Greetings Swine Producers,

Southeast Iowa Snout & Tails – an e-communication to forward timely topics and provide awareness of upcoming events for the swine industry. Please reply to if you have suggested topics, wish to be added or removed from mailing list.

August 24, 2010



- Environmental Regulations and Program Assistance Update IPPA

2  - Manure Issues

3  – More Manure

- An Eye on Margin


1-  Environmental Regulations and Program Assistance Update

Contact: Tyler Bettin, Producer Education Director

(800) 372-7675,

Iowa Pork Producers Association to host regulatory update conference

The Iowa Pork Producers Association is partnering with Iowa State University Extension and Phibro Animal Health to offer regulatory information for pork producers and allied industry representatives September 7.

All interested individuals are invited to attend the conference from 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. September 7 at the Iowa State Center Scheman Building in Ames. Pre-registration is requested.

Eldon McAfee, IPPA legal counsel with Beving, Swanson & Forrest, will discuss current regulations, nuisance cases as well as ongoing rule making and policy procedures affecting Iowa pork producers.

Dr. Jay Harmon, professor with the Iowa State University Department of Ag & Biosystems Engineering, will update producers on current environmental research and assistance programs offered through Iowa State University.

“Producers are constantly learning of new laws, regulations, and policy initiatives with little detail on how it affects them or what they need to do to comply,” said Tyler Bettin, IPPA producer education director. “We hope sessions like this will bring them up to speed on current issues and answer any questions they may have.”

The conference is free for those who preregister or $10 at the door. For more information or to pre-register, please contact the Iowa Pork Producers Association at (800) 372-7675 or e-mail .

IPPA also is offering the opportunity for individuals to view the conference and ask their questions via webcast.

Follow these instructions to view online:

Three ways you can attend - Sept. 7th, 1:00-4:30

1)  Live meeting held at Iowa State University, Scheman Building in Ames. Pre-registration is requested. The conference is free for those who preregister or $10 at the door. For more information or to pre-register, please contact the Iowa Pork Producers Association at (800) 372-7675 or e-mail .

2)  Webcast from your own computer.

Follow these instructions to view online:

Access Information:

1)  Go to

2)  Enter as a Guest by typing your first and last name in the box and clicking “Enter Room”

Test Your Equipment Ahead of Time:

Follow the directions for “Access Information.” If you cannot access the online meeting room, please call Robin or Floyd at (515) 294-8658 for technical assistance.

3)  Attend Webcast at Washington County Extension Office.
You can join Tom Miller in viewing the program.

“We look forward to utilizing technology to accommodate as many interested individuals as possible with this information,” Bettin said. “With all the responsibility on-farm, it is not always easy for producers to travel long distance for meetings.”

2-  Manure Issues

a.  Statewide Training Session for Commercial Manure Applicators Scheduled for Aug. 25

Follow this link for information on the training:

  1. Is your operation considered a Large CAFO, a medium CAFO? Do you need a NPDES permit? Follow this link to learn more:

  1. Relationship of Nitrogen Conversion in Soil to N Loss

After 3 wet springs in succession many producers are wondering about nitrogen from deep pit swine manure as a reliable supplier of nutrients for crop production. This article by Dr. John Sawyer helps to explain the process by which we lose nitrogen:

3-  More Manure

Remember when applying manure this on ground which is planned to be in beans next year that application is limited to 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre.

* IA DNR no longer sending out reminders for Annual Manure Plan Submission

MMP submission due dates for sites by county are available on the web:


** Factsheet on Selling and Buying Manure in Iowa is available

The latest Iowa Manure Manager Series fact sheet, Selling and Buying Manure In Iowa, has been finalized and posted to the web at:


Resource for information on manure, manure plans, etc. :
- IMMAG Web site at
- DNR Web site at


4- An eye on margin

“An eye on margin” will become a reoccurring segment that will offer different resources to assist with market knowledge
and margin awareness to sharpen marketing skills.

** Resource: Swine Crush Margin

Access the “Current Crush Margins” at ISU Ext. Iowa Farm Outlooks and News web site:

At this site under “Swine” are links to:

·  Wean-to-Finish Crush Margin (updated weekly)

·  Additional background information

In the case of wean-to-finish pigs the “crush” margin is the value of the market hog less the cost of the pig and the corn and SBM to raise it. Thus the “crush” margin is the remaining revenue used to pay all other costs and, hopefully, return a profit. The crush margin provides an indicator of return that takes into account the variables with the greatest price risk. It is also tied to the futures market that can be used to manage the price risk for several months before the hogs are sold. The Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University provides a crush margin analysis tool on its website with the following objectives:

·  Calculate and report the crush margin based on Wednesday futures closing prices for WF hogs that will be marketed for more than a year into the future.

·  Track how the margin for each contract has changed over time

·  Report the margin average and variability by month over the last 10 years.

** Resource: LRP & LGM Insurance

** Resource: Iowa Farm Outlook – Jan. 2010, ISU Economic Dept.

5a. Swine CALENDAR

08/26/2010- Commercial Manure Applicator Certification Reshow

09/07/2010- Environmental Regulations and Program Assistance Update


5b. Youth Ag CALENDAR


5c. Other Ag CALENDAR

09/15/2010- Fall Field Day at SE IA Research Farm


6a. Resources – IPPA

The IPPA has materials on the following topics. They are very helpful and to the point ( 8 to 12 page 8.25”x5.5” pamphlets). Request materials by calling IPPA 800-372-7675 or e-mail Tyler Bettin at

1.  Recommended checklist – suggestions for non-permitted sites, 8 page, $0

2.  Facility Leasing Checklist, 12 page, $0

3.  Legal Requirements for Marketing Pork Products… adding value to live hogs, 8 pages, $0

6b. ISU

* IOWA CONCERN HOTLINE: 800-447-1985. Confidential, 24 hour, free resource to access range of expertise to aid people make quality of life decisions.

* Families Extension Answer Line: 800-262-3804

*CALT – Center Agricultural Law and Taxation- Web site:

* Ag Decision Maker – Web site:

* PIG – Web site:

* Mortality Composting – Web site:

* Midwest Planning Service – Web site:


6c. State of Iowa

* Iowa Attorney General, Environmental and Ag Law Division,
- information on production contracts and commodity production contract lien


Iowa State University Extension – Builds partnerships and provides research-based learning opportunities to improve quality of life in Iowa.

We believe in ….Quality, Access, Diversity, Accountability

We are dedicated to … Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Local Presence


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.


Thank you for making it this far down the page. Please e-mail or call if I can be of assistance to you or your operation.