Alabama NENA Quarterly Meeting
Scottsboro, AL
July 28. 1994
AGENDA: Motion and second to approve agenda. Approved
MINUTES: Motion to dispense with reading of minutes. Approved
FINANCIAL REPORT: Dennis Stapleton. Approved
The legislative report was given by Art Faulkner, He reported on the lawsuit filed by Elmore County regarding levelizing. The suit is still pending.
John Ellison reported on the conference status. He asked for recommendations for sessions. National NENA will offer 2 courses. We are expecting a lot of participants from other states.
Larry Amerson reported on training.
Bill Brodeur was nominated for 2nd VP. Motion was made and second for all nominations to cease and Bill be the only nominee. Motion carried.
It was announced that someone is needed to take over the newsletter editing.
John Ellison reported he Is finding many uses for the new video equipment., especially as a member of the National executive board. The equipment is ready for use for any member needing it.
The PSA tapes are ready for use for the cost of the tape. There are 2 30 second tapes.
3-1-1 was awarded to an ambulance service in Louisiana. NENA national is offering assistance to block this. This is the kind of problems that N-1-1 services will be creating.
Dennis Stapleton gave a report on the lawsuit against the Mobile County 9-1-1 District. A jury awarded a $1 million judgement against the district because of the actions of a Sheriff's dispatcher. The judgement is being appealed.
John Ellison discussed the matter of an independent ambulance service advertising EMD services with 7 digit and 1-800 numbers. The ambulance service claims they are not encouraging people to substitute this service for 9-1-1 EMD.
Jackson County reported on the exorbitant charges by an upstart telco. They have appealed to the PSC to have the cost reduced. This is a reoccurring problem around the state.
John Ellison announced the CENP (Certified Emergency Number Professional) program being formed by national NENA.
John discussed the minimum standards and 9-1-1 legislation. NENA will send a first draft of a new minimum Standards bill members for review and recommendations. A 2 cent per line charge might be collected to provide minimum standards training.
Harold elements of the US Post Office discussed the merging of the two existing P.O. databases into one. They are hoping to have all of the mismatches, etc* sorted out by September. This will be the largest such database in the world. It will be based in California, They want to help 9-l-l systems with addressing problems, and rural route conversions. You may call him at 205-521-0545.
Max Patterson requested that ALNENA continue to pursue a state-wide insurance specification.
John announced that ALNENA is the 4th largest state chapter in the nation. He encouraged us all to get involved in the membership drive.
John encouraged the membership to register early for the October conference.
There is a new vacancy for 9-1-1 director in Calhoun County, since Larry Amerson has resigned to become County Sheriff.
Keith Woodard announced that electronic transfers for 9-1-1 receipts will become available very soon.
Motion to adjourn. Approved
Respectfully submitted:
Dennis Stapleton