Input Template for Attachment B Subcontractor Submittal Requirements Summary

of Construction Subcontract Exhibit I

Completed by Design Agency Rev. Nov 2014

Instructions to Design Agency

1.  Exhibit I, Subcontractor Submittal Requirements, is the pro forma (boilerplate-like) document for communicating the requirements for submittal transmittal to LANL and any required follow-up action following LANL review in construction subcontracts.

2.  Exhibit I supersedes what was traditionally in LANL Master Specification Section 01 3300, Submittal Procedures and elsewhere in the pro forma. Thus, 01 3300 is not needed in most cases. An edited Section 01 3300 can be employed as a simple, short front-end to this template (register) for self-perform work.

3.  Exhibit I’s Attachment B, Subcontractor Submittal Requirements Summary, lists requirements from the spec sections and elsewhere.

4.  The Exhibit I including its Att B must be completed by the project. After Exhibits D, F, G and H have been finalized, the design agency must tailor this template to provide the combined technical and quality related input from the specs for the “Exhibit D Technical Specifications for Engineering Services” part of AttB. That shall be done by completing this template. In order to tailor and complete this input template:

·  Items (rows) not applicable to a particular project or acquisition must be deleted.

·  Additional rows added for spec sections and their submittals created by the design agency.

·  Template entries validated (especially the need for concurrent reviews validated with LANL ES-EPD, see below)

·  Sequential numbering of submittals finalized. If desiring to use a 5.0XX-Y scheme to better indicate submittals associated with a spec, or use of suffixes or other method to indicate submittals to be sent in together, then the column’s automated pre-numbered set-up can be deleted/overwritten.

Consecutive and Concurrent Review (CR): The Design Agency must review all submittals imposed on Subcontractor. In addition, when an outside AE is used, this document designates when a consecutive review (for design-build) or Concurrent Review (for design-bid-build) by LANL is required. Where so indicated (“Y”), the submittal must also be routed to LANS for review (ideally after the AE has reviewed, not in parallel; regardless, the final LANL review code is binding on the Subcontractor within the limits of the Subcontract).

1.  LANL Project Eng and SME reviewers may jointly agree to decrease or increase the number of CRs due to factors such as:

a.  Small project size/scope

b.  Design agency history

c.  Constructor history (if known)

d.  Whether needed for LEED or HPSB documentation

e.  Whether needed for nuclear quality documentation

2.  Because of these CR columns, this template has more columns than the rest of Att B. This issue can be handled by pasting into AttB as a table separated from the table rows above and below it by a non-table text row (result is three Word tables total).

3.  In the final Exhibit I for design-bid-build, remove the concurrent submittal review columns. This activity is behind the scenes to the Subcontractor; therefore, it should not be in the construction subcontract documents (e.g., Exhibit I).

NOTE: This template may not be 100% complete or accurate, and will be improved over time if users provide feedback to the Standards Manager or

- For design-build projects only, completion of Attachment B for engineering and quality submittals is design-dependent and therefore the responsibility of the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Architect/Engineer. SUBCONTRACTOR shall complete those portions of Attachment B at the preliminary design stage (e.g. 60%) and submit for LANS review. SUBCONTRACTOR will submit the revised Attachment B at final design stage (90%) for LANS review. LANL has the final say on which submittals shall receive concurrent (AE and LANL) review. The reviewed/final Attachment B will be incorporated into Exhibit I and re-issued as a no-cost Change Order.

Likewise, when design for specialties is deferred to after permitting/construction start, submittals for such design shall be added by Subcontractor.

This template is available in Word online at

A / Per Subcontract Schedule / S / Prior to Shipment / Z / When Required / SANN / Semi Annual
B / Prior to Balance of Payment / U / Prior to Use / ANN / Annually / WKLY / Weekly
F / Prior to Fabrication / W / Prior to Commencing Work / DAY / Daily / WRR / Implemented at work release level on Blanket Agreements
M / Prior to Mobilization / X / Prior to Purchase / MON / Monthly / BI-WKLY / Every 2 weeks
N / Prior to Notice to Proceed / Y / Prior to Progress Payment for Each Specific Task / QRTLY / Quarterly
D / Drawings / ED / Electrical Diagrams / P / Prints /photocopies / SD / Shop Drawings
EM / Electronic media / II / Installation Instructions / PD / Performance Data - Curves / SP / Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials
CA / Calculations / ML / Materials/Parts List/Design Mixes / PH / Photographs / TR / Test Reports
CD / Catalog Data / OM / Operations & Maintenance Data / RD / Project Record Documents / WA / Warranties
CT / Certifications / OT / Other / S / Sample / (2) / (-) indicates quantity
O / Original / SC / Samples/Colors
Submittal No./ Submittal Description / Reference / Submittal Schedule / Submittal Type / Consecutive or Concurrent Review Required
(Y=yes, - = no)?
LANS Response Required / LANS’ Reviewer
Use Only) /
Design Build / Design Bid Build /
Exhibit D
Technical Specifications for Engineering Services
Work by Owner
5.001  / N/A / 01 1116
Substitution Procedure
5.002  / Substitution requests / 01 2500 / Z / OT / - / -
Submittal Procedures
5.003  / N/A / 01 3300
Water Discharge Requirements
5.004  / N/A / 01 3545
Quality Requirements
5.005  / Qualification data for testing agencies / 01 4000 1.4.A / W / CT / - / Y / QA
5.006  / Submit design/research reports/test data supporting the use of alternate materials/methods of construction not specifically prescribed by the IBC such as rebar couplers and splices. / 01 4000 1.4.B / W / TR / Y / Y
5.007  / Test and Inspection Plan: Include with overall project construction schedule or submit separate schedule within [30] days prior to commencement of the Work. / 01 4000 1.4.C / W / OT / - / Y / STR
5.008  / Schedule for coordination by Subcontractor / 01 4000 1.4.D / A / P / - / -
5.009  / Test and Inspection reports / 01 4000 1.4.E, / Z / P, TR / - / Y / CON
5.010  / Licenses and Certificates, as required / 01 4000 1.4.F / W / P, CT / - / Y / PE
5.011  / For IBC work, each subcontractor and subtier responsible for the fabrication or erection of a main wind- or seismic-force-resisting system, designated seismic system, or a wind- or seismic-resisting component listed in the Statement of Special Inspections must submit a Statement of Responsibility per ESM Chapter 16 Section IP App H to LANL as a submittal prior to the commencement of work / 01 4000 1.4.G / W / CT / - / -
Offsite Welding and Joining Requirements
The following documents shall be submitted and approved by LANL prior to the start of welding: / 01 4444
5.012  / Welding/Brazing/Bronzing Procedure Specifications with the associated Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) / 01 4444
1.2.A.1 / W / P / - / -
5.013  / Welding/Brazing/Bronzing Performance Qualification Records / 01 4444
1.2.A.2 / W / P / - / -
5.014  / Weld Filler Material Control Procedure / 01 4444
1.2.A.3 / W / P / - / -
5.015  / Fill Material (certified Material Test Reports) / 01 4444
1.2.A.4 / W / TR,CT / - / -
5.016  / Heat Treatment Procedures (where applicable) / 01 4444
1.2.A.5 / W / P / - / -
5.017  / Inspection Qualification Records / 01 4444
1.2.A.6 / W / P / - / -
5.018  / Inspection Procedures / 01 4444
1.2.A.7 / W / P / - / -
Onsite Welding and Joining Requirements
5.019  / N/A / 01 4455
Temporary Controls and Compliance Requirements
5.020  / For projects operating under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit / 01 5705 1.2.A.1 / M / RD / Y / Y / EC
5.021  / Provide information as necessary to obtain the New Mexico Environment Department Notice of Intent / 01 5705 1.2.A.2 / W / P / Y / Y
5.022  / Traffic Control Plan / 01 5705 1.2.A.3 / W / P / - / -
Product Requirements
5.023  / N/A / 01 6000 / Y / Y
Closeout Procedures
5.024  / N/A / 01 7700 / Y / Y
Project Record Documents
5.025  / Project Record Documents / 01 7839 1.2.A / Z / RD / Y / Y
Electrical Demolition
5.026  / Shop Drawings / 02 4115 1.3.A.1 / M & W / SD / Y / Y
5.027  / Project Record Documents / 02 4115 1.3.A.2 / M & W / P / Y / Y
Selective Structure Demolition
5.028  / Project record documents showing actual locations of utilities / 02 4119
1.2A / B / PR / - / -
Reinforced Concrete
5.029  / Documentation that testing agencies have been accepted by the engineer-of-record before performing any testing work.
- Not required for LANL pre-approved mix designs / 03 3001
A-01 / 4 months before performing any work. Includes A/E acceptance and LANL LBO acceptance. / P / Y / Y
5.030  / Documentation that testing agencies have been approved by the LANL Building Official (LBO) prior to performing any work.
Important note: This also applies to sub-tier concrete fabricators and batch plants. This places a premium on planning to assure that the testing agencies are properly approved before all of the required concrete constituent / material testing is begun to support any alternate mix design(s) which have to be submitted for LANL engineering approval 30 days before using the concrete mix. The best alternative is to choose from the list of LBO-approved test agencies from Chapter 16 of the ESM (Engineering Services Manual). Using a testing agency on the approved list will save time by having the LBO approval in advance and then there is only the engineer-of-record’s approval to obtain. -
- Not required for LANL pre-approved mix designs for cast-in-place concrete / 03 3001
A-02 / 2 months before performing any work.
Note: LANL will normally require that the subcontractor hire the test agency(s). If LANL provides the test agency(s) then this submittal only applies to the subcontractor when they contract the engineer-of-record. / P / Y / Y
5.031  / Documentation that quality control program of the concrete supplier is accepted by A/E. / 03 3001
A-03 / 3 months before the initial placement. / P / Y / Y
5.032  / The testing agency shall report test and inspection results that pertain to the Work to the engineer-of-record, construction Subcontractor, and concrete supplier within 7 days after tests and inspections are performed.
For timing for submittals to LANL in column to the right. / 03 3001
A-04 / Within 2 days for the initial slump and air content and within 7 days for each specified break report sequence (i.e., 7, 14, and 28 day breaks). / TR, P / Y / Y
5.033  / Data on form-facing materials proposed for smooth-form finish if not specified in the design media:
·  Rough-form finish on concrete surfaces not exposed to public view; and
·  Smooth-form finish on concrete surfaces exposed to public view. / 03 3001
A-05 / 15 work days (or 3 weeks) before form installation. / P / Y / Y
5.034  / Data on formwork release agent or formwork liners. / 03 3001
A-06 / 15 work days (or 3 weeks) before form work installation start / P / Y / Y
5.035  / Design calculations per ACI 347 indicating arrangement of forms, sizes and grades of supports (lumber), panels, and related components (design forms for full liquid static head of concrete).
Formwork drawings showing details of formwork including; joints, supports, studding and shoring, and sequence of form and shoring removal, prepared by or under supervision of a Professional Engineer detailing fabrication, assembly, and support of formwork.
For shoring and re-shoring methods proposed for floor and roof slabs, spandrel beams, and other horizontal concrete members, Drawings and calculations prepared by or under supervision of a Professional Engineer. / 03 3001
A-07 / 15 working days before formwork installation begins / CA, D / Y / Y
5.036  / Submit engineer-of-record approved “Cold-Weather Plan” prior to placing concrete in cold weather / 03 3001
A-08 / N / P, S / Y / Y
5.037  / Data and sample of expansion joint materials (sealer and filler) / 03 3001
A-09 / 15 work days (or 3 weeks) before form work installation start / P, S / Y / Y
5.038  / Data and sample of waterstop and splices. / 03 3001
A-10 / 15 work days (or 3 weeks) before form work installation start / P, S / Y / Y
5.039  / Alternative locations and details for formed construction and contraction joints. / 03 3001
A-11 / 1.5 months before form work installation / P / Y / Y
5.040  / Product data on admixtures, materials for coring concrete, vapor retarder and barriers, [epoxy bonding compound,] / 03 3001
A-12 / 15 work days (or 3 weeks) before form work installation start / P, ML / Y / Y