I am seeking to change my career.
I realize that the whole process of change could take up to ____ hours of effort and extend over an elapsed time of _____ months or ______years.
I have laid out the time and cost estimates
I have tickled on my calendar and will lay out the time and cost estimates soon.
To do all this:
I am willing to lose income of:
Year: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5$ (000)
To invest time in the process of from: 100 hours minimum to _____[1] hours.
The reasons are:
Not enough income. I need ______of income per year.
Not enough potential. I need to make
in 5 years: ______of extra income
in 10 years: ______of extra income
I dislike my job or it is unsuitable because:
It just doesn’t fit me.
It is not fulfilling
It doesn’t align with my values.
I have to work too many hours
I’m not good at my job.
Physically I cannot continue.
I realize I must be clear and realistic about this.
I realize that starting a new career will cause me to lose the effect of the experience and build up in salary that I have achieved over the years and that the new career must have a big enough payoff to compensate me for the change and/or provide enough psychic “income” (fulfillment, peace of mind, alignment with values).
I realize that many people get stuck in the unrealistic fantasy stage and that I must go through the initial stages of putting a business or career into gear and not try to skip them.
I realize, since I do not know enough or have expertise enough in the job search area, that I will need to locate and mobilize resources to assist me and for me to study.
I realize this part of the process will likely involve:
40+ hours in locating the right resources
Probably a class in the subject
40+ hours of initial study and reading in the area.
© 2005 Keith D. Garrick 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SelfDevelop\WorkRel8dL\Career\CareerChange.doc
The first shot at this will likely not be as accurate as your later adjusted time and cost estimates after you’ve started the process. When in doubt, go to the high side on estimating the time and costs.
Decide on job/career[3]
Locate job and start
Training needed ahead
Training needed in job
Time til back up to old income
© 2005 Keith D. Garrick 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SelfDevelop\WorkRel8dL\Career\CareerChange.doc
[1] The process of finding the right area for someone to go into is likely to take more that 200 hours, plus the time to secure the job could involve another 100-200 hours, plus the time for training and development could involve another 100-200+ hours…
[2] Use the number of months. Remember that people typically underestimate how long it will take and overestimate how much time they can or are willing to put in.
[3] See steps and time needed for those steps.