English 11 CP
As you continue to discuss and analyze Gladwell’s claims regarding success, conduct your own independent research of an outlier. Your chosen outlier can be living or not, but he/she should be someone known nation/worldwide.
Focus your research around the main ideas in the book. Here are some questions you should try to answer as you read.
●What is this outlier known for? In other words, what makes them different or sets them apart from the norm? (This is background information.)
●How does this person’s ethnicity or cultural background influence his/her success?
●What does this person owe to parentage or patronage?
●What time period (decade) most influenced this outlier? What was the political climate, and what major events transpired during this decade? In what ways did these things influence this person?
●What are the major opportunities provided throughout this person’s life that significantly impacted her or his status as an outlier?
●How did hours of practice influence this person’s success?
1)Create your presentation in Google Slides.
2)Embed a short video clip into one of your slides (30 seconds MAX).
3)Include titles on your slides.
4)Change the format of the slides to fit the information.
5)Keep the text light. Include graphic organizers with key points that you can discuss. You may have to create your own tables or chart.
6)Include helpful visuals that relate to your topic. (Charts, graphs, maps,) Go light on pictures because they don’t usually help clarify the information. Take a look at Gladwell’s graphics for ideas.
7)Your presentation will be 3-5 minutes.
8)Turn in your presentation through our Google Classroom.
9)*Create MLA formatted Works Cited page of 3-5 sources. Include the Works Cited on the last slide. Make sure it is double spaced, indented properly, alphabetized, NOT numbered or bullet pointed. Be PERFECT.
1)Information: The information is thorough and thoughtful. Ethos, pathos, and logs are utilized during the speech. At least FOUR of Gladwell’s main ideas are included in the research: opportunities, advantages, practice/time, culture, parents, etc.
12345 X3______/15
2)Visual aid: The visual aid helps clarify information and really enhances the presentation. A variety of graphics are utilized. The information is easy to understand, the font is clear, and the slides are organized.
12345 X2______/10
3)Speaking skills: The speaker discusses his/her outlier in a natural manner. He/she does not merely read from the slides. The speaker uses eye contact and vocal inflections. The speaker is engaging.
12345 ______/5
4)Works Cited: The researcher used at least three sources. The Works Cited page is PERFECT. (Use Noodle Tools or the Purdue Owl.)
12345 ______/5
Summative Points ______/35
2= significant lapses
4=good, effective
5= outstanding