Board of Trustees
MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 /
Vision Statement
Our commitment to excellence is Your gateway to the future.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Menifee Campus
Learning Resource Center Community Room*
1.0 OPEN MEETING 3:30 p.m.
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Roll Call
1.4 Approval of Minutes – Regular meeting of August 17, 2006
1.5 Additions and/or Deletions to the Agenda
2.1 Board President & Trustees
2.2 Student Trustee
2.3 Superintendent/President
Public comments are limited to agenda items and shall be no more than five (5) minutes per speaker and twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the Board of Trustees.
2006/07-013 High School Articulation Agreements 6
The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees
approve the high school articulation agreements for inclusion in the
College offerings.
2006/07-014 Academic Personnel Items 7
A. New Appointments – Interim/Temporary
B. New Associate Faculty – Effective Fall 2006
C. Coaching Stipends
D. Community Education Instructors Summer/Fall 2006
E. Non-Credit Instructors Fall 2006
2006/07-015 Classified Personnel Items 10
A. Alternative Schedules
B. Classified Appointments
C. Separations
D. Short Term Positions
E. Short Term Assignment
F. Substitute Assignments
G. Tutor Assignments
2006/07-016 Out-of-State Travel 14
The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees
approve the out-of-state travel.
2006/07-017 Volunteers 15
Volunteers play an invaluable role in the operation of the College
in many areas. The administration recommends that the Board of
Trustees acknowledge the contribution of these volunteers.
2006/07-018 Approval of Payroll, Purchase Orders, Contracts and
Commercial Warrants 16
The Trustees must authorize and approve all expenditures of
the District to comply with applicable education and public
contract codes. The administration recommends approval.
2006/07-019 District Quarterly Financial Status Report 19
Education Code section 84043 mandates a quarterly review of each
community college district based upon criteria established by the
Chancellor’s Office, requires the District governing board
to review the report at a regular meeting and enter the report into the
minutes. The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees
receives the quarterly report and orders the report filed.
2006/07-020 Contract Agreements 20
The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees
provide authorization to execute the contract agreements.
2006/07-021 Subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments – Mid
County Project Area 22
The Riverside County Economic Development Agency is expecting
to issue a new series of bonds to be secured by the Agency’s tax
increment revenues from the Agency’s Redevelopment Mid
County Project Area. The subordination request is for the benefit
of the District and provides updated information on the projected
redevelopment pass-through revenue. The administration
recommends that the Board of Trustees agree to and approves
the subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments.
2006/07-022 Subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments – I-215
Project Area 23
The Riverside County Economic Development Agency is expecting
to issue a new series of bonds to be secured by the Agency’s tax
increment revenues from the Agency’s Redevelopment Project Area No.
I-215. The subordination request is for the benefit of the District and
provides updated information on the projected redevelopment pass-through revenue. The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees agree
to and approves the subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments.
2006/07-023 Subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments – 1-1986
Project Area 24
The Riverside County Economic Development Agency is expecting
to issue a new series of bonds to be secured by the Agency’s tax
increment revenues from the Agency’s Redevelopment Project Area
No. 1-1986. The subordination request is for the benefit
of the District and provide updated information on the projected
redevelopment pass-through revenue. The administration
recommends that the Board of Trustees agree to and approves
the subordination of the Statutory Pass-through Payments.
2006/07-024 Tax Shelter Annuity 25
The Superintendent/President’s employment contract includes a
fringe benefit clause that stipulates the S/P will select a tax
sheltered annuity that requires Board approval. The administration
recommends that the Board of Trustees approve National Benefit
Services, Inc. and the Orange County Teachers Federal Credit
Union as the third party administrator.
2006/07-025 Approval of Technology Center Construction Project Bidders 26
The Technology Center construction project is being constructed
as an at risk construction management project and therefore bid to
multiple prime contractors. The bid is complete for bid packages
#’s 1-20. The administration recommends that the Board of
Trustees approve the list of lowest responsible bidders.
2006-2007 Proposed Budget 27
1. Open Hearing
2. Public Hearing
3. Close Hearing
2006/07-026 Adoption of the 2006-2007 Budget 28
The District has calculated actual ending balances and adjusted
revenue and expenditures after the adoption of the Tentative
Budget in June. These revisions are included in the budget presented
for adoption. The administration recommends that the Board of
Trustees adopt the 2006-2007 budget.
Public comments may address any item of interest to the public, other than agenda items, that
are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the college. Comments shall be limited to five (5)
minutes per speaker and twenty (20) minutes per subject unless further time is granted by the
Board of Trustees.
A. Donations to the Foundation 29
Each month the Mt. San Jacinto Foundation reports to the
Board of Trustees a list of people and organizations that have
made donations of money or items of value to the Foundation.
B. CWA Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2006-2007 32
Pursuant to GC 3547, the Communications Workers of America
Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2006-2007 was included
for review on the August 17, 2006 Board of Trustee agenda. The
proposal is attached and at this time Public comment will be taken on
the proposal.
1. Open Hearing
2. Public Hearing
3. Close Hearing
C. CSEA Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2006-2007 33 Pursuant to GC 3447, the California School Employees Association
(CSEA) Bargaining Proposal for Academic Year 2006-2007 was
included for review on the August 17, 2006 Board of Trustee agenda.
The proposal is attached and at this time Public comment will be taken on
the proposal.
1. Open Hearing
2. Public Hearing
3. Close Hearing
Pursuant to all applicable education codes, government codes and recently enacted statutes, the Board of Trustees will meet in closed session to discuss and/or act on the following matters:
*The September 14, 2006 Board of Trustee meeting is LINKED to room 200 on the San Jacinto Campus.
The Board of Trustees has scheduled a Strategic Planning work session on Monday, September 18, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the Menifee Campus in the Learning Resource Center Community Room at 28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584.
The Board of Trustees has scheduled a work session on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the San Jacinto Campus in Room 200 to discuss enhancing the Board’s effectiveness. Dr. Cindra Smith of the Community College League will facilitate the session.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Thursday, October 12, 2006, 3:30 p.m., San Jacinto Campus, Room #200.
Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the Administration Office at 951-487-6752, extension 3001 prior to the meeting.
*Any member of the public who wishes to speak before the Board must complete a Public Participation form and return it to the Board Chair prior to the meeting. Late arrivals will not be permitted to speak. (Forms are available at the speaker’s table)
MSJC Board of Trustee meetings are taped and video recorded per Government Code Sections 54953.5 and 54953.6 and Education Code Section 72121(a). Recordings shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with the California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250.
Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to:
Kathy Donnell
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/President
1499 N. State St
San Jacinto, CA 92583-2399
Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Request must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
“The mission of Mt. San Jacinto College is to provide quality, educationally enriching experiences, programs and opportunities designed to empower students to serve as productive citizens in a dynamic and complex world.”
/Board of Trustees
MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 /
Item No.2006/07-013 / Section:
Instruction / Subject:
High School Articulation Agreements / Date:
High School Articulation Agreements are located in the Instruction Office for review.
In accordance with Board policy and the education code, the following articulation agreements have been approved by recent actions of the Career Education Advisory Committee and Curriculum Committee.
Mt. San Jacinto College will accept the completion of the following:
1. ROP 14001 – Forensic Science for the Mt. San Jacinto College course AJ 108 – Criminal Investigation for 3 units
2. ROP 10349 - Small Business Management & Ownership for the Mt. San Jacinto College course BADM 150 – Small Business Entrepreneurship for 3 units
3. ROP 10916 - CIS / Business Computers for the Mt. San Jacinto College course CAPP120C – Using Microsoft Office 2003 – Level I for 3 units
4. ROP 10916 CIS / Business Computers for the Mt. San Jacinto College course CAPP121C – Using Microsoft Word 2003 – Level 1 for 3 units
Regional Occupational Programs (ROP) courses that are articulated with MSJC courses may be offered in any high school in any District within Riverside County. The coursework and student outcomes for ROP courses are the same throughout Riverside County. These courses are regulated by District-wide ROP Competencies.
5. Murrieta Valley Unified School District Graphic Design II for the Mt. San Jacinto College course MUL110 – Intro to Multimedia for 3 units
Any high school District courses that are articulated with MSJC courses are specific to that District because their curriculum differs from the ROP curriculum. Many times, the high school course may only be taught at one high school in one school district within the County.
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above articulation agreements for inclusion in the college offerings.
/Board of Trustees
MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT1499 North State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 /
Item No.2006/07-014 / Section:
Human Resources / Subject:
Academic Personnel Items / Date:
These appointments have been made Pursuant to Board Policy Manual Chapter 7, BP7110-Delegations.
A. New Appointments – Interim/Temporary
Estassi, Samia Effective: 8-09-06/05-30-07
Full-Time Chemistry Instructor (temporary one year assignment)
Instruction, MVC Instructional need due to increased enrollment and increased number of course section offerings.
MacLaughlin, Colin Effective: 8-11-06/12-14-06
Full-Time Math Instructor (temporary one semester assignment)
Instruction, SJC Instructional need due to increased enrollment and increased number of course section offerings.
Moore, Brandon Effective: 8-10-06/12-14-06
Full-Time Math Instructor (temporary one semester assignment)
Instruction, SJC Instructional need due to increased enrollment and increased number of course section offerings.
Sadatmand, Kamal Effective: 8-09-06/12-16-06
Full-Time Math Instructor (temporary one semester assignment)
Instruction, MVC Instructional need due to increased enrollment and increased number of course section offerings.
Wright, Mary Effective: 8-11-06/05-30-07
Full-Time Nursing Instructor (temporary one year assignment)
Instruction, MVC New position that was board approved on 06-08-06 as part of the Nursing Program’s capacity building grant.
B. New Associate Faculty – Effective Fall 2006
Al-Azem, Kassem Math
Anderson, Elisabeth Biology & Environmental Science
Barkley, Christine English
Burger, William History
Campo, Peggy Microbiology
Chairez, Octavio Math
Choi, Hong Math
Csotsits, Judit Art
Damgen, Carol Communication
Discenza, Kenneth Legal Assistant
Farquharson, Hope Nursing
Flores Rodriguez, Marcel Political Science
Haines, John Physical Education
Haney, Bernadette English
Hertica, Mark Music
Islam, Ashik Political Science
Khalfallah, Hazem Math
Kusayanagi, Ron Multimedia
Linfield, Leon English
Lingrosso, Samuel Political Science
Lloyd, Theodore Intercollegiate Sports
Lopez, Paul Physical Education
Losi, Christopher Environmental Science
Martinez, Cari Counseling
Menchaca, Patricia Environmental Science & Geology
Mitten, Peter Art
Roginski, Susan Dance
Stewart, Alan Math
Trejo, Silvia Counseling
Twaddle, Kory Art
C. Coaching Stipends
Carberry, Edward Head Football Coach
Amount: $10,000.00 Effective: 08-01-06/06-30-07
Haines, John Assistant Football Coach
Amount: $2,000.00 Effective: 08-14-06/06-30-07
Lloyd, Ted Head Women’s Tennis Coach
Amount: $1,600.00 Effective: 09-01-06/06-30-07
Pirnik, Victor Assistant Football Coach
Amount: $1,000.00 Effective: 08-14-06/06-30-07
Sanchez, Eric Assistant Football Coach
Amount: $3,000.00 Effective: 08-14-06/06-30-07
Simpson, Candace Assistant Volleyball Coach
Amount: $1,400.00 Effective: 08-01-06/06-30-07
Skinner, Robert Assistant Soccer Coach
Amount: $1,200.00 Effective: 08-31-06/06-30-07
D. Community Education Instructors Summer /Fall 2006