ESPAW Board Meetings
Oct. 20, 2013
DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport
Members Present:Lori Butler, Bruce Cannard, Eric Daniel, Robyn Davis, Karen Douglass, Kelly Evans, Scott Friedman, Heather Ireland, David Jones,Jennifer Keck, Rebekah Kim, Don Lee, Jeff McCormick, Lisa Pacheco, Brian Pickard, Ron Sisson, Heidi Sue Sutton, Anne Tsuneishi, Kathy Werner, Brock Williams, Chris Visserman
Members Absent: Laura Bolt,Chris Pearson, Julie Bridenbach, Kelley Boyd
Staff Present:Paula Quinn, Cris Sippel, Gary Kipp, Caroline Brumfield, David Morrell, Jerry Bender
Guests:Bob Butts (OSPI)
Call to Order:President Ron Sisson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Minutes:The board reviewed May 2014 minutes.
ACTION ITEM: Brian Pickard motioned to approve minutes as written; Lisa Pacheco seconded motion; board unanimously voted to approve minutes as written.
OSPI Report: Bob Butts discussed the implementation of the 3rd Grade Reading legislation, McCleary Overview, how to use WaKIDS data and shared the results from a survey on the length of the school year.
Financial Report:Kelly Evans reported out on the budget. ESPAW is in great financial health. Income statement: line item 13 income based on 1200 members at $58 per person; conservative figure. Will have moremembers than that. Line item 21 revenue: more revenue than anticipated; expenses higher than anticipated but still in a good place.
ACTION ITEM:Brian Pickard motioned to approve 2014/15 budget; Lori Butler seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to approve and adopt the 2014/15 budget.
AWSP Membership Report:
ESPAW has had an increase in membership over the year due to the increase in hiring of assistant principals in elementary schools to assist with TPEP.
Elections:Scott Friedman discussed the election process, encouraged board members to share with their regional peers the benefits of being on the ESPAW board and to encourage others to run for board offices. Voting will be open between October 29 and closes Friday, Nov. 14 at 4:00 p.m.
NDP Report:Bruce Cannard reported out on the process for the NDP program and asked the regional directors to submit the name of their regional distinguished principal to the AWSP office. NDP packets will be sent to all nominees by November 10.
NAESP Report:Brian Pickard discussed the upcoming NAESP elections and the importance of participation in these elections.
Communications Report:
Caroline Brumfield and David Morrill discussed the upcoming projects for the communications dept: Redesign of website and blog. They are adding podcasts and videos to the website as well as the digital magazine. Their goal is to increase open rates and clicks of all e-newsletters and to get more followers on twitter. They asked the board what they would like to see on the board pages: regional director’s documents, different photos, peer sharing.
Governmental Relations Report:
Jerry Bender discussed the areas of focus for the year: members engaging other members in policy making process and providing members with current information. He discussed 1351 and the upcoming legislative session; shared the draft of the new legislative platform (the AWSP board will vote to adopt platform soon).
AWSP Report:Gary Kipp discussed the AWSP strategic plan, Professional Responsibilities & Rights and Member Services and announced two upcoming staff changes.
Diversity Task Force:Rebekah Kim introduced herself to the board. She asked the board for recommendations on what the diversity task force should be working on over the next year. She will take these suggestions to the next Diversity Task Force Meeting.
Student Leadership:Susan Fortin and Joe Fenbert gave an overview of the elementary school student leadership programs and resources.
Board Adjourned at 4:15 p.m.