Senior Boys' Clothing List
To be given to Pastoral Leaders on the first day of term
NB all items marked with a * must be obtained from Stevensons. Some items are only needed for specific terms.
SENIOR BOYS Y9, Y10 and Y11 / Tick / AutumnNotes / Lent
Notes / Summer
1 Navy Blazer with Badge *
2 Navy V Neck Jumpers (Washable) *
3 Pairs Charcoal Trousers *
2 School Ties *
8 Pairs Charcoal Grey Socks
9 White Shirts (Long Sleeves not buttoned down collars)
1 Pair Black Shoes (See Notes)
Navy Cagoule*
School Scarf * (Optional)
1 Pair Black or Brown High Leg Boots for CCF – From Year 10
Smart navy, black or khaki winter coat (Optional)
2 School Tracksuit Bottoms*
1 School Hoodie*
2 PE White Polo Shirt*
1 PE Blue Shorts*
1 White Hockey/Tennis Shorts* (Lent/Summer)
1 Reversible Games/House Shirt*
1 Blue Rugby Shorts* (Autumn)
2 Long Games Socks
6 Short White Games Socks*
1 Pair of Trainers (Indoor - light soles)
1 Pair of Trainers (Outdoor)
1 Pair of Rugby Boots
1 Pair of Astro Boots/Shoes (Optional)
Swimming Trunks – (Black Jammer) See Add Notes
Cricket - Cream Playing Shirt*
Cricket - Cream Playing Trousers*
2 Vests (Optional): White
8 Pairs Pants: White or Colourfast
3 Pairs Pyjamas
1 Dressing Gown
1 Pair Slippers
2 or 3 "casual" outfits for wear after school, which should be marked. Hair to be of a traditional cut.
1 Hairbrush or Comb
Shampoo 1 Box of Tissues
1 Toothbrush and Toothpaste 1 Pair of Trainers - mainly white
1 Nailbrush and Nail Clippers 1 Rucksack Style School bag
2 Face Flannels 1 Small Padlock (Combination Lock)
1 Soap Box and Soap or Shower Gel Lightweight Suit Bag
1 Toilet Bag with Drawstring Suitable Luggage
Shoe Cleaning Kit and Bag Fork\Spoon
(containing Shoe Brushes, Duster, Large plastic under bed storage box – 6 inches high
Tinned Shoe Polish and Duraglit) Classroom Essentials
Clothes Brush Please see Tools to be a Better Student
1 Hockey Stick
1 Tennis Racket (Optional)
1 Pair Shin Pads
1 Mouth Guard Dentist fitted by Opro at school. (Please see sportswear instructions)
3 Bath Towels with a loop and nametape sewn at centre of long side. (colourfast)
1 Single Duvet TOG Rate 12 (washable), 3 Duvet Covers with Pillowcases and 1 Pillow. Name tapes to be sewn on the outside of duvet covers at the bottom, near the poppers and also sew name tape on pillow.
Please provide 3 fitted sheets, labelled in the corner.
All articles must be clearly marked with woven name tapes which may be ordered from the Stevensons uniform suppler website. Please send 50 extra name tapes. Name tapes must have both the name and house on them eg A N JONES of ROBERTS HOUSE would be: A N JONES - R. (Wellington - Wn, Wolseley - Wy and Kitchener - K). All games clothes to be marked with name tapes on the inside of the collar at the back and on the inside of the waistband at the back.
1. Shoes which can be polished should be of a traditional school style. All black with laces. No coloured stitching.
2. Swimming costumes must be plain black Jammer Swimming Shorts above the knee. No leisure or coloured swimming shorts for lessons.
3. Please ensure ALL items are clearly named.
4. Please ensure that your child returns in all three terms with the necessary warm, waterproof clothing as the school is very exposed. Middle school and 6th form may wear smart dark navy, black or khaki winter coats.
In line with all sporting governing bodies’ regulations, it is compulsory for all students to wear a mouth-guard while training and or playing any contact sport. This relates to Hockey, Rugby and Football at the School. All students are given the opportunity to have a dentist fitted mouth-guard through the School and only those with written confirmation of alternative mouth-guards from parents and or guardians will not have one fitted and ordered for them at the beginning of the Autumn term.
All new and returning students who are fitted for mouth guards will be charged on the school bill.
NB – As detailed above, mouth guards are organised by the School through OPRO and the cost added to the School bill (approximate cost £35-£50). If you are making alternative arrangements relating to the mouth guard, please contact Mr Shane Cloete in writing:
October 2017