AF_COM01_ Working Situations: The selling process in a shop
AF Unit 1: Greeting customers and saying goodbye

In the sales process we can identify different stages,the first of which is towelcome the customer when they enter our store.

These different stages are described in the following diagram:

In this unit we will learn how to welcome the customerson their arrival, and how to say goodbye to them on their departure.

  1. Introduction

In this unit you will learn the sentences and words you can use to welcome the customers on their arrival at the shop.

You will start building your own dictionary of useful sentences and words, and you will keep working on it in the following units.

This unit will be developed in two sessions.

  1. Vocabulary and Sentences

When you want to speak with customers you should use formal language. There are some typical expressions you can use when greeting the customers.

You will collect them in a document, so you can find them easily when needed.

Activity 1. Unit 1. Building a Dictionary

In this activity we want to establish the working procedure for this activity that you will continue in the following units.


You will build your own dictionary with the words and expressions used in the selling process.

For this activity you should have a Din-a-5 size notebook (or similar), a blue pen, a black pen and a green pen.

You will divide the notebook in two: the front part will be for the Expressions Dictionary, while the back part will be for the Vocabulary.

Exspressions Dictionary

  • Start by writing on the second sheet. On the left side , write the title: “Greeting a customer”
  • After the title you should write the sentences you can use to greet customers when they enter the shop. For example: “Good Morning. My name is Mark. Can I help you?”. You should use the blue pen for the sentence in English.
  • On other side of the notebook, that means the rightsheet, you should write the sentence in Spanish or Catalan, using the black pen. In this case you should write: “Bon dia. Em dic Marc. Et puc ajudar?”
  • Finally, under the English sentence you should write the pronunciation, if you need help saying it properly. You should use the green pen for that.

Vocabulary Dictionary

  • Start on the last sheet of the notebook. You should draw a line in the middle of the sheet. Write the title: “Shopping vocabulary”
  • After the title you should write, on the left side, the newEnglish words you learn. For example: “Customer”. You should use the blue pen for this.
  • On the other side of the line, that means the right sheet, you should write the word in Spanish or Catalan, using the black pen. In this case you should write: “Client”
  • Finally, under the English word you should write its pronunciation, if you need help to say it properly. You should use the green pen for that.

Addany new expressions and words you learn, so that you build up your own dictionary of business words and phrases.

Activity 2. Unit 1

In your glossary you will find some key vocabulary relating to greeting customers. Put these items into your vocabulary notebook and see if you can find additional words and phrases related to greeting customers in the following video.

/ Greeting and offering help to the customer video

In this video you can learn some phrases used while shopping. You should listen and write down the phrases and pronunciation in the notebook, as explained in Activity 1. This will allow you to acquire listening and pronunciation skills.

What you should be doing in this activity is basically:


b)Repeating the phrases

c)Writing down the phrases, the pronunciation and the translation in the notebook

d)Notice the use of formal language vs. informal language

When you want to welcome the customers when they enter your store you should say:
-Good afternoon, may I help you? or
-Can I help you? or
-Welcome to (name of the shop). Do you need help?

Activity 3. Unit 1

/ Greeting and offering help to the customer video (2)

In this video you can hear again some phrases used in the shopping process. You should listen carefully and write down the phrases thatyou do not already have in your notebook. You should also pay attention to the pronunciation, and write it down in the notebook, as explained in Activity 1. This will allow you to acquire listening and pronunciation skills.

What you should be doing in this activity is basically:


b)Repeating the phrases

c)Writing down the new phrases, the pronunciation and the translation in the notebook

d)Notice the use of formal language vs. informal language.

Activity 4. Unit 1

/ MagicWords

In this document you can find some expressions that can help to provide sales. You should read the article carefully and be able to identify the sentences you should use, writing some examples in your notebook.

Activity 5. Unit 1. Final task: role play.

In this activity you should work in pairs.

You are going to simulate the greeting of a customer on their arrival to the shop.

Imagine that you are the salesperson in a shop and a customer comes in. You should welcome the customer and offer them your help. You should also say goodbye on their departure. You should use the sentences you have written down in your Dictionary.

Your colleague will be the customer. They will use also the appropriate sentences to answer.

Prepare the dialogues and do a simulation in front of your colleagues. They can help you if they find something you can improve.

This activity can be used to evaluate the work done in the unit.

You can learn more in the following documents and video:


AF_COM01_Working Situations: The selling process in a shop. / Unit 1. Greeting customers and saying goodbye.