Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 20th October 2015 at 8.05pm

Present:- Pat Blackman (Chair);Becky Darby; Nick Keen;Gary Foster;

Rosalie Fleet; Helen Gibson; Nicky Summerfield (Treas);Steph Burtchaell;

Tony Sanders; Bex Vincent

  1. Apologies: Greta Edwards; Sue Treseder; Gary Adamson
  2. Minutes of Meeting held 15th Sept 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chair.
  3. Matters Arising:- Play Area – The Parish Council will pay the Bill on our behalf as they are able to reclaim VAT- will seek re-imbursement from us less £5000 they are donating. Work is due to start on 26th October and should take 5 days. Rosalie stated that the Play Area should not be used until approptiate Insurance is in place – SUE to ACTION. Rosalie also enquired as to who is carrying out the mandatory checks on the equipment, as this also should be place – nobody knows whether this is being actioned or not. Official opening discussed, to which all donors to be invited – Christmas School holidays suggested and agreed.

Hand Drier – Agreed to purchase the same model for the Gents Toilets.

Book Sale- 28.11.15 - Books and Cakes for sale needed. 6 Tables have been sold to other vendors.

Defibrillator – The Parish Council have agreed to fund the batteries.

Bar Keys – Not yet returned – as person concerned on holiday.

Devon Communities Together – Rosalie related her experience when it was Devon Community Council dealing solely with Village Halls and Community Buildings. They were a fountain of knowledge and very helpful and had useful contacts for obtaining discounts on equipment etc., Since the amalgamation has found information wanting and appears now to be aimed at social/rural housing, shops etc., and forums and workshops for Parish Councillors. She could see no point in being a member. Some had looked at the website. Pat said that Sue should be contacted direct as she was dealing with it.

The Stream- This has now been cleared. Rubbish to be taken away. Becky will borrow a trailer and remove same.

  1. Bingo -21.11.15 –Raffle Prizes required.
  2. Fireworks Display – 8.11.15 –Posters on display. Following agreed:-

Steph, Rosalie and Nicky will provide soup. Becky will buy bacon, Helen will buy Sausages and rolls. Gary F will assist with the cooking. Nick will organise collectors. Container to go on Bar for donations. Steve D and Pat doing the Bar. Bex Vincent organising apple bobbing etc., for the children.

  1. Financial Accountability-Online Banking –This matter raised because Beck Darby had to pay cash up front for her latest order as the previous Bill was unpaid. Nicky said she had not received the Invoice for that delivery – this was down to change of staff at Tolchards. Would online banking solve the problem? Nicky pointed out that this was not appropriate as 2 signatures are required with our Account. It was AGREED that future payments would be triggered on receipt of Delivery/Advice Note.

Financial Accountability –Nick produced some Guidance Notes from the Charity Commission website regarding internal Audit Checks and Balances which would support Nicky’s position as Treasurer. Gary felt that it was up to Nicky to decide whether she wanted that support. As she is able to downloadBank Statements it was AGREED that these be produced at each Meeting.

  1. Booking Secretary’s Report – Level of enquiries high. The past week saw 7 Events at the Hall over 7 days.
  2. Treasurer’s Report- Circulated to Meeting. Income since last Meeting £2,100 Expenditure £745.28. Total Income =£14,264.66 Total Expenditure=£8471.79. Balance = £16740.43
  3. Any Other Business -

(a)New Year’s Eve Party – DJ will organise some games for the children. Bring and share supper as previous year. Rosalie suggested that adults should pay £5 to help pay for disco. Discussion ensued and it was suggested by Steph that a voluntary contribution be made. Vote taken and majority of Committee Agreed that there should be free entry to this event.

(b)Beer Fest – Becky reported that 3 Villagers have offered to help organise this event.

(c)Newsletter – Nick asked if we still wanted to see draft version . Agreed that we did but that we did not want to see everyone’s response to issues raised. This was noted by Committee members.

(d)Rainwater Harvesting System – Nick has successfully obtained £2000 from the Ecological Building Soc.,(only £6000 available for the whole country!!) This system to be used for the toilets. Possibly another £1500 required. Gary F suggested he approach Viridor.

  1. Date of Next Meeting:- Tuesday 8th December 2015 at 8.05pm

There being No Other Business the Meeting closed at 9.15pm