Merit Biology
Mrs. Hurley – Spring 2009
Phone: 240-236-8100 extension 68153Email:
Course Description:
Students will be introduced to basic concepts in biology. Biology merit units of study include Scientific Methods/Microscopes, The Cell, Genetics, Classification, Human Body, Drug Education, and AIDS. All state mandated environmental educational goals will be addressed and the students will be required to participate in an environmental action project. Extensive laboratory experiences are an integral part of the curriculum. Students will prepare formal laboratory reports.
Merit courses are designed for students who meet theobjectives and expectations of the essentialcurriculum,both in terms of content knowledge and application.Coursework includesa balanceof concreteand abstract material, with an emphasis on both teacher-directed and independent work. Successful completion of merit course work will prepare the student for post-high school education.
Career Pathway: Biology is a course that makes the purposeful connection between life science, technology, and society and provides the interest and focus of many occupations and careers to Health Sciences, Human Services, and the Natural Resources and Agricultural Pathways.
ScienceCore Learning Goals:
Goal 1: Skillsand Processes
The student will demonstrate ways of thinking and acting inherent in the practice of science. The student will use language and instruments of science to collect,organize, interpret, calculate, and communicate information.
Goal 2: Concepts of Biology
The student will demonstrate the abilityto use scientific skillsand processes (Core Learning Goal 1) and major biological concepts to explain the uniqueness and interdependence of living organisms, their interactions with the environment, and the continuation of life on earth.
Text:Biology,Prentice Hall, 2006Grading Policy:
25% -Tests A-89.5%-100.0%
25% - Quizzes B - 79.5%-89.4%
30%-Labs C - 69.5%-79.4%
10% - Homework D - 69.4%-59.5%
10% -Projects and class workF - 59.4%-0%
Assignments are due the following day unless otherwise stated. If an assignment is more than 2 days late it will be a zero.
Required Materials:
Please have all materials in by Monday January 26, 2009
- Loose-leaf paper
- Pen and pencils
- Three Ring Binder
- Dividers
- Colored pencils
- Index cards
- Glue sticks
- Dry Erase Markers
Classroom Expectations:
- Be on time — When the bell rings, be seated and have all materials out, and be ready to begin — 1 late: warning, 2 late: lunch detention, 3 late: referral
- Be prepared — Bring all materials to class, no passes will be given out.
- Be considerate, polite, and respectful — Be respectful, raise your hand to answer or ask questions, do not talk while someone else is speaking.
- NO GUM, FOOD, DRINKS, HATS, RADIOS, or inappropriate behavior, will be allowed in the class.
- Follow all laboratory safety precautions and rules — If rules are not followed, you will be removed from all labs until parent conference. See Science Safety Contract.
- Remain seated — Remain in your seat at the end of class until dismissed.
General Classroom Procedures:
- At the beginning of class, begin the warm-up and copy the objectives down for the day. Look for instructions regarding activities and homework.
- Homework will be given on a daily basis.
- All assignments are due on time. After 2 days, a zero will be given for assignment.
- Copying of any work will result in a zero for all individuals involved.
- If you miss a class, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MISSED ASSIGNMENTS. For tests and quizzes, students should make arrangements for a time to make up the work.
Extra Help:
Monday - Friday
*Please arrange times in advance for extra help.
Student Name: ______
Please return this paper on January 26th along with the Science Safety Sheet.
If your student has any medical problems please list them in the space below.
I would love to keep in touch with you over the course of the semester. Please fill in the following information.
Home phone: ______
Work phone: ______
Email Address:______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature:______
Student Schedule:
Block 1: ______
Block 2: ______
Block 3: ______
Block 4: ______