be managed by a separate group. CCllr Jones pointed out that the CC is merely the fund-holder for the Xmas lights. / CCllr Robertson
7.4 / Forum of Strathearn Community councils
The next Forum meeting will be held on 13th January at Braco Parish Hall. CCllrs Jones and Manning will attend. / CCllr Jones
CCllr Manning
7.5 / CCC list in Outlook
Cllr McDowall has written to the editor of this newsletter in order to update the list of Comrie Community Councillors.
8.0 / AOB
8.1 / CCllr Finlayson informed CCC that the second stage of the Flood Risk Management Proposals will be ready by June 2016. Maps indicating risk areas can be viewed in the library but not used anywhere else.
Used sandbags lying around in Strowan Road need to be removed by PKC. CCllr Finlayson will request that this be done. / Cllr Finlayson
The next meeting will be held on February 11th 2014 in the White Church.