Healthy Campus Program Council Meeting
November 18, 2015
Present: C. Kenner, K. Capestro, N. Peel, C. Wells, S. Gibson, C. Demerjian, A. Borders, K. Ells, H. Heller
The meeting was called to order at 1:30pm. The minutes of the October 21, 2015 meeting were approved and seconded. All past and present minutes have been sent to the Steering Committee.
- December 4th campus visit with Dr. Bernadette Melnyk. The luncheon will be at 11:45am instead of 12:00pm in the Dean’s conference room. Breakfast with student government leaders, staff senate/faculty senate leaders, student affairs in Loser 206 at 8:00am. Campus-wide talk in Mayo Concert Hall from 10-11:30am. Wrap-up with the Dean at 12:45pm.
- C.Wells – website for Healthy Campus. “To create a hub for all healthy campus content.” Showed Healthy web pages from different universities. Columbus State – 8 dimensions of wellness; info content good – similar with THRIVE. TCNJ mission is limited. Southern Miss – nice tag line. Ohio Northern University – simplistic web page. Rowan – simple mission statement. Montclair State – student driven. Students, faculty and staff need to be motivated to go on the website. There should be incentives. Core values should be added. The local community should be involved. Healthy Campus news should feed through Lions Gate. Organizations should post events. We need to foster and create opportunities for a healthy campus and environment. This has been a great start for a healthy campus website. Thanks to C. Wells.
- H. Heller – Smoke free campus update. Most campuses in the State of New Jersey are not smoke free. At TCNJ, smoking is not allowed inside of the buildings. Smoking is allowed 10 feet from the building entrance. Jersey City University willing to work with us in establishing a smoke free campus. There should be a sub-committee initiated.
- H. Heller – AED’s on campus. There are not enough on campus- none in the classrooms. Janet’s Law – schools K-12 must have them in the school. There is cost involved – CPR training, physician oversight, safety officer on campus. The AED’s locations on campus should be shown on the campus map. (An updated list of AEDS and their location on campus was e-mailed to you).
- Evacuation plans: John Collins of CIPG is very involved on campus. People do not know where to go if there is a lockdown. There should be a linkage of the plans on the website. There are no plans. More focus is on Residence Life. Students are concerned about fires. Matthew Genna from IRB and John Collins, Chief of Police should be invited to our next meeting (either in January or February).
- Wellness Expo – March 29th 11-2:00pm. Smoke Free committee: C. Demerjian, H. Heller, Amanda or B. Webb. Handouts were given with the Health Services’ hours of operation and hours at other campuses. Evening hours were poorly utilized at TCNJ, and graduate students do not utilize Health Services.
- Foster a community that supports holistic health and wellness:
- Create a positive environment to support health and wellness.
- Create communication website for faculty, students and staff.
- Maintain healthy academic communities.
- Integrate health and wellness into all decision making within the College.
- Provide targeted health and wellness programs, events and consultations.
The next meeting will possibly be Wednesday, December 16th. That will be confirmed through an e-mail to all members of the council. The meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.
Respectfully submitted,