NOVEMBER17, 2016
A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on November17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Heid, Daniels, Isbell, Moos, Rohn, Winterand Mayor Ross. Attorney Rocklin was also present. Mayor Ross proposed an amendment to the agenda because Todd Anderson of Xcel Energy is unable to make it to the meeting this evening due to weather. Nina Lewis, president of the Eaton Area Park & Recreation District is available to fill the void. Trustee Moos moved to amend the agenda by inserting Nina Lewis, President of Eaton Area Park and Recreation District, as Item 3 because Xcel Energy-Todd Anderson is unable to attend, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the October20thmeeting. TrusteeIsbell moved to approve the October 20thminutes as written, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 3– Eaton Area Park and Recreation District – Nina Lewis. Mrs. Lewis provided an update of the progress of the new facility and some staffing. The fields have been seeded and are coming up nicely. They are starting excavation for the pool and hope to have plumbing installed within the next two weeks. If things move along as they have been, the target date of opening in July 2017 is very possible. The board has offered the director position to Bryan Kentfield, the town’s current recreation director, and are involved in contract negotiations at this time. The board continues to apply for grants to help the process move along. Mrs. Lewis also expressed thanks and appreciation to the board and town staff for all their assistance and encouragement with this project. Another tour of the facility will be scheduled at a later date, once it’s all enclosed. The Community room area, for receptions/parties, is able to hold approximately 640 people according to Fire Code. The board is doing a Brick Program with three entry levels for financial participation, which will be put in the south entry way of the facility, with a cutoff date of December 31, 2016.
Item 4 – Public hearing on 2017 proposed Budget. MayorRossopened the public hearing for comments from the public regarding the 2017Budget. There were no comments from the public so Mayor Ross closed the hearing.
Item 5 –Public hearing on new liquor license request – The Sugar House Restaurant, 226 Oak Avenue. Tony Pera, owner of the Sugar House Restaurant, provided a report on the results of his petition survey which members of the board has copies of and shows definite support for his request for the wine and beer license. There were no citizens present for comment on the public hearing. Clerk Bagley reported all paperwork submitted appears to be in order. Concluding discussion and questions, Trustee Moos moved to grant the request, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 6 –Ordinance No. 580 Re: Repealing Eaton Municipal Code on Loitering, second reading. Trustee Isbell moved to adopt Ordinance No. 580, an ordinance repealing Eaton Municipal Code §10-4-1 (b) (1), Loitering for the purpose of begging on second reading, seconded by Trustee Winter. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 7 – Resolution 2016-10: Setting public hearing for proposed Fagerberg Annexation (farm south of Maplewood Estates). Gary stated that Lynn Fagerberg would like to annex his farm located just south of the Cobblestone Inn, located in Maplewood Estates. Mr. Fagerberg has no current plan to develop. The public hearing is to determine if the proposed annexation complies with §§31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., or such parts thereof as may be required to establish eligibility pursuant to §31-12-101, et seq., to be scheduled for January 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. The planning commission will also be looking at the proposed annexation in January to make their recommendation to the board. Concluding discussion and questions, Trustee Moos moved to approve Resolution No. 2016-10, setting the public hearing for annexation on January 19, 2017, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 8 –Citizen comments/questions. None.
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Item 9 -Reports.
Chief Mueller provided an update of activities in the police department.
Gary announced Xcel Energy is going to start changing out the street lights to LED lights around the 18th of November to save the town some money. Gary also said after the first of the year the town will try 3 or 4 solar lights on the new Third Street extension to see how they work.
Trustee Moos would like some research done on the single family dwellings-defining number of people allowed.
Mayor Ross provided an MPO update. Mayor Ross also suggested it may be time to review the Comprehensive Plan in the near future.
Item 10 –Adjourn to Eaton Housing Authority Budget meeting. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. to Eaton Housing Authority Budget meeting.
Gary reviewed the budget and answered questions. Concluding discussion and questions, Trustee Moos moved to approve the 2017 Eaton Housing Authority Budget as presented, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 6-0.
As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk