DIRECTORATE:Education & Social Inclusion
SERVICE:School Support & Advisory Service
PERIOD:Year End to 31st March 2004
The purpose of this paper is to report on the progress of the Service Plan for School Support and Advisory Service in the Education & Social Inclusion Directorate.Within this year-end report traffic light symbols have been used to reflect achievement of objectives and performance against targets.
The symbols have been used as follows:-
Objective has been achieved.Performance Indicator target for 2003/04 has been achieved or exceeded.
Red/ Amber
Objective has been partially achieved or has not been achieved as a direct result of circumstances or influences outside of the Council’s control.Performance Indicator has only marginally failed to achieve target and performance has shown improvement on previous year.
Objective has not been achieved.
Performance Indicator target has not been met.
Please note that progress against LPSA indicators is given using the normal green/ amber/ red traffic lights as the target dates have not been reached.
2.1 Management Changes In Schools- The Bankfield School. A new Headteacher, Carole Owen, has been appointed w.e.f. 1 September. The Current Head Ray Rutter retires after 19 years as Headteacher.
- The Heath Technology College. A new Headteacher, Heather Malloney, has been appointed wef 1 September. Phil Mather, the former Head, has taken up another Headship in Bolton. Mrs Chris Lincoln will be acting Headteacher until September.
- Halton High School. John Rowlands was confirmed as Headteacher during the Spring Term.
- Fairfield High School. Jeff Hughes, the previous acting Headteacher was confirmed as Headteacher during the Spring term.
- Oakfield Primary School. Following a brief tenure as acting Headteacher by a recently retired Headteacher, Bob Marr has been seconded from the Advisory Service to be Headteacher until 31 August.
- Sts Peter and Paul RC High School. Mr Gus Van Cauwelaert took up the post as Headteacher in January 2004 following Mike Glover’s retirement in April 2003.
- Weston Point Primary School. The current acting Headteacher, Noreen Curphey was appointed Headteacher during the Spring term following the retirement of the previous head in August 2003.
- Lunts Heath Primary School. The present Headteacher has resigned, intending to retire in August. Arrangements are in hand to appoint a successor.
- Moore Primary School. The current Headteacher, Hedley Edwards retires after 31 years as Head in August. His successor will be Jan McDonald who will become Head on 1st September.
- Holy Spirit RC Primary School. Mr Dominic Hemington took over as Headteacher in January 2004, the previous Head Linda Mellor having retired the previous August.
2.2Halton Lodge Primary School
The school is now fully operational in temporary accommodation erected on site. Outline plans for the new school have been consulted upon with staff and governors. The target date for completing the rebuild remains September 2005.
2.3OFSTED Inspection
The inspection resulted in a very positive evaluation of the work of the Department. It recognised significant strengths and expertise in the staffing of the Department. A post-OFSTED Action Plan will need to be produced. One area identified as needing development was the routine provision of information to Governors following Officer and Adviser visits to schools. Whilst it was accepted that feedback to Headteachers was effective, the inspectors believed that Governors should routinely receive similar feedback. This will be a matter for further consultation with Heads and Governors over the coming months. A balance needs to be achieved which will fulfil the Governors needs for feedback to enable them to carry out their strategic role effectively but at the same time avoid providing information overload for Governors, many of whom have told us that the demand currently placed on them in terms of assimilating paperwork from the DfES and the LEA are already onerous.
2.4The Annual Children of Halton Sing Event
The event in March demonstrated the continued progress of our schools musically. 35 schools participated with more than 950 pupils having the opportunity to perform before full houses.
It was pleasing to note the continued improvement in quality of performance, the collaboration of secondary schools with their feeder primary schools, and the sustained enthusiasm and commitment of all involved.
The Excellence in Cities programme, which has provided significant additional funding mainly, but not exclusively, to the secondary sector, will be rolled out to the primary sector. This will provide additional resources to make provision for gifted and talented pupils as well as to tackle attendance and behaviour issues. The aim is to ensure that schools from disadvantaged areas can take full advantage of the National Primary strategy and raise attainment for all pupils.4.0PROGRESS AGAINST KEY OBJECTIVES / MILESTONES
Total / 10 / / 10 / / 0 / / 0Progress against key objectives and milestones is set out in Appendix 1.
Total / 13 / / 11 / / 2 / / 0Progress against key objectives and milestones is set out in Appendix 2.
The new OFSTED framework, under which the recent inspection was carried out, promotes self-review and self-evaluation. It will be important to build on the extensive preparatory work for the Inspection to ensure that the service provided to schools and other clients continues to improve. The DfES’ view of the role of LEAs continues to evolve with an increased emphasis on schools being supported appropriately to ensure that they are largely self-managing institutions. The framework for consultation and communications with schools, which is in place in Halton and was praised by OFSTED, will facilitate a positive response to new Government initiatives so that they serve the interests of all learners in Halton. It was encouraging to receive very positive feedback from OFSTED about Halton’s commitment to, and effective promotion of, social inclusion and recognition of the strategic coherence with which the many current initiatives are managed by the Department.6.0PROGRESS AGAINST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
Total / 7 / / 1 / / 2 / / 4Progress against key performance indications is set out in Appendix 3 (Graphs) and Appendix 4 (Table). Please see relevant commentaries on progress made and challenging targets set.
A financial statement is attached as Appendix 7.
Total / 12 / / 12 / / 0 / / 0Progress against other performance indicators is set out in Appendix 5.
Current indications from Secondary Schools show that they are broadly in line to achieve Key Stage 3 LPSA targets of 35% of students achieving Level 6 in English and 40% of students achieving Level 6 in Maths. See Appendix 6.8.0APPENDICES
Appendix 1 – Progress against key objectives/ milestonesAppendix 2 – Progress against other objectives/ milestones
Appendix 3 – Progress against key performance indicators
(graphical format)
Appendix 4 – Progress against key performance indicators
(tabular format)
Appendix 5 – Progress against other performance indicators
Appendix 6 – Progress against LPSA targets
Appendix 7 – Financial Statement
Objective /
/ CommentaryLiteracy Strategy and Numeracy Strategy Training Programmes in place 2003 – 2006 /
Work related/Enterprise Learning established with the planning curriculum of all secondary schools /
Schools accredited as having met the requirements for the Halton Healthy Schools Standards Phase 1 /
Schools Sports Co-ordinator Development Plan implemented with evidence that Year 1 targets relating to strategic planning, primary liaison, school to community and out of hours learning, coaching and leadership and raised standards are being met /
Brokerage Service for Schools /
Contract Enquiry System (CES) a new School Cleaning Database operational /
Revisions and Updates to the Education Asset Management Plan (AMP) approved by DFES as satisfactory for funding purposes and all action points from the 2002 review addressed /
Education Internet more fully developed to include key policy documents required by OfSTED /
Halton LEA/Schools Management Information Strategy covering the agreed flows of information between schools and the authority and the data flow timetable in place /
All performance data to be available electronically /
Appendix One – Progress against key objectives/ milestones
Objective / Key Milestone /Progress
/ CommentaryYear 3, 4, 5 of Education Development Plan fully operational / Fully Operational May 2003 /
Numeracy Strategy Plan and Training Programme in place / In place June 2003 /
Work related/ Enterprise Learning established within the planning curriculum of all secondary schools / Established in all Secondary schools by September 2003 /
Schools Participating in the Healthy Schools initiative to be working towards accreditation for Drugs Education / 10 schools working towards accreditation by December 2003 /
A network of schools achieving Artsmark accreditation / 10 schools by December 2003 with at least 50% achieving silver or gold award /
New methodology for funding SEN agreed / In place March 2004 / / Although agreed, current delegation rules introduced by DfES require that changes be deferred
Consistent financial reporting guidelines fully implemented / Fully implemented March 2003 /
Business Plan for Technical Support SLA for schools revised in line with OfSTED criteria / June 2003 /
Capital programme delivered according to agreed deadlines, maximising the use of summer holiday periods for school based projects /
Review of building requirements to support SEN Review completed and submitted as Targeted Capital Bid / Completed September 2003 / / Deferred to relate more to timetable of the Review. Possible Targeted Capital Bid 2004
Objective / Key Milestone /
/ CommentaryEnhanced pupil database to include information on all vulnerable children and pupils with SEN statements in place / In place October 2003 /
Admissions process to be integrated into Halton Pupil Database / In place October 2003 /
Scheme for delegation of finance to Nursery schools (a) consulted upon and (b) implemented / (a) By December 2003 /
Appendix Two – Progress against other objectives/ milestones
Appendix Three – Progress against key performance indicators (graphs)
Ref / Indicator / Actual02 / 03 / Target
03 / 04 / Quarter 4
(Year End) / Progress / Commentary
BVPI 40 / Proportion of pupils in schools maintained by the authority in the previous summer achieving Level 4 or above in Key Stage 2 Mathematics test. / 74.9% / 81% / Actual71.1% / / The results were below target. A number of reasons have been identified. Work at school level will address how results can be improved
BVPI 48 / Percentage of Schools maintained by the LEA – subject to special measures / 0 / 0 / Currently
0 / / It is pleasing that no schools have been in this category since Halton’s inception
BVPI 181 / Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the authority achieving Level 5 in the Key Stage 3 tests.
d)ICT assessment. / a) 60.6%
b) 60.8%
c) 60.7%
d) 73.6% / a) 72%
b) 72%
c) 66%
d) 72% / Actual
a) 69%
b) 68%
c) 63%
d) 70% / / Although Challenging Targets not met except in ICT. Significant improvements achieved on previous year. Halton listed by DfES as 5th most improved LEA in its KS3 results
BVPI 194 / Percentage of pupils in schools maintained by the authority achieving Level 5 in the Key Stage 2 tests.
a) English
b) Mathematics / a) 25.7%
b) 23.0% / a) 30%
b) 31% / Actual
a) 24.3%
b) 25.1% / / Below target. However broadly in line with national levels of attainment. Reasons for under-performance are being addressed at school level through Link Advisers and consultants. Creditable 2.1% growth in Maths.
Appendix Four – Progress against key performance indicators (not represented graphically)
Ref / Indicator / Actual02 / 03 / Target
03 / 04 / Quarter 4
(Year End) / Progress / Commentary
BVPI 193 / How the authority’s Schools Budget compares with its Schools Funding Assessment.a)School’s budget as a percentage of the Schools Funding Assessment.
b)Increase in Schools Budget on the previous year as a percentage of the increase in Schools Funding Assessment on the previous year. / Awaiting targets / Actual outturn figure not available until July 2004 / N/A
Schools regularly resurveyed for condition for AMP purposes / 20% full + 40% light touch / 26%72% / / Target exceeded
Schools visited to review issues within their AMPs to inform planning and programming / 25% / 97% of schools visited for suitability survey / / Target exceeded. Exceptionally, all schools needed to be visited to meet national requirement for suitability survey.
2 schools not visited undergoing re-build
Reduce numbers of schools with excessive surplus balances above 5% secondary, above 8% primary and special* / 30 / Information not available until July 2004 /
Increase % of available Seed Challenge funding drawn down for school projects* / 50% / 91% / / Target exceeded
Increase % of invoices paid within 30 days / 85% / 90% / / Target exceeded
Increase Governor attendance at development sessions / 660 / 700 /
Decrease LEA governor vacancies and overall governor vacancy levels / 12%
9% / 7%
8% /
Increase % of pupils achieving Level 5 in Literacy at KS2* / Not available / Actual
24.3% /
All pupils in secondary schools to have agreed entitlement to a range of work-related learning opportunities* / 5 schools / 7 schools /
Explicit work related learning outcomes developed in primary schools* / 7 schools / 8 schools /
Computer to pupil ratio to be at 1:8 in primary schools and 1:5 in secondary schools / 75% schools on target / On target /
50% of schools to have broadband connections by March 2004 / 50% / 72% /
Appendix Five – Progress against other performance indicators)
Description / Target / Position at the end of 2002/03 / Progress at Q4(Year End) / Commentary
Increase Key Stage 3 attainment at level 6+ in English and Maths / From 27.2% in English (2000/01) to 35% and in Maths from 35.4% (2001/02) to 40% by 2004. / 03 / 04
31% English
41% Maths / / Actual position achieved in July was 32% in English 42% in Maths. This suggests that the target is achievable in 2004
Appendix Six – Progress against LPSA targets
Financial Statement to follow when available.
Appendix Seven – Financial Statement