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California Department of EducationExecutive Office
SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011)
ilsb-elsd-jul15item01 / ITEM #05
Update on the Activities of the California Department of Education and State Board of Education Regarding Implementation of the California English Language Development Standards. / ActionInformation
Public Hearing
This agenda item is an update to inform the State Board of Education (SBE) and public regarding California English Language Development Standards implementation activities.
The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the State Board of Education (SBE) take action as deemed necessary and appropriate but recommends no specific action at this time.
The SBE adopted the new California English Language Development (CA ELD) Standards in November 2012. These standards became the current ELD Standards that are aligned with the California Standards for English Language Arts. In October 2011, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed Assembly Bill (AB) 124 into law, which required that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) present to the Governor and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature a schedule and implementation plan for integrating the CA ELD Standards into the state public education system (AB 124, Chapter 605, Statutes of 2011). In November 2013, the SBE, in partnership with the SSPI, presented to the Governor and the Legislature the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan thereby fulfilling the requirements of former Section California Education Code Section 60811.3(e).
The CA ELD Standards State Implementation Plan describes the philosophy and strategies for the successful integration of the CA ELD Standards, aligned to the
California Standards for English Language Arts, and addresses English language and literacy skills English learners need in key content areas. The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is posted online at
As a structural framework for activities related to California standards implementation, the Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Plan for California was grounded in seven guiding strategies, which were also used as a basis for the ELD Standards Implementation Plan. Both plans use seven strategies that encompass all areas of our educational system, and while they provide focus to the work, they also reveal its highly integrated nature. The SBE is presented with the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan Highlights in the seven guiding principles (Attachment 1) and a list of key events (Attachment 2).
The ELD Standards document is now available for sale by the CDE press.
April 2015: The CDE updated the SBE on the Home Language Survey (HLS) pilot study being conducted by the California Comprehensive Center to assess the effectiveness of the California HLS and pilot modifications. The SBE will receive the results of the study in December of 2015.
April 2015: The CDE updated the SBE on the correspondence study of the CA ELD Standards with the California Standards for Mathematics and the California New Generation Science Standards, and the development of recommendations for augmentations to the CA ELD Standards.
October 2014: The CDE updated the SBE on the augmentation to the 2012 CA ELD Standards to correspond them with the academic content standards for Mathematics and Science (AB 899).
May 2014: The CDE provided an update regarding the 2014 revision of the ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.
March 2014: The SBE approved supplemental instructional materials for English Language Development to bridge the gap between the 1999 ELD Standards and the California ELD Standards adopted in 2012. The final report of that review is available online at
December 2013: The SBE, in partnership with the SSPI, presented to the Governor and the Legislature the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan.
September 2013: The CDE recommended that the SBE, in partnership with the SSPI, present to the Governor and the Legislature the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan, thereby fulfilling the requirements of California Education Code Section 60811.3(e). The CDE also recommended that the SBE designate an SBE liaison to work with the CDE staff to finalize the plan. The SBE voted to adopt the CDE recommendation.
July 2013: The CDE presented to the SBE an overview of the draft CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan and the process to receive input from the public as well as internally from the CDE divisions.
November 2012: The SBE adopted the new CA ELD Standards.
September 2012: The CDE reviewed the CA ELD Standards development process, presented a walk-through of the CA ELD Standards and recommended adoption. The SBE agreed with the CDE staff recommendation to adopt the CA ELD Standards in November 2012. The SBE directed CDE to work with SBE liaisons and staff to make any necessary revisions for final adoption in November 2012.
July 2012: The CDE presented an overview of the CA ELD Standards development process; provided a detailed briefing on the draft proficiency level descriptors and the CA ELD Standards template.
May 2012: The CDE presented a summary of the key activities to revise the CA ELD Standards, including a summary of the results of the focus groups and the panel of expert’s selection process.
March 2012: The CDE presented the timeline and a summary of the key activities to update, revise, and align the CA ELD Standards to the SBE-adopted California Standards for English Language Arts.
October 2011: Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. signed AB 124 (Chapter 605, Statutes of 2011) which required the SSPI to present to the legislature an implementation plan to integrate the ELD standards into the state public education system.
August 2010: Pursuant to SBX5 1 (Chapter 2, Statutes of 2011), the SBE adopted the academic content standards in ELA and mathematics as proposed by the California Academic Content Standards Commission.
July 1999: The SBE adopted the previous ELD Standards for California public schools.
The CDE is determining the funds that will be used for the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan.
Attachment 1: California English Language Development Standards Implementation
Plan Highlights: January 2014–May 2015 (4 pages)
Attachment 2: California English Language Development Standards Implementation
Events (3 pages)
6/26/2015 10:26 AM
Attachment 1
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California English Language Development Standards Implementation Plan Highlights: January 2014–May 2015
1. Facilitate high quality professional learning opportunities for educators to ensure that every student has access to teachers who are prepared to teach to the levels of rigor and depth required by the CA ELD Standards.
w California Department of Education (CDE) staff participated in the Annual Conference of the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) in Anaheim, California on April 2–5, 2014, and in San Diego, California on March 3–5, 2015. Approximately 800 teachers, administrators, para-educators, and parents of English learners participated in presentations and workshops designed to share the most current information for English learners through the California Standards, the new California English Language Development (CA ELD) standards, and technology and the arts. During the conference, the CDE offered a one-day institute to share information regarding the following topics: ELD Standards in the era of California Standards, implementing state assessments with a focus on English learners, the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) curriculum framework, resources for implementing the CA ELD Standards, and ELD implementation planning. In addition, the institute included multiple opportunities for participants to engage in facilitated discussions to share information regarding their local implementation efforts.
w The CDE in collaboration with the ELA/ELD Framework authors and County Offices of Education (COE), provided ELA/ELD Framework launch events across the state.
· December 9–10, 2014, in San Diego, sponsored by CDE.
· January 20, 2015, in Redwood City, sponsored by San Mateo COE.
· February 10, 2015, in Fresno, sponsored by Tulare and Fresno COEs
· April 24, 2015, in Bakersfield, sponsored by Kern and Tulare COEs
· June 1, 2015, in Stockton, sponsored by San Joaquin COE
w Thirteen online Professional Learning Modules (PLMs) are currently available for teachers to access independently or for schools or districts to use as facilitated professional learning. The PLMs were designed to deepen educators' understanding of the California Standards; instructional strategies to support the learning of all pupils, including English learners, pupils with disabilities, and underperforming pupils; and instructional strategies that promote creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills in all academic content areas. The modules include:
§ Getting Started with the California English Language Development Standards: This module is Part 1 of a two-part English Language Development (ELD) module series, which is designed to ensure English learner students have access to the California Standards for English language arts and Literacy (ELA/Literacy) in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. This module provides an overview of the components of the ELD standards and how they are aligned to the California Standards.
§ A Deeper Dive into the California ELD Standards: This module is Part 2 of the two-part ELD module series. It provides a structure and focus for ELD standards-based instruction in mainstream classrooms and designated ELD instruction and/or classrooms that describes how to use the ELD standards in tandem with the California Standards for English Language Arts. Examples in various contexts and grade spans model how suggested instructional strategies can be successfully implemented.
The modules are located on My Digital Chalkboard, which replaced the Brokers of Expertise Web site at The portal now has more than 400,000 digital resources, including training modules and videos, model lesson plans, and researched-based data. More information is available on the CDE Professional Learning Modules for Educators Web page at
2. Provide CA ELD Standards-aligned instructional resources designed to meet the diverse needs of all students.
w On July 18 and 19, 2013, CDE staff trained approximately 60 teachers, administrators, and content experts to review instructional materials for ELD specifically created to help bridge the gap from the 1999 ELD Standards to the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) in November 2012.
w The SBE, in March, 2014, approved supplemental instructional materials for English Language Development to bridge the gap between the 1999 ELD Standards and the California ELD Standards adopted in 2012. The final report of that review is available online at
w The SBE adopted the ELA/ELD Framework at its July 9–10, 2014 meeting. The ELA/ELD Framework has not been edited for publication but will remain posted during the editing process at The Framework is considered a model for the rest of the nation and it is the first in the nation that integrates the ELA standards and the ELD standards in one framework.
w It is anticipated the SBE will receive recommendations from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the adoption of standards aligned instructional materials designed to meet the diverse needs of all students in November 2015, based on the ELA/ELD Framework and evaluation criteria adopted by the SBE in July 2014.
3. Develop and transition to CA ELD Standards–aligned assessment systems to inform instruction, establish priorities for professional learning, and provide tools for accountability.
w The CDE is in the process of replacing the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) with the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), which will be aligned with the 2012 ELD Standards. The CDE has developed blueprint guidelines in consultation with the ELPAC Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The guidelines will inform the test development process on how to assess and measure the 2012 ELD Standards.
4. Collaborate with parents, guardians and the early childhood and extended learning communities to integrate the California Standards into programs and activities beyond the K–12 school setting.
w The CDE has made available additional translations of several documents developed to communicate with parents regarding the California Standards. Three informational flyers regarding the California Standards and the parent flyer from the Common Core State Standards Systems Implementation Communications Toolkit for California are now available in the following languages: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, English, Farsi (Persian), Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Lao, Pilipino (Tagalog), Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
These documents are available on the Students/Parents tab on the CDE CCSS Web page at
5. Collaborate with the postsecondary and business communities to ensure that all students are prepared for success in career and college.
w The CDE Career Technical Leadership and Support Unit provided a workshop titled, Quantum Tech: How Global Technology Innovations Can Be Used to Meet the Common Core State Standards and English Language Development Standards at the Title III Accountability and Leadership Institute held in December 2013 in Burlingame, CA. The presenters discussed best practices from around the globe and then reviewed how they apply to state content and CA ELD standards.
6. Seek, create and disseminate resources to support stakeholders as CA ELD Standards’ implementation moves forward.
w ELA/ELD Framework Launch Events are held to help support teachers, schools, and districts implement the California Standards for English Language Arts and the CA ELD Standards. Upcoming ELA/ELD Framework Launch Events can be found at
w The CDE’s CA ELD Standards Resources Web page at can be used to access the CA ELD Standards, the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan, and information regarding the alignment of the CA ELD Standards to the academic content standards for mathematics and science.
w The California Standards and the CA ELD Standards Resources Web page at provides resources to support the teaching of the California Standards with the CA ELD Standards.
7. Design and establish systems of effective communication among stakeholders to continuously identify areas of need and disseminate information.
w The CDE has developed a Web-based CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan. The Plan will be updated continuously to provide stakeholders with timely information regarding the progress of the ELD standards implementation activities of the CDE and SBE. The Web-based plan is available at