RelayClinical™ Platform Release 11.1
Partner Testing and Reporting
Health Connections Brought to Life™
RelayClinical Service Partner Testing 11.1
Table of Contents
Testing Introduction 3
Important Dates 3
Client Information 4
Questions or Issues 4
RelayHealth Testing Coordinator Contacts 4
Testing Site 5
Test Reporting 5
Your Common Workflows 8
Patient Photo Upload 9
Recent Patients List 9
Testing Introduction
Thank you for agreeing to be a RelayClinical Platform Client Testing Partner!
This document provides a list of features we have added or enhanced in our next release and includes a convenient table you can use to report your findings. In conjunction with this test reporting document, we encourage you to review our most recent What’s Coming in the RelayClinical Platform document for brief overviews of new and enhanced features you’ll see while testing.
Many of our development projects for release 11.1 were in response to customer requests. Just a few examples of new features we’ve introduced in this release include:
· Recent Patients List – Provides efficient access to recently added or selected patient records
· Meaningful Use Guidance Indicator – Emphasizes data entry opportunities to help RelayClinical service users meet Meaningful Use guidelines
· Patient Photo Upload – Assists healthcare providers with patient recognition and the prevention of insurance fraud
· Patient Chart Notifications Module – Provides efficient identification of potential duplicate patient records
We’ve included sample workflows for the Patient Photo Upload and Recent Patients List features in this document. If you have any questions or concerns about these workflows, or have questions about other new features or enhancements, please send an email to .
In addition to reviewing the enhancements beginning on page 5 in this document, we ask that you work with 11.1 to test the workflows you typically use on a day-to-day basis. This will help to ensure that existing features were not adversely impacted by the new release.
Ultimately, the partner testing process is not just about making sure the RelayClinical service works. It’s also about making sure the service works for you. Your participation in the testing process not only contributes significantly to the quality of our service – it also helps to ensure a successful transition to Release 11.1 for users in your organization. Again, we thank you for your participation in the partner testing process.
Important Dates
Testing Begins – Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Last Date to Report Issues – Friday, April 15, 2011*
Testing Ends – Friday, April 22, 2011
Version 11.1 Release -- Currently scheduled for April 27, 2011
* RelayHealth will use the final week of the testing period (April 18-22) only to verify reported bugs. Please raise any issues by April 15th in order to have them addressed.
Client Information
Tester Name:Business:
Phone Number:
Browser Type:
Browser Version:
Operating System:
Operating System Version:
Questions or Issues
If you have a question, bug, or issue to report during your testing, please send an email to:
Note that the above address has changed from the address used in previous release testing.
Our Testing Coordinators will centrally manage all issues reported to address above. Please include the Client Information from the table above in your email, and be sure to specify the browser and operating system you’re using. If there is an update required to resolve the reported issue, you will receive an estimated time to resolution and instructions on how to validate the update.
Additionally, please feel free to reach out to your Territory Director or Deployment Specialist if you have questions or concerns. These RelayHealth professionals can help to facilitate your testing.
RelayHealth Testing Coordinator Contacts
Name / Phone / EmailLeif Jacobson, Manager, PMO / 510-637-7032 /
Alvin Pleil, Scrum Master/Agile Project Manager / 650-200-7430 /
Testing Site
Test Reporting
Test Area / Describe Workflow / Pass/Fail / Comments /RelayClinical Record
· New Patient Photo Upload
See Page 9!
· New Notifications Module
RelayClinical Documentation (Progress Notes)*
· View free text with new hover icon:
· Improved Add Medication workflow
· Attach Note to Referral
· Send Patient Education topic(s)
· Improved Objective tab Results module
· New Note templates
Insurance/Guarantor Control
· Enhanced control design
· Specify primary and additional insurances
Meaningful Use Guidance Indicator*
· View measure details with new hover icon:
Practice Entity Relationships
· Expose practice as an entity to patients and colleagues
Message Settings
· Enhanced to separate practice and provider default message settings
Search Your Entire Network*
· Enhanced search options and results output
Patient Match/Merge
· Consistent user interface in resolution workflows
· Enhanced duplicate patient identifier workflow
Recent Patients List
· View 10 most recent patients
See Page 9!
Patient Vitals
· New patient-entered vitals
· Display of vitals source
· Pre-populated patient height
Build Patient List
· New list export options
Miscellaneous Enhancements
· Results distribution enhancement*
· Additional option on primary specialty list
· eScript print enhancements*
· eScript free-text medications enhancement*
· ‘Sticky’ eScript Print for Chart option*
· New Family History selection
· Display of Refer-to provider’s fax number
· Display of patient middle name
· Results Manager – Sort queue by date*
· New patient Marital / Relationship status options
· Enhanced Orders Guarantor Selection*
· Demographic Matching Scoped to Affiliations*
· Multiple Active IDs*
· Create Patient from Inbound ORM Message*
· IMS Transfer Service
· Cancel Patient Notification
· Colleague Messaging Inbound Service
· Outbound Register Document Set
· CCD Vitals and Encounters
* This application module or feature is available for testing only if configured for your partner testing account(s). If you would like to review or test a feature that has not yet been configured, please send an email to:
Your Common Workflows
Please use the table below to report testing outcomes for other features or workflows you use daily:
Other Feature or Workflow: / Describe Workflow / Pass/Fail / Comments /Patient Photo Upload
We’ve provided sample photos at the following URL:
To upload a photo to a patient’s record in your test account, follow the instructions below.
- Save the patient’s photo to any convenient location on your computer’s hard drive. If you prefer to use a different photo than the file we provided for testing, ensure the alternate photo is saved in .gif or .jpg format.
- Access the patient’s RelayClinical Record and click the male/female photo placeholder in the patient banner. You can also click Edit in the patient banner and then scroll down to access the photo upload area in the patient’s Personal Information.
- Click Browse. Navigate to the location where you’ve saved the file and double-click the file name.
- Click Upload.
- The photo appears in the Patient Information area. Click Save to return to the patient’s RelayClinical Record. The photo displays to the far right in the patient banner.
Recent Patients List
The Recent Patients list displays when you click on any patient search field in the service. The service dynamically populates the 10 most recently selected or added patients and alphabetizes the list by patient first name. To test this feature:
Populate the List:
Search for and select several patient records from the Global Patient Search, the Patients tab, eScript, or any compose patient message workflow. The Recent Patients list feature also includes new records you add through Add a Patient workflows.
Select Patient:
Navigate to Global Patient Search, the Patients tab, eScript, or any other area of the service you use frequently. Click in the patient search field to view the Recent Patients list. Select any patient from the list to navigate to the selected patient’s RelayClinical Record or to populate a message or other form (eScript, Referral, etc.) with the patient’s data.
Special Note: Patient search fields in the service retain their previous type-ahead logic. To locate the record of a patient who is not included in the Recent Patients list, simply type the first few letters of the patient’s first name, last name, or identifier in the search field to review a list of matching records.