Home-Start Exeter and East Devon
Online Information Sharing Protocol
Purpose and scope of this protocol
The protocol describes the roles and responsibilities of both individual schemes and Home-Start UK (HSUK); and the safeguards in place to ensure the security of scheme data relating to the service provided to families.
Home-Start schemes and HSUK work at all times to safeguard children; and operate within the Home-Start Safeguarding and Record Keeping and Retention policies.
Home-Start schemes and HSUK operate within the principles of Data Protection; and have notified the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
1. Description of the online MESH system
1.1 MESH is the internal online Home-Start monitoring and evaluation system, that allows both aggregated data to be collected and the individual record of support to families to be tracked.
1.2 The data is entered by each Home-Start scheme via a web-based system that is maintained by Home-Start UK.
1.3 Home-Start UK uses aggregated information drawn from the system in order to communicate key messages and statistics about the reach and scope of the Home-Start service across the UK
2. Access and security within each Home-Start scheme
2.1 Each scheme has access to the online MESH system via a secure log-in unique to the scheme, and different from the intranet log-in.
2.2 Each scheme can only access data relating to its own service; schemes cannot access data entered by any other scheme.
2.3 The secure log-in, and therefore access to the online system, is restricted to an agreed group of designated workers and administrators within the scheme. These individuals are CRB checked, and the checks are repeated every 3 years.
2.4 The designated staff and administrators access the online system for the purpose of a) inputting or reviewing data relating to each family supported and b) to draw down appropriate aggregated data reports in order to report to funders and key stakeholders
2.5 Schemes are responsible for ensuring that the log-in details are kept securely and confidentially; and that information that links the Home-Start family numbers with the corresponding names is kept separately and securely at all times.
2.6 Trustees, advisers or other scheme staff do not have access to the secure log-in details, or to the online system itself.
2.7 In the event that a member of staff with approved access to the online system leaves the scheme, the scheme will notify HSUK immediately so that the secure log-in details can be changed.
2.8 Log-in details will be changed regularly by HSUK, at intervals to be agreed once the system is established
2.9 In the event of the long term absence of a member of staff authorised to use the system, the scheme will inform HSUK, via their Regional Consultant, to establish whether or not interim arrangements to access the system and input data need to be put in place
2.10 Individual family data which is captured electronically, identifiable only through the HS family number, will be held on the MESH system, available to schemes and HSUK, for one year after support has ended. The closure of access to individual data will be managed by automatic HSUK systems. Aggregated data will be held by the scheme in perpetuity.
2.11 Schemes will destroy the hard copy and/or electronic code/register which links a family’s name to the Home-Start family number a year after the support for the family has ceased; except where there are safeguarding concerns in which case it will be retained for 6 years.
2.12 If sometime after support has ended, a scheme needs to access the individual family data for a family where there was a safeguarding concern, they will be able to request the data from HSUK by providing the family number.
3. Access and security within Home-Start UK
3.1 Access to the data inputted by schemes across the UK is restricted to:
· Director for Research and Policy
· Head of Information and Business Systems
· Research and Policy Officer
· ICT Support Engineer
3.2 All posts listed above will report personally to the Strategic Lead for Safeguarding six-monthly for the purposes of checking the appropriate use of and access to the data. Monthly reports showing the use of the system by the HSUK staff will be provided to the Strategic Lead for Safeguarding.
3.3 No other HSUK staff or trustee will have access to the log-in details or the online system
3.4 The Head of Information and Business Systems accesses the online MESH system, and scheme data, for the purpose of maintaining the online system and to assist schemes and UK staff to draw down appropriate reports
3.5 The four named post holders within the Research and Policy and IT departments access the system, and scheme data, for the purpose of 1) monitoring and evaluating the Home-Start service and 2) producing aggregated reports to funders and other external stakeholders about the Home-Start service
3.6 Home-Start UK will not use or process information relating to the support of individual families in any arena. Case studies needed for promotional purposes about individual families are gathered directly from schemes, with the knowledge and permission of the family concerned.
3.7 Individual family data will be masked by automatic HSUK systems 12 months after the support to the family has ended. The data will be retained by HSUK, for trend analysis, but is not identifiable.
3.7 The security of the online system is maintained by advanced physical security controls, and access to information is monitored at multiple levels. ICT staff receive ongoing training in order to protect data. The data is backed up regularly and copies are stored off-site to provide redundancy in the event of a disaster.
3.8 The performance of the online system and the underlying hardware is constantly monitored to ensure it functions efficiently and as required, and the ICT staff perform regular security checks
3.9 HSUK will store anonymised data electronically for trend analysis centrally.
Date Protocol Adopted by Trustees: ………………………………….Signed by Chair: …………………………………………………………..
Date for Review: …………………………………………………………..
This protocol will be reviewed in Jan 2013 by the Director for Policy and Research and annually thereafter. This will allow for any changes necessary with the introduction of SIMS
Online Protocol HSUK 12th October 10
Adopted HSE&ED March 13