8th Grade Physical Education
In 8th grade Physical Education we are excited to help develop the mental, emotional, physical, and social aspects of living necessary for a happy and productive life of all 8th graders and to prepare our students for Parkway Central High’s PE Curriculum. Students will be introduced to many team and individual sports, which include skills, rules, and game strategy, as well as physical fitness.We look forward to exposing your children to many physical activities to help promote lifelong physical fitness.
Daily PE Expectations
Students are expected to wear proper tennis shoes (athletic shoes, tied laces, straps, etc.), a proper top that is not revealing (a crew neck t-shirt) and bottoms that are comfortable, worn correctly, and are not revealing. This will keep our students as safe as possible. It is the students’ responsibility to dress appropriately for the weather during outside activities. Please dress accordingly.
During PE each day we will do a warm-up activity. The first half of the warm-up will be a light jog. The second half of the warm up will consist of a variety of active stretches. Students are expected to actively and constructively participate duringthe warm-up portion of class in order to receive their full warm up points. Following the warm up each day the students are expected to participate in the daily activity.Each activity is an opportunity for students to actively and constructively participate, show sportsmanship, display safe, responsible behavior (i.e. no gum), use appropriate language, social skills, and cooperate with others. Grades will be updated weekly on Infinite Campus.
Each student will be graded daily based on a 10 point grading scale. Points will be awarded based on the grading rubric located below. In order to receive full credit, students must be an active participant in class, display personal and social responsibility, and needvery little redirection.
Grading Scale
A=96-100% A- =92-95% B+=90-91% B=86-89% B- =84-85% C+=82-83% C=78-81%C- =76-77% D+=74-75% D=70-73%D- =68-69% F= 67-0%
Grading Rubric
Category / Needs Improvement 1 / Acceptable 2 / Good 3Time on Task: Warm-Up / Student is off task and/or not following directions / Student is occasionally on task and following directions / Student consistently contributes to the class warm-up activity(s) and follows directions
Needs Improvement 1 / Acceptable 2 / Good 3 / Outstanding 4
Health Components- Participation / Student Often: *Refuses to participate *Makes little or no effort / Student Occasionally: *Participates *Makes a good effort / Student Consistently: *Participates *Makes an outstanding effort / Student alwaysparticipates in the class activity(s) &follows directions
Skills / Student demonstrates little or no use of:
* The skills necessary for full recreational participation
* The strategies and rules related to the various activities / Student demonstrates correct use of:
* Some skills necessary for full recreational participation
* Some of the strategies and rules related to the various activities / Student Consistently demonstrates correct use of:
* All skills necessary for full recreational participation
* All the strategies and rules related to the various activities
Heart Rate Monitors
Students will be responsible for wearing a Heart Rate Monitor throughout the school year. The students will need to wear a provided chest strap and watch during PE class in order to receive their full points for that week. Students will learn how to use heart rate monitors to measure their heart's response to exercise. They will learn health-related fitness and heart zone training as it relates to personal wellness, Concepts such as resting heart rate, target heart rate, parts of a workout, health-related fitness components, aerobic training and FITT principle will be discussed.
Each student will be responsible for information acquired in a PE/Health folder.This folder will be kept by the student with any information thestudent needs for health/PE. Any grade sheets or graded papers will begiven to the studnetto put in their folder.There will be periodic folder checks throughout each trimester for points towards the students grade.
Students will be responsible for taking quizzes over information presented in class related to each new activities. Each quiz will consist of ten questions worth an overall 20 points. Students must pass with at least an 80% on the first try. The first quiz will be graded out of 10 points. If the student recieves at least an 8 out of 10, they will earn 10 free points. This will give them their score out of 20 points. If they do not pass the quiz on the first try, they will recieve a second opportunity to take the quiz and the end of the week and their two scores will be combined.
Tardy Policy
Each trimester students will be allowed 2 tardies. Students will receive a lunch detention after 3 tardies and a lunch detention for each tardy after that. Students will also notify their parents/guardian before they are dismissed to their next class after the 3rd tardy.
Medical/Parent Notes
Students must bring a doctor's note or written note from a parent/guardian to be excused from participating in PE (minor injury, sickness, etc.). A signed doctor's note is required if a student needs to be excused for an extended period of time.A parent note can be used to excuse a student from activity, but students will receivea ZERO for their daily points. Remember, these points can be made up during after school PE make-up days.
Make-Up Days
If a student did not get all of their daily points for any reason there will be an opportunity to make up daily points by participating in a make-up day. The make-up days will be available after school during after school activities.Check our teacher website, under“PE Make-Up days,” for more detailed information.
Locker Rooms
Locks -It is strongly encouraged that students bring their own lock if they plan to use a locker.Students are responsible for their own combinations, keys, and materials.
Lockers-Lockers may be used for storing shoes, clothing, books, etc. No backpacks, purses, etc., will be allowed in the gym/locker room.Students are responsible for their locks and personal belongings at all times.
Jon HardyNancy Hesemann
Planning: 10:44-11:29 (Mon-Fri)Planning: 2:26-3:11 (Mon-Fri)
Phone: (314) 415-7852Phone: (314) 415-5872
Email: mail: