Bosham Parish Council
Recreation Ground and Sports Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday
29th January 2014, 7.30 pm at the Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground
Present: Councillors Mr R Cooper, Mr J Dean, Mr J Fulford (Chair), Mrs K Phillips Mr C Whitmore Jones
In attendance: Lisa Roberts (Clerk/RFO)
RGS14/32 / To receive apologies for absenceCllr Johnstone sent his apologies.
RGS14/33 / To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below
Cllr Whitmore Jones declared a personal interest on the recreation ground as he lives adjacent to the ground.
RGS14/34 / Questions/comments from members of the public
RGS14/35 / To confirm and sign the Minutes of the recreation ground and sports committee meeting held 20th November 2013
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of that meeting.
RGS14/36 / Consider any matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
RGS14/37 / Bosham Football Club
RGS14/37.3 / Maintenance of the field/pitch
The roller has still not been moved. Whilst this has not been a problem during the winter months, it does need to be moved before the weather gets better and children start to play on the field again.
There have been no requests for extra games, but it is predicted that the FC will need to make up games towards the end of the season due to the rain. The Clerk to e-mail the club to ask if they have considered their options as there is a concern that too many games at the end of the season will wear the grass for the children in the summer months. The Clerk to ask contractors if they have fulfilled all there contract cuts and ask about the possibility of rolling and spiking the field. It was AGREED that Cllr Fulford with the Clerk would be empowered to respond to any requests for games.
Cllrs Fulford and Whitmore Jones to attend to the tree growing through the fence on the North west edge of the filed. / LR
RGS14/38 / The Bosham Centre
The roof has been leaking due to the build-up of debris in the gutters. The Members AGREED to Clive Cook cleaning the gutters at £60 and Dave Short to repair the mortar ridge tiles and clear the mortar valleys for £450 plus vat.
RGS14/39 / Playground Equipment
RGS14/39.2 / Report any damage or repairs
Consider resurfacing pathway and car park (Min Ref: RGS14/19.1)
The Clerk has asked four companies to quote for the resurfacing of the Slope to the car park; the path from the car park to the adjoining new path; and the pathe from the Village Hall Gate to the Football pavilion path. Only two companies have responded, George Kattenhorn for a combines cost of £3,445 plus vat and PSM for £4,265 plus vat. Cllr Fulford knows of George Kattenhorn via work done for Bartholomew’s and other members AGREED that they are reputable company. The motion was put forward and seconded.
Motion Proposed: The George Kattenhorm quote is accepted and the Clerk ensure that extra work be done to prevent further flooding at the gate entrance. The Clerk will notify the School and Montessori now that this work is being schedule and we will try and give as much notice as possible.
RESOLUTION: the motion was passed unanimously.
RGS14/40 / Risk Assessment
The Clerk is still to source dampeners for the gates to the small play area. Cllr Cooper to help find possible suppliers.
RGS14/41 / Date of the next Recreation Ground and Sports meeting Wednesday 2nd April 2014
The meeting finished at 8.00pm