Faculty Load Questionnaire

Major Topics / Questions / Responses /

Faculty Workload Analysis

/ ·  Is faculty workload currently measured, and if so, who is responsible for analysis of faculty workload on campus? / · 
/ ·  What faculty codes (types) are currently used? / · 
/ ·  What information (i.e., demographic/biographic data, credentials, etc.) concerning faculty is tracked? / · 
/ ·  Is this data maintained in the Student system, the HR system, or both? / · 
/ ·  How are faculty workloads determined? / · 
/ ·  Are there any non-instructional assignments that are factored into workload? (Administrative duties, advising, coaching, committee work, research, other) / · 
/ ·  What are the types of faculty contracts issued by the institution? / · 
/ ·  When is the workload analysis performed? / · 
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Merger Topics
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