DRAFT Key Decision / Action Points from Board


Monday 25thFebruary 2013

Loxley House, Nottingham

Chair Peter Richardson

MinutesMatthew Wheatley

1. Present and Apologies

D2N2 Board Members in attendance

Peter Richardson (Chair)Derby Renaissance Board

Trevor FletcherHardstaff Group

Peter GadsbyArk Capital

Richard HorsleyDNCC

Councillor Paul BaylissDerby City Council

Councillor Andrew LewerDerbyshire County Council

Councillor Jon CollinsNottingham City Council

Councillor Kay CuttsNottinghamshire County Council

Professor John CoyneUniversity of Derby

Also in attendance

George CowcherDNCC

Mick BurrowsNottinghamshire County Council

Nick HodgsonDerbyshire County Council

Adam WilkinsonDerby City Council

David BishopNottingham City Council


There were no apologies received

Officer Support

Dave TantumNottingham City Council

David RalphD2N2

Matthew WheatleyD2N2

John MacCreadie (for item 4.1)Ekosgen Ltd

Item / What / Who / When
1 / Apologies, welcome and introductions
There were no apologies. The Chair welcomed the incoming Chief Executive, to his first Board meeting.
2. / Declarations of Interest
2.1 / There were no new declarations of interest.
3. / Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
3.4 / Minutes approved as a true record.
All matters arising were covered on the agenda with the exception of:
5.3.3: An inward investment meeting has yet to be convened, but D2N2 and the three inward investment agencies will be holding a co-ordinated presence at MIPIM
5.5.3(c): Peter Gadsby has agreed to Chair the investment Panel. Richard Horsley and Cllr Bayliss have volunteered to sit on the Panel. The Chair and Peter Gadsby will work together to finalise the composition of the Panel on behalf of Board. / Chair / Peter Gadsby / March 2013
4.1 / D2N2 Draft Growth Plan
4.1.10 / Peter Richardson invited John Macreadie from Ekosgen to facilitate a session to support prioritisation and target-setting in the Growth Plan.
John highlighted a key role of the Growth Plan as supporting a case to Government on for further devolution of funding and responsibility from national to local level.
Mick Burrows agreed to share the consultation evidence for the Nottinghamshire Growth Plan consultation to inform the refinement of the D2N2 Growth Plan.
It was suggested that a stronger introductory narrative to the plan was necessary to describe the specific nature of the D2N2 economy and the purpose of the plan.
Nick Hodgson emphasised the importance of deliverability in prioritising projects
In response to a request from Richard Horsley, John Macreadie agreed to provide a statistical summary outlining the economic importance of each of the areas of focus.
David Bishop suggested that the draft could benefit from text about the important delivery role of ‘City Deal’.
Cllr Collins stated that the plan would benefit about clarity on short term and medium term priorities. Cllr Collins suggested that supporting capital investment and infrastructure should be D2N2’s immediate priority with sectoral approaches being developed over the medium term.
It was suggested by Cllr Collins that the focus on D2N2 in the immediate term should be volume of jobs, in the short term on quality of jobs and in the medium term on growth and productivity.
The Board agreed to consult on the draft plan at a series of business breakfasts in March and consider a revised plan, building on the feedback from Board and business at its next meeting, as detailed in Section 5 of the covering report. / Mick Burrows
John MacCreadie
Dave Tantum
April 2013
1st March 2013
April 2013
April 2013
April 2013
April 2013
4.2 / GPF Capital Projects
4.2.7 / Cllr Collins introduced, The Board;
NOTED the withdrawal of the projects below from the GPF programme:
(a)(***Commercial in Confidence***)
APPROVED in principle, GPF loans, subject to meeting appropriate conditions and completion of funding agreements, for:
(b)(***Commercial in Confidence***)
NOTED the progress of all GPF projects.
(c)CONSIDERED the status of the (***Commercial in Confidence***) and AGREED a deadline for receipt of information of 31st March 2013.
NOTED the position of the Capital Programme with regard to available funds due to the project withdrawals, and AGREED to hold an open call for projects to allocate the under-spend.
AGREED that David Ralphshould work with Board members as appropriate to consider the investments considered and approved in the first round of D2N2 GPF to inform the focus of the second round.David would work with David Bishop to bring a report back to the next meeting on suggested criteria for the second round of the D2N2 Growing Places Fund. / Nottingham City Council
Nottingham City Council / Applicant
Nottingham City Council
David Ralph / David Bishop / ASAP
31st March 2013
April 2013
April 2013
4.3 / D2N2 Chairman’s Report
4.3.8 / The Chair introduced his report. The Board NOTED progress to date, including;
a) The Chair’s activity in the role
b) The submission of D2N2’s Core Funding application
Nick Hodgson and Mick Burrows thanked the Chair for his active engagement with businesses and stakeholders.
Members engaged in a detailed discussion about options for expanding the Board including the progress that had been made on the proposition of moving forward with an expanded LEP to include Leicester and Leicestershire.
Nottinghamexpressed support for the earliest possible integration and explained the merits of an expanded LEP and securing an ‘in principle’ agreement to an expanded LEP.
The discussion was unable to reach a conclusion that all members could agree to, however members resolved to;
a) Proactively investigate the ‘pros and cons’ of options for closer working with Leicester and Leicestershire, including an ‘in principle’ merger, with a view to an initial report being brought to Board in April for discussion anda final report for decision in June. The Chair asked David Ralph to lead this process. It was acknowledged that any proposals needed to take into account County Council elections in May
b) Ask the Chair and Chief Executive to engage in dialogue with the District Councils about the expanded Board membership, working on the principal of 1 District representative per County. The implementation date for the two District representatives would be June with progress being reported in April. This would match the timescale for reporting back on closer working with Leicester and Leicestershire.
Invite BIS Local representatives to observe the Board as and when issues dictate. / David Ralph
Chair / David Ralph
Chair / April 2013
June 2013
April 2013
June 2013
4.4 / Combined Authorities
4.4.1 / The Board AGREED to postpone discussion of this item until issues around Board composition and working with other LEPs had been resolved. / Chair / April 2013 June 2013
4.5 / Local Transport Board
4.5.1 / Peter Richardson AGREED to be D2N2’s representative on the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (D2N2) Local Transport Body with David Ralph as his nominated deputy. / Peter Richardson, David Ralph, Ian Stephenson / ASAP
4.6 / DfT Local Pinch Points Programme
4.6.1 / The Board AGREED to endorse the proposed schemes submitted to the Local Pinch Point Programme by highway and transport authorities within the D2N2 area and authorise the Chair to send letters of support should the scheme promoters request this. / Peter Richardson / LTAs / ASAP
5. / Updates for Information
5.1 / Nottingham Enterprise Zone (verbal)
5.1.2 / David Bishop reported that progress with Alliance Boots on the joint venture was ‘steady as we go’ with a view to works starting on site in early 2014.
David agreed to provide a written progress report to the Board’s next meeting. David Ralph asked to work with David to identify the actions necessary to release the sites for development. / David Bishop / David Ralph / April 2013
5.2 / Regional Growth Fund
5.3 / High Speed 2
5.4 / D2N2 Transport Priorities – Progress
5.4.1 / The written updates for information were noted.
On High Speed 2, Adam Wilkinson noted that Derby remained of the view that the local station should be located in Derby and would respond to the HS2 consultation accordingly.
5.4.2 / Cllr Lewer noted that the A38 remained a high priority project. Cllr Lewer also noted the extent of possible disruption from the sequential phasing of works to upgrade the Midland Mainline and construct HS2.
6 / Any Other Business
6.1 / Peter Richardson stated that in future Board meetings would be kept to 2 hours in duration and would not begin at 4pm. / Chair / Ongoing
7 / Date of next meeting
7.1 / 2pm – 4pm, Tuesday 9th April, County Hall, Nottinghamshire