Bio 132:Human Biology


Instructor:Leah Gomez


Office:Office hours by appointment only.

Office Hours:

Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday 8:30am -9:53am JC @ LISD Tech Room 220

Lab:BIO 132-71 10:00-11:50 Tuesday JC @ LISD Tech Room 118

BIO 132-72 10:00-11:50 Thursday JC @ LISD Tech Room 118

Required Text:Human Biology 15th Ed., S.S. Mader

Online textbook access is included in the course fees. You will be using JetNet to access Connect and the eBook. You may opt to purchase a loose-leaf edition of the textbook either from the JC bookstore or through the Connect site.

GRADES: The grade you earn in this course will be based upon total points accumulated:

Grade / Points / Percent
4.0 / 812-855 / 95 – 100%
3.5 / 770-811 / 90 – 94%
3.0 / 727-769 / 85 -89%
2.5 / 684-726 / 80 - 84%
2.0 / 641-683 / 75 - 79%
1.5 / 599-640 / 70 - 74%
1.0 / 556-598 / 65 - 69%
0.5 / 513-555 / 60 – 64%
F / 512 / <60%

Type of work




4 Exams (4 @100 pts) / 400
Misc. Assignments / 100
Lab Practicals (3@100 points) / 300
Lab Participation (11@5 points) / 55
TOTAL / 855

You are not graded based on how hard you work, you are graded on the points you earn by demonstrating mastery of the material. Your points correspond to a grade in the chart above. Note that your grade depends on the POINTS, not percentages. There is no rounding. If you earn 811 points, you have earned a 3.5 even though you are only one point away from a 4.0. Every point counts!

Do not email me during the last week of class about your grade unless there is an actual ERROR. I am happy to fix a mistake, however, I will not “round up” to the next grade just because you wish you had learned more of the material.

EXAMS: Exams consist of4in-class chapter exams, eachworth 100 points. Tests will include information from lecture and textbook readings. Exam dates are listed on the schedule. Any changes will be announced in class and via JetNet. You will need a #2 pencil for exams. Restroom breaks are NOT allowed during exams.

PRACTICALS: 3Lab practicals, eachworth 100 points. Spelling counts, misspelled words are considered wrong; answers on the wrong line are wrong. Lab practicals are timed: you must know the content thoroughly. Restroom breaks are NOT allowed during practicals.

MISC. ASSIGNMENTS: (Change this if you want to do something different): Each week you will be responsible for completing 1 or 2 Connect LearnSmart assignments. The assignments are accessed through JetNet, and are worth 5 points per chapter. On a week where there are 2 assignments, they will each be worth 5 points, for a total of 10 pointsALL assignments are due at 11:59 pm on the date specified. These assignments will take some time. They are meant to take the place of lecture, so I am estimating you will spend at least 2 hours per week on them. If you read the chapter first, they will probably take less time. There are 19 assignments, but 1 will be dropped. So if you have internet problems, your computer crashes, you are sick, you are on vacation, etc. you can skip one and not lose points. Late assignments will NOT be accepted.

There is also going to be 4 exam review assignments before each exam that will be worth 2.5 points each. These will be given out 1 week before the exam and due before the exam.

LABORATORY PROCEDURE: Laboratory attendance is mandatory. Each lab is worth 5 points. Missing lab, or not turning in your lab work at the end of lab will reduce your grade by 5 points. The lab period is a time of active learning involving the study of various materials, interactive projects, and other activities to enhance class success. Interaction with, and learning from, other members of the class and the instructor are critical parts of the lab environment. Cooperation with other students and the instructor in keeping the lab orderly and clean is expected. Please observe the following laboratory guidelines, and encourage your partners to do the same.

  1. Specific instructions will be given at the beginning of each lab period. You will be expected to complete all the assignments that require dissection or lab apparatus during this time.
  2. You will be expected to return all materials, apparatus, and reference books to their proper place at the end of the lab period. Apparatus that has been used should be washed with tap water and blotted dry with paper towels. Please leave materials neatly arranged; all members of each working group will be held accountable for the condition and return of all lab materials.
  3. Cooperation and consultation are encouraged in the lab: however, make certain that you completely understand everything since you will be held individually accountable for all materials covered.
  4. Disruptive behavior and loud conversations will not be permitted. Do not disturb others.
  5. You are free to leave the lab when you have completed the assigned materials. Do not disturb others who are still working.
  6. points of your final grade will be based on your attitude and effort in the lab. Any lab period missed or not worked on conscientiously, in excess of one, will result in the loss of 3 points per lab session.
  7. Lab practicals are limited to information on the lab practical lists.
  1. Before you begin to work in the lab,you will be required to sign a respect policy/learning contract prior to participation of any kind. This contract will require reading and acceptance of: the Human Specimen Respect Policy and the “Anatomy and Physiology Lab Rules”. These can be found on the course JetNet site. [BIO 132 students will not be dissecting nor working extensively with the human specimen. Instructor demonstration of the specimen will be part of the course.]
  2. Students agree to hold the Instructor and College harmless in the event of an injury with laboratory supplies or equipment.

ABSENCE POLICY: You are responsible for all assignments, handouts and materials covered in class; and materials from the course-site. Make-up opportunities for the exams are extended only in the case of emergencies/hospitalization/funerals and require written documentation verifying the cause of the absence. It is your responsibility to contact your instructor to arrange a make-up. Lab work can be made-up by attending other lab sections. Second and subsequent make- up exams will be awarded only 80% of the achieved score.Practicals may not be made up unless you can take the practical with another lab section. In the event of a missed exam or practical, I reserve the right to either grant you a zero for the score, or an incomplete for the course.

You may be dropped from the course due to non-attendance and/or non-participation. If circumstances prevent you from participating, please inform me immediately. To prevent being dropped from the course, advance written approval is required and official documentation is necessary. If you are dropped from the course, there will be no readmission.

GENERAL PHILOSOPHY: As an adult and a college student, you are expected to be able to work and learn independently, and be responsible for all assignments and materials. This is a difficult course, and will cover a tremendous amount of material; that will require a lot of hard work and discipline. You will need to keep up, as the pace of the class is fast, and it will accelerate. There are no quick, easy ways; what you learn here will be directly proportional to the amount of effort you have expended. You are also expected to be considerate of the rights of others and not to interfere with those who are trying to study, work and learn.

COURSE OUTCOMES:Student will demonstrate – through both factual lecture exams and laboratory practical identification – their understanding of the following topics:

1. Differentiation of living from non-living things, using characteristics of life

2. Levels of organization in organisms

3. The scientific method; differentiate science from other epistemologies

4. Basic chemistry and biochemistry

5. Cell parts and functions; metabolism

6. The organization of the body systems and list the systems and their functions

7. Bones and major bony structures of the human skeleton, skeletal tissue, & processes of growth and repair

8. Movements at synovial joints

9. Structure of skeletal muscles and major steps in contraction resulting in movement; names of selected muscles

10. Components and functions of the organs of the cardiovascular system; mechanisms of homeostatic control

11. Components and functions of the immune system organs and the mechanisms of defense

12. Components and functions of the digestive system organs and the mechanisms of digestion, absorption, elimination

13. Components and functions of the respiratory system organs and mechanisms of gas exchange & transport

14. Components and functions of the urinary system organs, process of urine formation, & body fluid balance

15. Components, organization, and functions of the nervous system organs, & basic steps in neuron action potentials

16. Components and functions of sensory reception

17. Components and functions of the endocrine system organs

18. Components and functions of the male and female reproductive system organs

19. Mitosis and Meiosis, the basic steps in protein synthesis; and phases of the cell cycle

20. Components and mechanisms in inheritance and evolution


GEO 4 (Core Competence): Demonstrate scientific reasoning


  • Attend all classes, arrive on time, and participate actively.
  • Check JetNet and email regularly – a good minimum is 2 times/week.
  • When you have an unavoidable absence, contact classmates for notes and assignments, ALSO check JetNet.
  • Read the assigned chaptersBEFORE coming to class to learn about a topic.
  • Study for at least 2 hours/day, every day. Regularly quiz yourself to see how much you are actually learning. This course requires consistent, tremendous effort. If you cannot commit the time, consider dropping in the first few days.
  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Participate in group study sessions, this can be the most effective form of learning for many students.
  • Do not hesitate to contact the instructor about concerns you may have with the class.
  • Make use of the instructor’s office hours.


Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated in this class. Disruptive behaviors include (but are not limited to) having unrelated side discussions, being distracting to class when arriving late, cell phone ringing, texting, chewing gum, and being disrespectful of others. These behaviors will result in you being asked to leave the class. If there are disruptions that the instructor is unaware of, please inform the instructor so the situation may be addressed. If your cell phone is a distraction to your learning, other students or the instructor, you will be asked to put it away. If it continues to be a problem, you will be asked to leave.

You may use your computer if it is being used for classroom purposes. However, the use of computers for non-class activities (Facebook, YouTube, Tinder, etc.…) is distracting to others’ learning. If you use the computer for non-class activities you will be asked to leave, and in the future forfeit your right to use a computer in the class. Deduction will be taken from the course grade where the incident occurred; which may include a zero for lab or a zero for daily quiz. NO technology is allowed during ANY exam.


  • Please check the webpage of the Office of the Registrar for ADD/DROP deadlines as well as the last day to WITHDRAW.
  • An exam score curve (or linear addition) MAY be used for each exam. The curve is a privilege.
  • It is expected that if you feel an error has been made, or disagree with what has been done, or feel that you have been treated unfairly, you will bring the situation the instructor’s immediate attention so that we can work together to resolve the issue
  • There will be no extra credit projects for this course, since it is felt that your time will be better allocated in studying the assigned materials.
  • Tutors and additional free services for academic success are available at the Center for Student Success. CSS will help you with writing, study skills, test anxiety, math and reading.
  • Students with documented disabilities should contact the Center forStudent Success as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
  • A student found cheating or plagiarizing information will either receive a score of zero on that particular exam or assignment, or a grade of 0.0 in the course. In addition, the Academic Deans will be informed of any such incident. The JCAcademic Honesty Policy is at:
  • Any discussion of grade issues (correcting an incorrect score, etc.) must occur in writing (e.g. via email).
  • Students wishing to review exam or lab practical materials must make an appointment to meet with the
    instructor to review these materials in person. No other opportunities will be granted to review these materials.
  • Students are expected to provide stable internet access and the expertise to use the technology for this course. Mistakes made by students (client-side errors) will not be a valid excuse for missing a deadline. Server-side issues will result in the instructor making reasonable accommodations for students, but any such issues must be documented by the JC Solution Center.

Tentative Lecture/Lab Schedule

Dates / Lecture Topic / Chapter / Lab Topic
1/16 / Introduction, Scientific Method / 1 / 1. Intro, body planes, regions
1/18 / Chemistry / 2
1/23 / Chemistry / 2 / 2. Skeletal I
Recitation: Homeostasis
1/25 / Cells / 3
1/30 / Cells/Tissues / 3, 4 / 3. Skeletal II
Recitation: pH
2/1 / Tissues/ Skeletal / 4, 12
2/6 / Skeletal System / 12 / 4. Skeletal III
Recitation: Transport
2/8 / Lecture Exam 1 (Ch. 1-4, 12)
2/13 / Muscular System / 13 / 5. Lab Practical I
2/15 / Cardiovascular System / 5
2/20 / Blood / 6 / 6. Sheep Heart dissection
Recitation: Muscle physiology
2/22 / Immunity / 7
2/27 / Immunity / 7 / 7. Vessel models: Blood Typing
3/1 / Digestive / 9
3/6 / Lecture Exam 2 (Ch. 5-7, 9, 13) / 8. Human muscle models
Recitation: Immunity
3/8 / Respiratory System / 10
3/12 – 3/15 / Spring break
3/20 / Urinary System / 11 / 9. Lab Practical II
3/22 / Nervous System I / 14
3/27 / Nervous System I/II / 14/15 / 10. Respiratory/Urinary, kidney and lung models
3/29 / Nervous System II: Senses / 15
4/3 / Endocrine System / 16 / 11. Nervous System and brain models
Recitation: Action potentials
4/5 / Review
4/10 / Lecture Exam 3 (Ch. 10-11, 14-16) / 12. Mitosis vs. meiosis
4/12 / Reproductive System / 17
4/17 / DNA / 22 / 13. Reproduction: models
Recitation: Uterine cycle
4/19 / Genetics / 19
4/24 / Evolution / 23 / 14. Lab Practical III
course assessment
4/26 / Review
5/1 / Lecture Exam 4 (17, 19, 22-23)

***This schedule is tentative and subject to change at the instructor’s discretion***

Dates / Lecture Topic / Chapter / Assignment
1/16 / Introduction, Scientific Method / 1 / Learnsmart Ch.1 Due: 1/23/18 11:59pm
1/18 / Chemistry / 2 / Learnsmart Ch.2 Due: 1/25/18 11:59pm
1/23 / Chemistry / 2
1/25 / Cells / 3 / Learnsmart Ch.3 Due: 2/1/18 11:59pm
1/30 / Cells/Tissues / 3, 4 / Learnsmart Ch.4 Due: 2/6/18 11:59pm
2/1 / Tissues/ Skeletal / 4, 12 / Learnsmart Ch. 12 Due: 2/8/18 11:59pm
Exam Review #1 Due 2/8/18 at start of class
2/6 / Skeletal System / 12
2/8 / Lecture Exam 1 (Ch. 1-4, 12)
2/13 / Muscular System / 13 / Learnsmart Ch. 13 Due: 2/20/18 11:59pm
2/15 / Cardiovascular System / 5 / Learnsmart Ch. 5 Due: 2/22/18 11:59pm
2/20 / Blood / 6 / Learnsmart Ch. 6 Due: 2/27/18 11:59pm
2/22 / Immunity / 7 / Learnsmart Ch. 7 Due: 3/1/18 11:59pm
2/27 / Immunity / 7 / Exam Review #2 Due 3/6/18 at start of class
3/1 / Digestive / 9 / Learnsmart Ch. 9 Due 3/6/18 11:59pm
3/6 / Lecture Exam 2 (Ch. 5-7, 9, 13)
3/8 / Respiratory System / 10 / Learnsmart Ch. 10 Due 3/20/18 11:59pm
3/12 – 3/15 / Spring break
3/20 / Urinary System / 11 / Learnsmart Ch. 11 Due 3/27/18 11:59pm
3/22 / Nervous System I / 14 / Learnsmart Ch. 14 Due 3/29/18 11:59pm
3/27 / Nervous System I/II / 14/15 / Learnsmart Ch. 15 Due 4/3/18 11:59pm
3/29 / Nervous System II: Senses / 15
4/3 / Endocrine System / 16 / Learnsmart Ch. 16 Due 4/10/18 11:59pm
Exam Review #3 Due 4/10/18 at start of class
4/5 / Review
4/10 / Lecture Exam 3 (Ch. 10-11, 14-16)
4/12 / Reproductive System / 17 / Learnsmart Ch. 17 Due 4/19/18 11:59pm
4/17 / DNA / 22 / Learnsmart Ch. 22 Due 4/24/18 11:59pm
4/19 / Genetics / 19 / Learnsmart Ch. 19 Due 4/26/18 11:59pm
4/24 / Evolution / 23 / Learnsmart Ch. 15 Due 5/1/18 11:59pm
Exam Review #4 Due 5/1/18 at start of class
4/26 / Review
5/1 / Lecture Exam 4 (17, 19, 22-23)