Dramais aliterarycomposition to be acted byplayers on astagebefore anaudience.Itssuccessfulportrayaldependsonthecooperationthatmustexistamongwriters,actors,producers andaudiences in acceptingthelimitations and the conventions ofthestage. Sincetheturnofthetwentiethcentury,moderndramahasbecomethegreatestform ofmass entertainment inthe western world. Experimentation and innovation arebasicto this century’s dramatist. Through movies and television, everyonehas experienced the excitement and emotional involvement that gives thedramaits important placein ourlives today.Thedramaisdifficulttoreadbecauseitismeanttobeseen, not read.
It demands much imagination and attention on the part of the reader to enable him to hear the tones and see the actions of the actors against an imaginary background. The reader has only the dialogue from which to visualize the costumes, the situation, the facial expressions, and the movements of the actors. The drama is also difficult to writebecause the playwright must be aware of the interests and opinions of the actors and producer as well as his audience. He must also recognize the limitation of the stage and work within the many conventions and restrictions it imposes on the actions of his characters and the locations of his settings.
Plot and Plot structures
Suspense and Atmosphere
Theliteraryelements ofthedramaincludesetting, plot, characters, and theme. Essential to the effectivepresentationofthese elements are conflict, structure, suspenseand atmosphere. Each ofthese elements areincluded in any narrativecomposition, but drama adds extra elements ofstagedirection, lighting effects, andthevisual presenceoftheactors,thesetand costumes.
Thesettingofadramapresented on stagemust beadapted to thelimitations ofthestagearea.
Theplaywright must confinehis locations to scenes that can beconstructed on thestage and limited to as a few changes as possible. Theactions must bephysicallyrestricted on thestage, and depend on dialogue,lighting,and sound effects to carrytheactions andevents that cannot be presented visually.It is this physical confinementthat makes writingplaysmoredifficult than anyothernarrativeform.
Theplot ofthedrama,although limited in its physical actions andchanges oflocation orscene,is similarto that ofthenovel orshort story.It must havethesamecharacteristics ofdevelopment and structuring, and depend on conflict, suspenseand mood to carrythe action forward.
Technical Divisions –
Acts and scenes arethedivisions ofaplay. Shakespeare’s plays aremainlyfive acts in length,
with manychanges ofscene withineach act. However, themodern theatre audienceis accustomed to sittingforonlytwo tothreehours to watch aplay. This means the averagemodern playmust belimited to three acts,which also has thebenefit ofkeepingset changesminimum. A few modern plays run longerand have fiveorsixacts.
Thetechnical development orstructuringoftheaction in adramais similar to that ofanovel.
•Apreliminary exposition opens up theplay, presentingbackground information and any necessaryexplanation ofthesituation.It introduces the characters.
•Theincitingmomentfollows thepreliminaryexposition in whichthe conflict is presentedand themain action begins.
•Therising action then develops through aseriesofincidents and minor crises which lead up to the climaxortheturning point ofthestruggle when the action turns againsttheprotagonist.
•Thefalling action follows the climaxas the conflict works itselfout either foror against the protagonist.
•Thedenoument(ending)presents thefinal outcomes ofthestruggle, sometimes referred to as thecatastrophewhich is the end ofthestruggle, but it is necessarilyatragic ending.
Developing the ACTION
Preliminary Exposition:
Thebeginningmust beclear, brief, and interesting. Everydetail must haveapurpose: characters
areintroduced in their roles, background information is given, themood and tone areestablished,
time and place aregiven,and anynecessaryhints at theoutcomeorsuggestion ofthemethat will give understandingto theplot is provided.
The complications whichkeep theplot movingforward must havesomebasis in real life. They
develop through series ofcrises that movein waves ofheightened emotion,all movingupwards to apeak ofcrisis or climaxwheretheaction reverses from theprevious risingaction and the events goforor against theprotagonist towards afinal outcome. Thefallingaction, likethe risingaction, moves in waves of emotional crises.Thedenoument or ENDING should benatural in its outcome, inevitablein its solutions, unless it is asurprise ending, andrealisticin its purpose.
Suspensein situations which rouseourconcern forthe welfareofthe characters can becreated inmanyways in aplay.Itcan beaccomplished through aseries ofcrisesandamajor crisis or climax, foreshadowing, surpriseoruseoftheunexpected, withholdinginformation, disguise, and theintervention of chanceor fate.
Emphasis is maintained bydemonstrating everypoint to the audience. Everysceneorconversation betweencharacters must haveapurpose; dialoguemust not wanderawayfrom themajor concerns oftheplot normust it bedirected towards superfluous orunrelated detail. Exits and entrances must bemanaged with purpose andbeproperlytimed togaindramatic emphasis, whilemaintaininga
naturalness that does not destroythecontinuityofevents. Artistic economy must beobserved at all times, permittingno wasteofmovements, words, orevents to obtain an overall unit and emphasis ofpurpose.
Prologueand Epilogue:
Aprologueis generallygiven byan actorbeforetheplaybegins.Its purposeis to present anexplanatorypoem orspeech that introduces information that is needed to start theplay. Anepilogueis aspeech madebyan actor aftertheplayis over.It maybeused bytheplaywright to reveal what happened afterwards orto point out thelesson oftheplay.In this way heis ableto conveythemeaningbehind his playand its outcomes which could not bedone naturallywithin theplot.
The atmosphereand mood ofthedramais created bytheset, thelighting, the furnishings, themusicorsound effects, theopeningdialogue, thefacial expressions andgestures oftheactors, and thegrowingtensionoftheplot.
Stage Directions and Their Value:
As playsareintended to beseen, not read, everythingin them, must beseenorheard.Allinforma-tion, emotions, attitudes, and reactions must bepresented through speechand action. This means that stagedirection must succeed in reachingthe audiencethrough effectiveuseof speech, action, furnishing, lighting,exits, entrances, and sound effects. Stagedirections must determinetheactor’s movements, choiceof costumes, as well as thebehaviorof characters and interpretations oftheirspeeches.
Characters in aplayareportrayed byactors who speak thedialogueand carryout theaction of
theplay. Sometimes characters maybemerelyinstruments in theplot; at othertimes, theyhave control oftheaction.
All charactersmustappearnatural so that theirmotivations and reactions as well as their exits and entrances seem realistic totheaudience.
Somedramatists introducea widerrangeof characters into theirplays thanother authors.
Shakespearehas thewidest, most developed rangeof anyplaywright.
Characters aredeveloped through theirdialogueand theiractions.
Theirdialoguecarries theplot and themeoftheplayand must be adapted
to theirindividual characters.Ifdialogueis unrealistic, it must still reveal their character.
Charactersmustbestrongly drawn, consistentand believable.
Sudden changes in character, inappropriategestures, wrongdialogue, mistimed facial expressions orsmiles when themood is sad orhostilemust be avoided iftheplayis to be consistent in its portrayaland effectiveemotionallyand intellectuallyforthe audience.
Drama is created by conflict.
It usuallyinvolves opposingforces, sometimes external and physical, sometimes internal and
psychological. Theremaybea clash of wills in a conflict ofpurposes, ortheremaybeamental or emotional conflict within on person.
Themein adramais similarin its aspects to thoseoftheshort storyornovel. Theme is the main idea or purpose of the story, which the playwright is trying to convey to the audience.
Aone-act playis similarto ashort storyin its limitations.It is a completedrama within oneact.It is brief, condensed, and singlein effect. Onesituation or episodeis presented, permittingno minorplots orside actions that maydistract attention forthesinglepurposeand effect being developed. Charac-tersare fewin number, quicklyintroduced, and verylimited in character development. Dialogue and plot must carrythe action forward smoothlyand quickly.
One-acts can runanywhere from fifteen minutes to an hourormore. Whiletechnically, theone-act playgets its name from havingonlyoneact(howeverlongthat might be), it's more commonly thought of asaplaythat isn't longenough to constitutea full evening. Arguablythemost popular length forone-acts is around ahalf-hour.
Agood one-act focuses on onemain action orproblem; there's not timeto get into complicated layers ofplot. And forpractical reasons, it'sagood ideato keepyourplayto oneset and asfew scenesas possible. You will be asked to writeyourone-act with themost minimal set and technical demands possible.
Like all drama, one-act plays are made up of the same elements that are necessary forshort stories : Theme, Plot, Character, and dialogue.
The one-act needs to have a theme or thought just as a full-length does. What is the playabout? Revenge? Self-discovery? Whatever your choice, it needs to be clear in your mindwhat your theme is. In a full-length play, all characters, plots, and subplots need to point toand support the theme. The one-act is not much different, except the subplots will likely beabsent.
This is much different in the one-act than in the full-length. For a full-length play, the plot isthe series and sequence of events that lead the hero (and the audience) on the journey. In aone-act play there is really only time for one significant event. This is the determining placefor the hero, where all is won or lost. Events that lead up to this must be incorporated into thescript without the benefit of the audience seeing them. And any events that follow must beinferred or understood by the audience that they will occur.
There is really only enough time in this to get to know one character well -- the hero. In theshort time that the one-act play is going, it is the hero's event that the audience isexperiencing; again, there
isn't time for more than that. Some characteristics of the supportingcharacters, including the
antagonist, will need to be portrayed for the story to move forward,but it is the character of the protagonist that is vital to the story line.
Economy is the key here. Each line must be crafted carefully to focus on the theme, theincident, and the character of the protagonist. The dialogue need not be abrupt, but must beconcise and full of meaning. Any lines that do not point to the focus of the play should becarefully considered for whether they are needed
Dramatic Analysis and Construction of the One-Act-Play
I. The Theme of the One-Act play
II. The Technique of the One-Act play
a.The characters in the one-act play
b.The plot of the one act play
1.The beginning of the one-act play
2.The middle of the play
3.The end of the play
III. Dialogue of the play
A one-act play deals with a single dominant situation, and aims at producing a single effect, though the methods used may vary greatly from tragedy to farce, according to the nature of the effect desired. As the play is short and the action takes place within a short period of time, greatest economy and concentration is required. Everything unneeded is to be strictly avoided. The play must be close knit and the greatest attention must be paid to its structure. It is a highly artistic form and has immense possibilities for development.
Though short in form the one-act play can have as its theme a large number of varied subjects. In fact every subject between heaven and earth is fit for the one-act play. It, of course, deals with only one action to produce the maximum of effect. Some tense situation or some particular phase in the life of an individual is chosen and is depicted in an effect-tive manner. All attention is concentrated on that particular moment and the story of the play hangs on it.
Various problems connected with the life of the individual are discussed. Thus various sort of things – love, marriage, divorce, justice, crime, punishment, law, superstitions, customs and manners – are all suitable themes for a one-act play. According to its theme the one-act play can be divided into different types as – realistic plays, problem plays, phantasies, costume plays, satire, romance, etc. In short, the playwright has a large and varied choice of subjects which can be discussed equally well in the one-act play.
The One-Act Play, like the longer drama, should have a beginning, middle and an end. It may be divided into four stages: the Exposition, the Conflict, the Climax and the Denouement. All these stages may be distinctly marked as in the larger play, but more often than not, they tend to overlap in a one-act play.
The Exposition servesas an introduction to the play. The situation and the themes of the play are explained to the audience and the important characters are also introduced. The part of the story that has already happened and which it is necessary to know for an understanding of the play, is also told to the audience. But as the one-act play is very short, the dramatist cannot devote much time to this introduction-and explanation.
Therefore, the exposition of a one-act play is usually brief.
The exposition is followed by the conflict. It is through the conflict that the action of the drama develops. The conflict means a struggle between two opposing forces. The conflict may take different forms. There may be a struggle between two opposite interests, ideas, persons, group of persons, or the hero and his fate or circumstances. There may also be an inner conflict between two opposite ideas or urges in the mind of the hero, who may not be able to decide what to do and so may suffer great agony of spirit as a consequence. The conflict is the very backbone of the one-act play. Complications after complications arise and the readers are in constant suspense about the outcome of the conflict.
After the conflict comes the climax. It is the turning point of the drama. One of the two contending forces now gains supremacy over the others. It is now clear which of the two would win in the end. The climax is an important part of the one-act play and constitutes its moment of supreme interest.
The Denouement is the next and the final stage of the one-act play. The play now reaches its end. One of the two contending forces now definitely gets victory over the other and the action of the drama concludes. As the space at the disposal of the writer of one-act plays is limited, the denouement is very brief and often overlaps with climax. The plays come to an end just after the climax.
There are three dramatic unities which are observed in the One-Act Play as far as possible. The unities are – the unity of time, unity of place and the unity of action. If the drama is to be probable and natural, these three unities are to be observed by the dramatist. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to observe these unities, but effort is to be made to observe them as far as possible.
The characters in a one-act play are limited in number. The space at the disposal of the playwright is limited and if he introduces too many characters, it would result in overcrowding and lessen the effect of the drama. Of course, there is no hard and fast rule as to the number of characters in a play. But generally there are not more than two or three principal characters.
Not only are the characters limited in number, there is also no full development of character. The dramatist has no time to present the characters through the different stages of their development. All the different aspects of a character are not presented. The attention is focused on only one or two unique aspects of character and they are brought out by placing the characters in different situations and circumstances.
Besides this, the characters in the modern one-act play are ordinary men and women. They are neither saints nor devils. They have all the faults and weaknesses, as well as all the virtuesthat ordinary human beings have. If they are otherwise, it would make the play unnatural, unrealistic and unconvincing.
Dialogue is of the greatest importance in the One-Act Play. As the drama is short, all wordiness is to be avoided. Absolute economy of means should be used. Every word is to be carefully chosen and sentences must be compact and condensed. Effort should be made to say, whatever is to be said, in the least possible words. Thus the language of the dialogue should be simple, brief and easy to understand. Long speeches and arguments and long sentences would be out of place and would lessen the charm and interest of the play.
Detailed stage-directions are invariably introduced by the dramatist in the one-act play. The space at the disposal of the playwright is limited and so he cannot supply us with detailed information through a lengthy exposition or during the action of the play itself. This purpose is served by the stage directions. Moreover these stage directions, describing the minute details of the scene, give an air of realism to the drama.
Besides, the play is not meant only for acting but for reading as well. The reader can know of the entire scene through the stage direction and can, to a great extent, appreciate the real spirit of the drama. The stage directions function to make the play perfectly clear to the reader. They impart realism and authenticity to the one-act play.