In this area, homework is given to extend learning and to allow pupils to practise relevant skills. Homework may take the form of research to aid work in class, a design folio project and revision. Pupils should complete an average of 20-30 minutes every two weeks plus any uncompleted tasks.
S3/S4 Graphic Communication
In order to further extend pupils’ knowledge in Graphic Communication, homework will focus on knowledge, interpretation and sketching. Pupils may also be asked to complete folio work at home. This will require an average of 30 minutes per week.
S3/S4 Practical Craft Skills
The work undertaken by pupil in this course is in the form of woodwork construction. The final assessment grade will be based on the quality of the student’s constructed pieces and the successful completion of NABs (National Assessment Bank items). In preparation for these assessments, pupils in Practical Craft Skills/Practical Woodworking will be required to revise tool and machinery names, materials and processes at home. The majority of work in this course is practical and takes place in the classroom.
S5/S6 Graphic Communication
At both Higher and Advanced Higher, in order to further extend pupils’ knowledge in Graphic Communication, homework will focus on knowledge and interpretation, and sketching. Pupils may also be asked to complete preparation work for their thematic presentation. This will require an average of 30 minutes per week. For thematic presentation work, pupils may require access to software and therefore they will have the opportunity to attend a supported study club once a week after school.
S5/S6 Practical Craft Skills
The work undertaken by pupils in this course is in the form of woodwork construction. The final assessment grade will be based on the quality of the student’s constructed pieces and the successful completion of NABs (National Assessment Bank items). In preparation for these assessments, pupils in Practical Craft Skills/Practical Woodworking will be required to revise tool and machinery names, materials and processes. The majority of work in this course is practical and takes place in the classroom.