New Horizons Chapter
Of the Shawnee Lodge #51
Boy Scout Induction / Crossover Ceremony
Required Props:
If you have a large group of Cubs, a larger space will be required.
List of Cub Scouts names in Bold Dark Ink on 3x5 card, attached to the back of an animal skin.
Candle Holder with 12 candles.
Candle Holder with 3 candles, (can be part of the above holder)
Holder with Spirit Candle. (Carried by Brave)
Something unnoticeable to place under candle holders to catch wax drippings
2 Indians with appropriate Regalia
Optional Props:
Room Layout:
Cub Scouts Facing Chief
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New Horizons Chapter
Of the Shawnee Lodge #51
(Room is darkened)
(Indians enter the room, first Chief then Brave w/ Candle)
Chief:I am Wappapea.(Wa pa pee’a)
My bother, the Wind,
Has told me that among us tonight are Cub Scouts,
Who have progressed along the Scouting trail,
And only now can enter the Brotherhood of Scouting. (Pause)
(As each Scouts name is called, Brave goes out to get each Scout and position each in front of Chief)
Chief: Is there a ______among us tonight?
Is there a ______among us tonight? (Repeat for each Cub Crossing over)
(Brave returns to position)
Chief:(speaking to the assembled cubs)
Before you stands a single lighted candle.
It represents the Spirit of Scouting.
As you become Boy Scouts,
You will learn more of the Scouting Spirit.
The Law of all Troops is the Scout Law.
It is known and followed my millions of Scouts across our great nation.
You will learn and follow this law too.
(Chief – motions toward Brave while speaking)
My Brave and I will now speak to the parts of this law for you.
Listen to them closely,
For I will soon ask you whether you accept this law as your own.
(Brave slowly positions himself in front of candidates and gives the Scout Sign)
(Chief grasps pilot – red candle; and starting with left most candle as seen by audience lights candles as the 12 points are spoken)
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New Horizons Chapter
Of the Shawnee Lodge #51
Ceremony cont.:
Chief: A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY(Lights first candle)
Brave: A Scout tells the truth.
He keeps his promises.
People can depend on him.
Honesty is a part of his conduct.
Chief: A Scout is LOYAL (Lights second candle)
Brave: A Scout is true to his family, friends, school, & nation.
Chief: A Scout is HELPFUL (Lights third candle)
Brave: A Scout is concerned about other people.
He does this willingly for others, without pay or reward.
Chief: A Scout is FRIENDLY (Lights fourth candle)
Brave: A Scout is friendly to all.
He is a brother to all other Scouts.
He seeks to understand others.
He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.
Chief: A Scout isCOURTEOUS(Lights fifth candle)
Brave: A Scout is polite to everyone,
Regardless of age or position.
He knows good manners,
And makes it easier for people to get along together.
Chief: A Scout is KIND (Lights sixth candle)
Brave: A Scout understands there is strength,
By being gentle.
He treats others,
As he wants to be treated.
He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.
Ceremony cont.:
Chief: A Scout is OBEDIENT (Lights seventh candle)
Brave: A Scout follows the rules of his family, school and Troop.
He obeys the laws of his community and country.
If he feels these rules or laws are unfair,
He tries to have them changed, rather than disobey them.
Chief: A Scout is CHEERFUL (Lights eighth candle)
Brave: A Scout looks for the bright side of things.
He cheerfully does tasks that come his way.
He tries to make others happy.
Chief: A Scout is THRIFTY (Lights ninth candle)
Brave: A Scout works to pay his way.
He saves for his needs.
He protects and conserves natural resources.
He carefully uses time and property.
Chief: A Scout is BRAVE (Lights tenth candle)
Brave: A Scout can face danger,
Even if he is afraid.
He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right,
Even if others laugh at him or threaten him.
Chief: A Scout is CLEAN (Lights eleventh candle)
Brave: A Scout keeps his mind and body Fit and Clean.
He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideas.
He helps keep his home and community clean.
Chief: A Scout is REVERENT (Lights twelfth candle)
Brave: A Scout is reverent toward his God.
He is faithful in his religious duties.
He respects the beliefs of others.
(Brave slowly returns to his position --Chief slowly steps forward)
Ceremony cont.:
Chief: You have heard the twelve points of the Scout Law.
Do you accept this law as a Scout?
And promise to do your best
To live by this law? If so, please say yes.
Candidates: Yes!
Chief: Scouts also live by another code,
It is the Scout Oath or Promise.
The Scout Oath describes three duties that every Scout must accept.
His duty to God and Country;
His duty to other people;
And his duty to himself.
I want you to make this promise publicly for the first time.
Repeat this Oath after my Brave,
As three candles are lit to represent the three duties.
(Note for Brave: Sometimes the Cubs will repeat with you and not after you. Be prepared to adjust your delivery method)
Chief: You have heard the words of the Scout Oath.
Do you accept the three duties it describes?
And do you pledge to live by the Scout Oath?
If so, please say yes!
Candidates: Yes!
Chief: We began in almost total darkness.
Now, in the light of these candles,
We can see one another well.
So it is,
that the Spirit of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law light our steps.
Chief: Would you now turn and face the audience.
Would the parents of these Scouts please come forward?
And stand behind their sons.
(Wait for all parents to take positions.)
Ceremony cont.:
Chief: My Brothers,
the wind tells me that there are brother Scouts among us,
Who will accept you into their troop?
Will my fellow Scouts from Troop ______please come forward.
Brave: Each of you,
shall now cross the bridge with your parents
And be welcomed by member of Boy Scout Troop _____.
As night is a bridge between day,
Let this bridge,
for each of you,
Lead to the fellowship of Scouting.
(The Troop Guide will now lead the line of boys across the bridge. Usually, representatives from the troop will put epaulets, neckerchiefs, etc. On their uniforms before they cross. This is detail needs to be pre-arranged on-site.)
(Indians quietly slip away as Scouts Present the Award)
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New Horizons Chapter
Of the Shawnee Lodge #51
Optional Endings:
A - Chief: You have made a Promise to yourself,
And by doing so, you have been accepted into
The World Brotherhood of Scouting.
Troop ____, may I present to you,
Your newest members and their families,
Who have promised their support to the Scout Oathand Law?
B - Chief: You have made a Promise to yourself,
And by doing so, you have been accepted into
The World Brotherhood of Scouting.
Troop ____, may I present to you,
Your newest members and their families
Who have witnessed their promise
To the Scout Oath and Law.
C - Chief: My brothers,
The wind tells me,
That there is a Troop among us who is here to accept youinto their troop.
Will my fellow Scouts from Troop _____ please come forward?
(Wait for Troop Leaders to take their positions.)
Troop ____ I present to you,
Your newest members and their families
Who have promised their support to the Scout Oath and Law.
D- Chief: My brothers,
The wind tells me,
That there is a Troop among us who is here to accept youinto their troop.
Will my fellow Scouts from Troop _____ please come forward.
(Wait for Troop Leaders to take their positions.)
Troop ____ I present to you,
Your newest members and their families
Who have witnessed their promise to the Scout Oath and Law.
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