Lesson 6
Relationship With God's People After New Testament Written ~ II
1 Thessalonians 1:6(pg. 1146) The Christians in Thessalonica became ______of Paul and the Lord. What was the price they had to pay for doing this? ______Did Paul think they should stop so the persecution would let up? ______What reaction did he say they should have to the persecution? ______
How can God's Spirit give joy in such circumstance? Ephesians 6:12 (pg. 1137) gives us a clue. Our persecution just shows that we are being effective fighting against who in spiritual realms? ______
Now look at Romans 8:37 (pg. 1097). We cannot be "more than conquerors" unless we have something to conqueror! We cannot have "victory in Jesus" unless we have something to be victorious over! God gives us our assignment as soldiers of the cross and he fights right along beside us. What a privilege!
1 Thessalonians 4:8When we show a Scripture to someone and they reject both the Scripture and us, Who are they really rejecting? ______
2 Timothy 1:7(pg. 1155) There is a difference in courage and power. When we concentrate on courage, we are acknowledging our fear. But if we concentrate on power, we are not afraid of what people will do to us.
What casts out fear (1 John 4:18, pg. 1185)? ______
Who is power (Romans 15:13)? ______
What else is He called (John 14:17 and 17:17, pg. 1046)? ______
Hebrews 4:12(pg. 1163) What is the sword that the Holy Spirit uses to fight Satan and evil and wrong teachings? ______
Hebrews 6:4What is the heavenly gift referred to here (see Acts 2:38, pg. 1057)? ______
Revelation 22:17(pg. 1207) Who is the bride, the promised wife of Christ (Ephesians 5:28-29, pg. 1136)? ______The church is made up of people who have received God's free gift of the ______
The doomsday prophets of today do not frighten us. The sooner Jesus comes, the better. For any of us, it may be tomorrow, for tomorrow we may die. Do we fear it? No! Come, Lord Jesus! Come!
And how does Jesus reply (Revelation 22:20)? ______
Judges 6:34-40(pg. 239) The Spirit of God came upon Gideon, but he wanted PROOF that God would keep his PROMISE to ______Israel by his ______(v. 36). What kind of proof did he ask for? ______
Acts 1:4b-5; 2:1-4(pg. 1054) God PROMISED the Apostles that in a few days they would be ______by the Holy Spirit. What two tangible PROOFS did God give them to show he kept his PROMISE? They heard the sound of ______and saw fire that looked like ______.
Acts 2:32-33God ______Jesus to ______with ______of the fact. This is our PROOF God gave the PROMISED Holy Spirit to Jesus to in turn pour out on us.
Romans 1:2-4(pg. 1090) In what way did God promise the gospel to Old Testament prophets? (Hint: What is the basic theme of the first half of Isaiah 9, pg. 671, and the theme of chapter 53?) Jesus' b______and d______. The ______was PROMISED through God's prophets.
2 Corinthians 1:22(pg. 1119) God set his ______of ownership on you and me, and put his Spirit (Word) in our ______as a ______, ______our salvation.
NOTE: The comments in Revelation 9:4 (pg. 1197) about having the seal on our forehead is just changing a noun (name of something) into a verb (an action).
2 Corinthians 5:2-5We all groan and long for our h______d______. some day our ______will be ______by ______. God's Spirit (Word) is our ______, ______what is to come.
NOTE: Thank God, He gave us something tangible to guarantee we will go to heaven. We have His Word written down! We have proof he kept all his promises in the past (see O.T. especially). Therefore we have NO DOUBTS he will keep the promise of heaven too!
Galatians 3:14(pg. 1130) God redeemed both Jews and Gentiles so we can receive the ______of the Holy Spirit. What was promised to Abraham (Hebrews 11:8, 10, pg. 1169)? Abraham was promised a ______with foundations whose builder is ______. What city is that (Revelation 21:10, 14, pg. 1206)? ______
Ephesians 1:13(pg. 1131) We must hear (read) the ______of ______, the ______, to be saved. Then God ______us with a ______, the ______Holy Spirit, who is a ______our ______.
Revelation 9:4 (pg. 1197) talks about having a seal on our foreheads so we can be saved. That seal (a noun/name) is explained here as a verb/action. What is the seal/being sealed? ______
Ephesians 3:4-6Both Jews and Gentiles ~ all people of earth ~ can be sharers together in the ______.
In fact, the church exists to explain it to principalities and powers in heavenly places (3:10). We Christians have more influence than we realize! What confidence God has placed on us!
Ephesians 4:30-31We were sealed by the Holy Spirit for the day of ______. On that day we will redeem our promise for the prize ~ heaven.
2 Timothy 1:13-14(pg. 1055) We must ______the good deposit that was ______to us. If the Holy Spirit is the Word, we must guard the word. How can we do that? ______
John 4:23-24(pg. 1031) In what way do we worship in truth (John 17:17, pg. 1408)? ______But if we worship in truth only, we are legalists.
What is one way we worship in spirit (Colossians 3:16)? ______
But if we worship in spirit only, we are emotionalists.
Acts 13:2-4(pg. 1069) In what two ways were these Christians worshipping?______
In your own words, what are the other ways Jesus set the example for early Christians to worship God in Spirit and in Truth?
Matthew 26:30, pg. 963 ______
Luke 2:46, pg. 993 ______
Luke 4:16-17, pg. 996 ______
Luke 6:12, pg. 998 ______
1 Corinthians 11:23-26, pg. 1113 ______
Philippians 3:3(pg. 1140) The Jews kept following Paul around telling the new Christians that, to be saved, they needed to keep Jewish rites. What are some ways some people today say we must worship to make sure we are saved, even though not in the Bible? ______
In God's eyes, what are some other ways we worship Him?
Revelation 8:4, pg. 1197 ______
Hebrews 13:15, pg. 1171 ______
2 Timothy 3:16, pg. 1152 ______Philippians 4:15, 18, pg. 1141 ______
Romans 12:1, pg. 1100 ______
Matthew 25:35-36, pg. 962 ______
Acts 4:23-31(pg. 1059) On their release by the Jewish Council, Peter and John could hardly wait to do what with the other Christians in the city? ______As a result of this prayer giving God credit for their victory, God's Spirit filled them and enabled them to do what? ______
Romans 8:26(p. 1097) During prayer, what does God's Spirit do for us? ______
In light of verse 23, are these groaning words? ______Where do the groans occur? ______
Romans 15:30Prayer is a what? ______
If we struggle with/for someone in prayer, even though we don't have the courage or ability to do what they do, does it make us a participant with them? ______
Ephesians 1:16-18(pg. 1133) Paul never stopped giving ______, asking God to give the Spirit of ______, and that the ______of their heart will be ______.
Ephesians 6:18If praying in the Spirit means praying in "unknown tongues" would it be sinful to pray in a language people know? ______We are to pray in the Spirit on all ______with all ______of ______. So we must be ______to what is going on in the lives of the saints around us.
Philippians 1:13-21(pg. 1138) Where was Paul (v. 13)? ______He was grateful for prayers and the help of whose Spirit? ______. Paul knew that (Romans 8:28, pg. 1097 - quote it) “______.”
Jude 20-21(pg. 1190) When we pray in God's Spirit, we are praying in line with what (John 14:17, 17:17, pg. 1046)? ______By doing this, we keep ourselves in God's ______. This, in turn, will keep us going while we wait for Jesus to ______us to ______.
1 Samuel 16:14 (pg. 277) How did Saul feel after The Holy Spirit left him? ______
NOTE: The word translated "evil" is from the Hebrew word "ra" and also means
sore or troubled. Saul had fought God and lost. But he continued being willful and stubborn; he continued to defy God. Madolyn Murray O'Hare, the famous atheist activist once went outside and shook her fist at the sky and told God, "I will win!" All her life, according to her son, the thought of God tormented her.
John 20:20 23 (pg. 1053) Peace with Jesus meant they would ….
v. 21 Have to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15, pg.
v. 22 Accept God's Spirit (Word) in their hearts and lives.
v. 23 Act as peacemakers between God and man by showing them how to
have their sins forgiven.
Do these things necessarily mean we will have peace with the world?
NOTE: Jesus breathed God's Spirit into them. The word "spirit" is also
translated "breath."
Acts 9:31 (pg. 1065) Look at verses 9 & 18. Why did the church enjoy a time of
peace? ______
In what two ways did God's Spirit help the church? ______
Romans 8:6 7 (pg. 1096) The ______controlled by God's Spirit is ______
and ______.
What is God's Spirit (John 14:17; 17:17, pg. 1046)? ______
Therefore, if we have a highly emotional experience during worship, does that necessarily mean God's Spirit is controlling our mind? ______
Romans 14:17 18 The kingdom of God is r______, p______, and
Romans 15:13 God ______us with all ______and ______as
we ______him, so we may overflow with ______
NOTE: When I was having faith problems, I found I could still hope!
Galatians 5:19 22 (pg. 1132) Notice in verse 19, sins are listed as "acts of the sinful nature."
Goodness described in verse 22 is the ______of the Spirit. List these fruits: ______
Look at this list. Which ones are you struggling to observe? ______
Ephesians 4:2 6 (pg. 1135) What four qualities in verse 2 are summarized in verse 3 as creating a
"bond of peace" with each other? ______
List the 7 ways God's Spirit makes us one. ______
Do you see the Trinity in this passage? ______
Is it your opinion that churches have more peace by adding more and different
activities to their worship or keeping it simple? ______
Revelation 1:4 (pg. 1091) Here is the Apostle John, probably 90+ years old who has been
exiled to an island off of Ephesus. He's the last of the Apostles. His eleven friends have all been brutally tortured to death. Oh how he misses his friend, Jesus. Yet, in the midst of all this, he can still pass on g______and p______to those he is writing.
John 14:16 17 (pg. 1046) Jesus was about to give His life for our sins so we could be saved.
What a comfort! Now Jesus is about to send another Counselor, the Spirit of ______
NOTE: The KJV calls the Counselor, the Comforter. This is a translation of the
Greek word "paraklesis," meaning called to one's side.
John 14:26 God's Comforter/Counselor will ______the Apostles all things
and ______them of everything. How does God's Spirit teach us today (hint 17:17)? ______
John 15:26 The word Counselor is sometimes used to describe an attorney by one's side in
court. But our Counselor will also do what for us and God's Spirit? ______
John 16:7 Thus far, everyone had to remember what Jesus was saying orally. In light of
John 17:17, in what way does God's Comforter/Counselor help us so we don't have to remember everything (Romans 15:4)? ______
Jesus was confined to a body on earth. But from heaven he can put his spirit in all
of us.
Philippians 2:1 We have comfort from Jesus' ______, as well as tenderness and
______. No other religion in the world is based on a
personal God who actually loves us!
Psalm 139:7 (pg. 609) (See also end of lesson) What is impossible, no matter how far away
we think we are from God? ______
2 Corinthians 13:14 (p. 1127) From the Trinity, we receive ______from God the
Son, and ______from God the Father, and ______
from God the Spirit.
Philippians 2:1 (pg. 1139) Christians have ______with God's Spirit.
The word translated "fellowship" is from the Greek Word "koinonia" and is also
translated communication. God talks to us through the Bible, and we talk to him through ______
Matthew 12:18, 21 (pg. 945) God welcomes us into his family so we, too, are the ones God
______in, whom he ______
John 14:15 16 (pg. 1046) Is love for Jesus just an emotional experience? ______
What else is it? ______
Romans 15:30 (pg. 1103) If the ______of the Spirit is in us, we will
______others in their ______
2 Corinthians 6:6 (pg. 1122) God's Spirit creates in us what kind of love? ______
Psalm 51:10 14 (pg. 556) When we can't feel God's love, God's Spirit can ______
the joy of our ______
What kind of spirit within us sustains us until heaven? ______
Then we will ______transgressors God's ways and our tongues
Will ______of God's ______
Isaiah 42:1 (pg. 703) How does God the Father feel toward those upon whom he puts His
Spirit? ______
Luke 10:21 (pg. 1006) Then he ______the Father for revealing himself,
which was his good ______
Acts 9:1, 18, 31 (pg. 1065) When persecution stopped, what did the church enjoy? ______
And that did what three things for them? ______
Acts 13:49 52 (pg. 1071) The disciples (Christians) were ______with joy because
the ______of the Lord ______through the whole
region. It was the talk of the town! (Both good news and bad news makes
Acts 15:3, 8 (pg. 1072) What made Paul and Barnabus and the brothers glad? ______
Romans 14:17 18 (pg. 1102) A Christian lives with what three attributes from God's Spirit?
How does God the Father react to that? ______
How do people in the community react to that? ______
Romans 15:13 14 We are filled with joy and peace when we do what to God? ______
This makes us overflow with what from God's Spirit? ______
What three things should we be having and doing as a result? ______
Galatians 5:22 23 (pg. 1132) Is there a law anywhere in the world against love, joy, peace, etc.?
Ephesians 1:3, 5 (pg. 1133) God has predestined all who believe in Jesus to be his children by
what method? ______
Philippians 1:2-4 (pg. 1139) Every time Paul remembered these Christians, he ______
______God. All his ______for them were always
with joy because of their partnership in spreading ______
1 Thessalonians 1:6 7 (pg. 1146) We ______the ______
with joy, and so become a ______to all believers everywhere.
Try to describe the kind of joy you feel by discovering God's truths in the Bible
for yourself. ______
O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
You are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord.
You hem me in behind and before;
You have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
Too lofty for me to attain.
When can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
If I settle on the far side of the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
And the light become night around me,"
Even the darkness will not be dark to you;
The night will shine like the day,
For darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
When I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book
Before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with you....
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139
1 Samuel 16:14(pg. 277) How did Saul feel after The Holy Spirit left him? ______
NOTE: The word translated "evil" is from the Hebrew word "ra" and also means sore or troubled. Saul had fought God and lost. But he continued being willful and stubborn; he continued to defy God. Madolyn Murray O'Hare, the famous atheist activist once went outside and shook her hand at the sky and told God, "I will win!" All her life, according to her son, the thought of God tormented her.
John 20:20-23(pg. 1053) Peace with Jesus meant they would....
v. 21 Have to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15, pg. 989).
v. 22 Accept God's Spirit (Word) in their hearts and lives.
v. 23 Act as peacemakers between God and man by showing them how to have their sins forgiven.
Do these things necessarily mean we will have peace with the world? ______
NOTE: Jesus breathed God's Spirit into them. The word "spirit" is also translated "breath."
Acts 9:31(pg. 1065) Look at verses 9 & 18. Why did the church enjoy a time of peace? ______In what two ways did God's Spirit help the church? ______
Romans 8:6-7(pg. 1096) The ______controlled by God's Spirit is ______and ______. What is God's Spirit (John 14:17; 17:17, pg. 1046)? ______Therefore, if we have a highly emotional experience during worship, does that necessarily mean God's Spirit is controlling our mind? ______
Romans 14:17-18The kingdom of God is r______, p______, and j______.
Romans 15:13God ______us with all ______and ______as we ______him, so we may overflow with ______.
NOTE: When someone is having faith problems, s/he can still hope!
Galatians 5:19-22(pg. 1132) Notice in verse 19, sins are listed as "acts of the sinful nature." Goodness described in verse 22 is the ______of the Spirit. List these fruits: ______
Look at this list. Which ones are you struggling to observe? ______
Ephesians 4:2-6(pg. 1135) What four qualities in verse 2 are summarized in verse 3 as creating a "bond of peace" with each other? ______
List the 7 ways God's Spirit makes us one. ______
Do you see the Trinity in this passage?
Is it your opinion that churches have more peace by adding more and different activities to their worship or keeping it simple? ______
Revelation 1:4(pg. 1091) Here is the Apostle John, probably 90+ years old who has been exiled to an island off of Ephesus. He's the last of the Apostles. His eleven friends have all been brutally tortured to death. Oh how he misses his friend, Jesus. Yet, in the midst of all this, he can still pass on g______and p______to those he is writing.
John 14:16-17(pg. 1046) Jesus was about to give His life for our sins so we could be saved. What a comfort! Now Jesus is about to send another Counselor, the Spirit of ______.
NOTE: The KJV calls the Counselor, the Comforter. This is a translation of the Greek word "paraklesis," meaning called to one's side.
John 14:26God's Comforter/Counselor will ______the Apostles all things and ______them of everything. How does God's Spirit teach us today (hint 17:17)? ______
John 15:26The word Counselor is sometimes used to describe an attorney by one's side in court. But our Counselor will also do what for us and God's Spirit? ______
John 16:7Thus far, everyone had to remember what Jesus was saying orally. In light of John 17:17, in what way does God's Comforter/Counselor help us so we don't have to remember everything (Romans 15:4)?
______Jesus was confined to a body on earth. But from heaven he can put his spirit in all of us.