Pequea Valley High School

4033 E. Newport Road, PO Box 287, Kinzers, PA 17535

(717) 768-5510 FAX# (717) 768-5523

GuidanceCounselors – Mr. Jason Davis & Mrs. Rebecca Scheuer

Internship Coordinator – Mr. Jared Erb (717) 314-4269

Revised 3/1/16



Pequea Valley High School offers a wonderful opportunity for students who are dedicated to their career planning and education. The internship program is designed for juniors and seniors who are interested in experiencing “first hand” a particular career or career field. Students who participate in the internship program work with a professional in the community to gain experience and insight into their chosen career interest. This program offers students the opportunity to explore careers in law, medicine, veterinary medicine, computer science, finance, accounting, administration, sales, journalism, music, photography, art, architecture, engineering, technology, manufacturing, crafts, agriculture, and many more. Students choosing to participate in the internship program would receive a high school course credit, in lieu of payment from the intern sponsor.

Participation in this program requires the student to work at the internship site. The student will be required to provide his/her own transportation to and from the internship site. The interns will meet every other week with the program coordinator to discuss relevant topics relating to employment, as well as issues and concerns relating to their specific internship placement.

The student intern will be required to:

Report to the internship site during scheduled internshipblock(s)

Maintain 95% attendance

Report to the internship site on time

Call the intern sponsor and the program coordinator when he/she cannot report to work

Maintain a log/electronic portfolio outlining duties, skills learned and hours (total of 300 to earn credit)

Create a final summary of the internship and present a 10-15 minute presentation of electronic portfolio

Meet with the program coordinator during assigned times

Behavior issues involving the internship or school may terminate the internship and jeopardize graduation

The student intern must be dependable, responsible, punctual, and have a desire to intern within a professional environment. Success in the program will depend upon the parent's support and the student's commitment. The program coordinator and teachers will provide on-going direction and support to help ensure success.

Should the student decide to withdraw from the program, he or she should decide to do so within the first week of the semester. In the event the student fails to comply with the organizational and program standards, policies, and regulations, the student may be dismissed from the program without receiving course credit. The student, counselor and parent would discuss educational options whereby the administration decision is final.

The parent or guardian must indicate approval for his/her son or daughter to participate in the internship program by written consent. (Separate form)

If there are any questions or concerns regarding the internship program, please call your child’s guidance counseloratthe Pequea Valley High School.

Pequea Valley High School

4033 E. Newport Road, PO Box 287, Kinzers, PA 17535

(717) 768-5510 FAX# (717) 768-5523

Guidance Counselors – Mr. Jason Davis & Mrs. Rebecca Scheuer

Internship Coordinator – Mr. Jared Erb (717) 314-4269


The student must complete the Internship Application Form and return to their school counselor.

The student must return a signed Parent Permission, Liability Waiver & Insurance Verification Formto their school counselor.

The student must present verification that he/she is enrolled in the School Accident Insurance Program or is covered through a family policy.

The student must register with school counselor and internship coordinator for internship.

The student must contact their school counselor to finalize internship plans. You do not need to have an internship site in place to sign up for internship, but you must commit to locating one with assistance.

Once plans are finalized, complete the Internship plan.

Internship Syllabus

Students are responsible for locating the internship opportunity with assistance from the internship sponsor. Internship may be in the field of the student’s choice. Most internships are unpaid because they are professional learning opportunities. Students are expected to intern a minimum of 300 total hours at the job site and must provide transportation. Grades will be based on the following documentation.

Site Visits and Meetings 20%

Paperwork – organized and completed neatly 20%

  • Application / Plan
  • Employer Agreement Form
  • Hour Log

Intern Sponsor’s Performance Evaluation30%

At end of each nine weeks

Exam/ Presentation30%

Complete and present a display/PowerPoint/electronic portfolio in mid-May outlining and including internship work and activities.

Pequea Valley High School

4033 E. Newport Road, PO Box 287, Kinzers, PA 17535

(717) 768-5510 FAX# (717) 768-5523

Guidance Counselors – Mr. Jason Davis & Mrs. Rebecca Scheuer

Internship Coordinator – Mr. Jared Erb (717) 314-4269


Student name: / Job title: / Home phone:
Cell phone: / Email:
Business name: / Address: / General phone:
Supervisor name: / Supervisor title: / Telephone: / Email:
Student schedule: / Days scheduled to work: / Times scheduled: / Pay (if applicable):
Initial duties for student:
Expected duties after initial training, if student performs adequately:
Student agrees to take advantage of the training opportunities offered by the internship by going above and beyond the expectations of the workplace.
Supervisor will offer training opportunities as appropriate to the student’s abilities and give student and teacher feedback on performance.
Parent will assist with transportation if necessary.
Teacher will contact employer every 9 weeks or more frequently if necessary to assist employer and student with placement.
Student signature and date: ______
Supervisor signature and date: ______
Parent signature and date: ______
Teacher signature and date: ______