PUBH 7541
Statistics for Health Management Decision-Making
Executive MHA Program
Assignment 1
This assignment is a cumulative assessment of material covered in Unit 1 and Unit 2. It is primarily based on Unit 1, and is designed to have you conduct a comprehensive descriptive analysis using STATA, and assess your understanding of how to interpret descriptive statistics (tabular, graphical, and numerical).
Before you start this assignment, please complete the following course material first:
· Watch Unit 1: Lesson 1 and Lesson 2, read transcripts as needed
· Read Unit 1: STATA v. 13.1: An Introduction(PDF) under Data and Statistical Software Resources
· Read Unit 1: Practicing with STATA: Hospitalizations for Heart Failure in Hamilton Health System(PDF) under Data and Statistical Software Resources
· Watch Unit 1: STATA Exercise recap(video) under Data and Statistical Software Resources
· Try to practice and complete the STATA exercise on your own using hfdata.dta(file download) under Data and Statistical Software Resources
· Optional: Read Excel Orientation: Hospitalizations for Heart Failure in Hamilton Health System(PDF); and Watch Excel Orientation recap(video)
Part I: [60 points]
Continuation of the “Hospitalizations for Heart Failure in Hamilton Health System”
This part uses hfdata.dta posted under Unit 1. Please refer to the Practicing with STATA: Hospitalizations for Heart Failure in Hamilton Health System(PDF) under Data and Statistical Software Resources to remind yourself of this exercise.
· Start a log file
· Open the data file
1) [5 points] How many patients are included in this data? (hint: describe)
2) [5 points] How many patients in each hospital? Fill in the table below (hint: tab hospflag)
Frequency / % / CumulativeHospital
1 / 377 / 39
2 / 501 / 51
3 / 96 / 10
3) [5 points] What is the average length of stay, standard deviation and range (min, max) by hospital? Fill in the table below. Use up to 2 decimal points (i.e. 6.12 instead of 6.124). Which hospital has the lowest mean length of stay? Which hospital has the largest maximum length of stay?
Hint:. bysort hospflag: summ los or tabstat los, by(hospflag) stat(mean, sd, p50, min, max)
Length of Stay (LOS)Hospital / Mean / Std / Min / Max
1 / 5.397878 / 0.258882 / 0 / 19
2 / 4.712575 / 0.146313 / 0 / 25
3 / 5.322917 / 0.343644 / 0 / 17
4) [5 points] In hospital 2, what did the distribution of length of stay look like? Fill in the table below
Hint: summ los if hospflag==2, detail
Length of Stay in Hospital 25th percentile / 1
10th percentile / 2
25th percentile / 3
50th percentile (median) / 4
75th percentile / 7
90th percentile / 9
95th percentile / 11.9
Based on the distribution presented in this table, complete the statements below:
· 10% of patients have length of stay that is less than _2___ days.
· 10% of patients have length of stay that is greater than ____ days.
· 90% of patient have length of stay that is less than __9__ days.
· 25% of patients have length of stay that is less than ____ days.
· 25% of patients have length of stay that is greater than __6_ days.
· 50% of patients have length of stay that is less than _4__ days.
5) [5 points] Summarize total charges across all hospitals and fill in the table below (round to zero decimal points. For example 4356 instead of 4356.43)
Hint: summ totchgs, detail
Total Charges ($)Mean (Std. Dev) / 7672
5th percentile / 3575
10th percentile / 4381
25th percentile / 6163
50th percentile (median) / 9011
75th percentile / 13422
90th percentile / 19100
95th percentile / 24491
6) [5 points] Generate two new variables to flag patients that are low cost (total charges are 10th percentile or less), patients that are high cost (total charges are 90th percentile or more). In this case, 10th percentile is 4,391 while 90th percentile is 19,976.
gen lowcost=0
replace lowcost=1 if totchgs<=4391
gen highcost=0
replace highcost=1 if totchgs>=19976
generate lowcost
For each hospital, compute the percentage of hospital’s patients that are characterized as low cost and high cost. Fill in the table below (2 decimal points), and compare hospitals in terms of which has the highest % of high cost patients and low cost patients.
%Low Cost Patients / %High Cost PatientsHospital / % / %
bysort hospflag: sum lowcost
bysort hospflag: sum highcost
7) [10 points] Prepare a pie chart that describes the distribution of the payer types (Medicare (1), Medicaid (2), Private (3), Other(4)). Make sure the give a title to the pie chart. Each slice of the pie should have the % corresponding to the slice. For example, the slice for Medicare should have % of patients paid by Medicare. Follow the instructions in STATA v. 13.1: An Introduction(pages 11 and 12). Once you generate the pie chart in STATA, you can go to edit/copy graph, and then paste on the word document. Briefly discuss which payer has the largest share of the patients, which payer has the smallest share of the patients.
8) [10 points] Prepare a histogram of the total charges, specifying 20 bins. Make sure the give a title to the histogram. Follow the instructions in STATA v. 13.1: An Introduction(page 13). Instead of the “density”, modify the histogram so that the y-axis has % of patients. Comment on the skewness of total charges, and what it means.
9) [10 points] Prepare a bar chart of patient death while in hospital (pat_died) by month of hospital admission (amonth). In which month do the hospital admissions have lowest rate of resulting in patient death while in hospital? Make sure the give a title to the bar chart. Follow the instructions in STATA v. 13.1: An Introduction(page 14).
Part II: [40 points]
This part uses data downloaded from the World Health Organization data repository ( You are provided with both the excel and STATA versions of the dataset workforce.xls and workforce.dta
The list below describes the variables in the data.
Variable name / DescriptionCountry / Country
Year / Year
physicians / Physicians density (per 1000 population)
Nurses / Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 1000 population)
Dentists / Dentistry personnel density (per 1000 population)
pharmacists / Pharmaceutical personnel density (per 1000 population)
1) [5 points] Which years of data are available for Saudi Arabia?
Hint: tab year if country==”Saudi Arabia”
2) [10 points] Prepare a table (2 decimal points) to present the mean density of physicians and nurses over time (years) for Saudi Arabia. Describe changes in physician and nurse density over time. Approximately how many nurses are there per physician in Saudi Arabia?
tabstat physicians nurses if country=="Saudi Arabia", by(year)
Year / Physicians density (per 1000 population) / Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 1000 population)2000 / 0.68 / 1.64
2001 / 0.63 / 0
2008 / 2.02 / 3.83
2009 / 2.04 / 4.19
2010 / 2.47 / 4.72
2011 / 2.47 / 4.84
2012 / 2.51 / 4.97
3) [10 points] Describe the distribution of physician density across all countries in 2012. Prepare the table below. Discuss where Saudi Arabia fits in this distribution. Which percentile, and what does that mean?
Hint: summ physicians if year==2012, detail
Physicians density (per 1000 population), 2012Mean (Std. Dev) / 1.618316
5th percentile / .17
10th percentile / .189
25th percentile / .915
50th percentile (median) / 2.329
75th percentile / 3.579
90th percentile / 4.1
95th percentile / 4.894
4) [5 points] In 2012, which countries have physician density that is at the bottom 5 percentile? Which countries have physician density that is at the top 5 percentile?
Hint: In this case, 5th percentile corresponds to 0.17, and 95th percentile corresponds to 4.89
list country if physicians<=0.17 & year==2012
| country |
174. | Cambodia |
696. | Mozambique |
1184. | United Republic of Tanzania |
list country if physicians>=4.89 & year==2012
| country |
37. | Australia |
83. | Belgium |
187. | Canada |
269. | Croatia |
311. | Czech Republic |
314. | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
524. | Japan |
537. | Jordan |
681. | Monaco |
718. | Nepal |
820. | Papua New Guinea |
905. | San Marino |
956. | South Africa |
972. | Spain |
995. | Sri Lanka |
1087. | Tonga |
1155. | Uganda |
5) [10 points] Pick 3 countries in addition to Saudi Arabia. Compare their physician and nurse density for 2012