Position paper : Spain in the European Council

Spain is a Constitutional monarchy multiparty, the king is Felipe 6 since 2014 and the president of the government is Mariano Rajoy who is in charge of the executive power. The legislative one is determined by the Spanish parliament which is composed by the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. Spain is part of the European Union since 1986.

After the Brexit, the question of the Britain’s colony Gibraltar brings on. Determined to keep this territory, the British prime minister expressed his desire to support Gibraltar. However 96% of the people in Gibraltar were against the Brexit and as a third of them work in Spain, a discussion between our country and Britain should take place because Gibraltar won’t get away from Europe without the agreement of Spain. Brexit also becomes a tool against the “podemos” cause. A political camp, which encourages populism and referendums, which gets injured by its opponent’s recent declarations. As the head of the Spanish interim government, Mariano Rajoy, summed up: “There is no time to add uncertainties”.

On the 60th birthday of the treaties of Rome, Esteban González Pons, Spokesperson for the Senate Group “Popular party” (the major political camp in Spain) declared: “Europe is not a market, it is the will to live together. Leaving Europe is not leaving a market, it is leaving shared dreams. We can have a common market, but if we do not have common dreams, we have nothing. Europe is the peace that came after the disaster of war. Europe is the pardon between French and Germans. Europe is the return to freedom of Greece, Spain and Portugal. Europe is the fall of the Berlin Wall. Europe is the end of communism. Europe is the welfare state, it is democracy,” The political well expressed the faith Spaniards have in Europe by remembering to everyone why Europe was created and why it is so important to stay strong together in front of the problems nowadays. He also qualified the Brexit as the most selfish decision ever made since the intervention of Churchill in the Second World War that saved the allies who are the pillars of Europe. Spaniards trust in Europe and have strong values that everyone cannot share.

According to Spain, European Union must be reinforce with the help of all the countries inside the union. We have to make sure that none of the twenty seven countries of the European Union leaves. All the countries of the union will have to help one another so that European Union keeps its strength.

Our objective in the committee’s resolutions are to make sure that Scotland doesn’t stay in European Union if United Kingdom does not. We also have as an objective to find an economic solution in order for the countries of the union not to start or to extend their financial crisis because if we want to keep a strong European Union we have to make sure that none of the countries has an economic crises due to the union.

The position of United Kingdom and France has affected a lot Spain’s position for the last years. The Brexit should put an end to this and bring Spain to a total self-leadership.