Web appendix
Web Appendix for the paper “A Political Economy of Positions in Climate Change Negotiations:
Economic, Structural, Domestic, and Strategic Explanations”
In this Appendix we present additional analyses.
a) We demonstrate by means of a factor analysis the choice of the dependent variables used in the paper.
b) Next we discuss the results when we use the Polity IV dataset to capture democratic status instead of the Freedom House Index, and also why we opted for the latter.
c) We use a different measure for IO membership, namely membership in International environmental organizations (EOs), to check whether this measure is better suitable to explain cooperative positioning in environmental negotiations.
d) Summary statistics and correlation table for variables used in the paper.
e) We provide an additional check for the suggested compensation logic as suggested in the conclusion.
f) We present selection models to check the robustness of the hypothesized effects.
g) We provide further robustness checks by controlling for outliers.
a) Factor Analysis:
In this section, we explain the choice of the dependent variables in the main paper. For the project, we collected two datasets, one derived from interviewing 56 country delegations. For the second dataset we hand-coded more than 1,500 pages of submitted text by countries to the UNFCCC. The two datasets are used for data triangulation and confirm that we capture the same information. For a more detailed description of the datasets see (Weiler 2012).
Only the hand-coded dataset is used for the present paper, since it contains almost all of the world’s countries. Six variables were coded, these are Annex 1 mitigation Targets (by 2020), Annex 1 Mitigation Targets (by 2050), Non-Annex 1 Mitigation Targets, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Adaptation Funds, and Mitigation Funds (for a more detailed description see again Weiler, 2012). A Factor Analysis (shown in Appendix Table 1 below) reveals that underlying our six issues are two main factors. The two issues concerning mitigation targets load heavily on the first factor, while the two finance variables (Mitigation and Adaptation Funds) have high loadings for the second factor. Since Adaptation Finance also has a relative high loading for the first factor, we chose Mitigation Funds as the second dependent variable, while reduction targets by 2020 serve as the first dependent variable. This Factor Analysis also confirms our experience, gained through repeated visits of international climate change conferences, that these two issues were the most crucial topics in the run-up to the conference in Copenhagen.
Appendix Table 1: Factor analysis for all six originally coded issues. One factor represents reduction targets, the other financial issues
Factor LoadingsVariable / Factor1 / Factor2
Reduction Targets (2020) / 0.968
Reduction Targets (2050) / 0.817 / 0.246
Non-Annex 1 Targets / -0.979 / -0.131
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action / -0.121
Adaptation Finance / 0.522 / 0.838
Mitigation Finance / 0.253 / 0.773
SS Loadings / 2.903 / 1.392
Proportion Variance Explained / 0.484 / 0.232
Cumulative Variance Explained / 0.484 / 0.716
Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient. The chi square statistic is 12.68 on 4 degrees of freedom. The p-value is 0.013
b) Alternative measurement for democratic status:
We opted to use the Freedom House index to capture a country’s democratic status because it also includes small island countries (most of them members of the AOSIS negotiation group), who are in our view important parties in the climate change negotiations. In this section, we use the more widely used Polity IV index as a check of the robustness of our results (see Appendix Table 2 below).
In general, the results of our original analysis are confirmed, although the significance levels tend to be lower when the Polity IV measure is used (which could be due to the lower number of observations). The only difference is that in Model 2 democratic status exhibits a positive and significant effect, which runs against the hypothesis that more democratic countries tend to behave more cooperatively. However, the effect is relatively small across the values the Polity IV indicator adopts. Hence, our conclusion that power is a major driver of cooperative behavior in the reduction targets case also stands when utilizing an alternative measure to capture democratic status.
Appendix Table 2: Predictors for cooperative behavior (using Polity IV instead of Freedom House)
Reduction Targets / Mitigation FinanceModel 1 / Model 2 / Model 3 / Model 4
Ecological vulnerability / -0.06 / -0.06 / -0.20 / -0.18†
(0.06) / (0.06) / (0.14) / (0.11)
Power (GDP) / 0.07* / 0.07* / 0.09 / 0.08†
(0.03) / (0.03) / (0.06) / (0.04)
Dem. status (Polity IV) / 0.03 / 0.04* / -0.06* / -0.06*
(0.02) / (0.02) / (0.03) / (0.02)
IO membership / -0.003 / -0.003 / 0.01 / 0.01
(0.002) / (0.002) / (0.01) / (0.01)
Environmental quality / -0.002† / -0.002† / -0.01† / -0.01*
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.004) / (0.004)
Emitter interests / -0.002 / 0.003
(0.003) / (0.004)
Annex 1 dummy / 1.11*** / 1.12*** / -0.99* / -1.13**
(0.13) / (0.12) / (0.41) / (0.39)
Intercept / 0.10 / -0.05 / 2.44* / 2.71**
(0.69) / (0.59) / (1.32) / (1.16)
N / 97 / 113 / 98 / 114
AIC / 441.63 / 495.00 / 787.46 / 907.13
BIC / 524.02 / 571.37 / 870.50 / 983.99
log L / -188.81 / -219.50 / -361.73 / -425.56
Standard errors in parentheses
†significant at p < .10; * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
c) Using EOs instead of IOs to capture integration into the international system
Finally, it has been pointed out to us, that membership in IOs might not be relevant for the choice of cooperative negotiation positions in environmental negotiations, and that membership in Environmental Organizations might be the better explanatory variable. Although we believe that for our argument, that an increased involvement in the international sphere enhances a country’s willing to cooperate since it institutionalizes reciprocity and delegitimizes defection the type of IO should not be relevant, in this section we test to what extend our models change when we substitute IOs with EOs in the models (see Appendix Table 3 below).
As we expected, the results are very similar as in the original analysis. In the mitigation finance case, EO membership even exhibits lower significance levels than IO membership (while somewhat strengthening the findings for power. For reduction targets, on the other hand, the environmental quality measure shows weaker results, while in this scenario EO membership indeed is significant and points into the expected direction. Yes as above, when replacing the Freedom House index with the Polity IV measure, since both environmental quality and EO membership only exhibit very small coefficients, the only substantial explanation for the choice of cooperative negotiation positions regarding CO2 reduction targets remains a country’s political power.
Appendix Table 3: Predictors for cooperative behavior using Environmental Organization (Eos) instead of International Organizations
Reduction Targets / Mitigation FinanceModel 1 / Model 2 / Model 3 / Model 4
Ecological vulnerability / -0.03 / -0.03 / -0.32** / -0.36***
(0.06) / (0.06) / (0.11) / (0.10)
Power (GDP) / 0.12** / 0.12*** / 0.12* / 0.12**
(0.04) / (0.03) / (0.05) / (0.04)
Dem. status / 0.01 / 0.01 / -0.07** / -0.07**
(0.02) / (0.02) / (0.03) / (0.02)
EO membership / -0.003† / -0.003* / 0.00 / 0.005
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.00) / (0.004)
Environmental quality / -0.002† / -0.002† / -0.08* / -0.010**
(0.001) / (0.001) / (0.04) / (0.003)
Emitter interests / -0.001 / 0.04
(0.003) / (0.003)
Annex 1 dummy / 1.25*** / 1.26*** / -1.16* / -1.43**
(0.13) / (0.12) / (0.50) / (0.48)
Intercept / -1.21 / -1.40† / 2.56† / 2.75*
(0.97) / (0.82) / (1.31) / (1.22)
N / 110 / 132 / 111 / 133
AIC / 507.32 / 583.36 / 840.89 / 1004.90
BIC / 593.73 / 664.08 / 927.60 / 1085.83
log L / -221.66 / -263.68 / -388.45 / -474.45
Standard errors in parentheses
†significant at p < .10; * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
d) Summary Statistics and Correlation Table
Appendix Table 4: Descriptive statistics of the dependent and independent variables
Variable name / Obs. / Mean / St. dev. / Min. / Max.Reduction targets / 138 / 4.65 / 4.39 / 0 / 17.50
Mitigation finance / 146 / 11.83 / 13.35 / 0 / 66.67
Ecological vulnerability / 146 / 3.39 / 0.77 / 1.67 / 5.50
Power (Emissions logged) / 146 / 9.00 / 2.66 / 1.61 / 10.89
Power (GDP logged) / 135 / 23.89 / 2.57 / 18.67 / 30.28
Democratic status / 146 / 8.36 / 3.88 / 1 / 13
Franchise (oil, gas, coal) / 114 / 5.61 / 16.81 / 0 / 72.91
IO membership / 146 / 63.50 / 20.39 / 19 / 125
Domestic environmental quality(SO2 emissions per capita) / 146 / 157.37 / 28.24 / 0 / 175.85
Annex 1 dummy / 146 / 0 (112) / 1 (34)
Appendix Table 5: Correlation table for the dependent and independent variables
Reduction targets / Mitigation finance / Vulnerability / Power (GDP logged) / Democratic status / IO membership / Environmental quality / Franchise / Annex 1 DummyReduction targets / 1.00
Mitigation finance / -0.13 / 1.00
Vulnerability / 0.21 / -0.36 / 1.00
Power (GDP log) / 0.60 / 0.20 / 0.06 / 1.00
Democratic status / 0.43 / -0.45 / 0.36 / 0.10 / 1.00
IO membership / 0.48 / 0.13 / -0.14 / 0.73 / 0.20 / 1.00
Envir. quality / -0.40 / -0.07 / -0.11 / -0.14 / -0.15 / 0.03 / 1.00
Franchise / -0.10 / 0.27 / -0.09 / 0.10 / -0.45 / -0.18 / -0.27 / 1.00
Annex 1 Dummy / 0.83 / -0.25 / 0.27 / 0.54 / 0.51 / 0.47 / -0.16 / -0.18 / 1.00
e) Additional check of the compensation mechanisms
In the paper, we propose that countries follow a compensation logic in the negotiations, i.e. they compensate for their lack of willingness to cooperate in one (crucial) issue area by adopting more cooperative positions on other, less salient issues. More specifically, we propose that hardliners on the issue reduction targets instead adopt a more generous position when it comes to mitigation finance. To test this link, we run the same models again as in the paper for both issues (Models 2 and 4 of Table 3 in the paper), but this time we also include the alternative dependent variables in the model to see how they affect each other. In other words, in the reduction targets model we include mitigation finance as a dependent variable, and in the mitigation finance model the reduction targets variable is added. Appendix Table 4 shows the results.
Appendix Table 6: Models including the alternative dependent variable as dependent variable
Reduction TargetsModel / Mitigation Finance
Ecological vulnerability / -0.060 / -0.273*
(0.058) / (0.116)
Power (GDP) / 0.091*** / 0.122*
(0.026) / (0.054)
Democratic status / 0.020 / -0.070**
(0.022) / (0.024)
IO membership / -0.003 / 0.014*
(0.002) / (0.007)
Environmental quality / -0.002* / -0.013**
(0.001) / (0.004)
Annex 1 Dummy / 1.107*** / -0.763
(0.152) / (0.605)
Mitigation Finance / 0.001
Reduction Targets / -0.083*
Intercept / -0.520 / 2.586†
(0.611) / (1.332)
N / 127 / 127
AIC / 569.454 / 937.881
BIC / 660.468 / 1028.642
Log L / -252.727 / -436.940
Standard errors in parentheses
†significant at p < .10; * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
As can be seen, the results of the hypothesized effects are largely unaffected. However, we also see the significant negative coefficient of reduction targets in the mitigation finance model. This means that less cooperative reduction target positions are associated with more cooperative mitigation finance positions. On the other hand, mitigation finance positions do not significantly affect the reduction targets model, as we expected (the coefficient is very close to zero and far away from conventional significance levels). We believe that this is strong additional evidence for the compensation logic we propose in the paper. In particularly rich Annex 1 countries, who shy away from too ambitious mitigation targets (as shown by the models), use this compensation logic to appease non-Annex 1 countries who might otherwise reject any agreement.
f) Selection models
In this section we briefly introduce selection models to check the robustness of the hypothesized effects and to show that they are not too heavily influenced by the correlation between the Annex 1 dummy and other dependent variables (in particular our democracy variable). For each of the two dependent variables, we calculated two Heckman selection models, one for Annex 1 countries and the other for non-Annex 1 countries. Thus, the dichotomy Annex 1 / non-Annex 1 variable serves as the dependent variable in the selection stage of the models in Appendix Table 5, yet it is inverted to run separate models for the two country groups. In addition, we also run Tobit-5 models with both groups in the same model (see Appendix Table 6). Since the selection of countries into the Annex 1 groups was mostly a function of their development status (Gupta 2010), we include GDP per capita and democratic status in the selection stage, in addition to IO membership and environmental quality. Thus, the models are identified. We do not include ecological vulnerability and total GDP, since we see no causal link how these variables could affect selection into the Annex 1 group (being a large country or in an unfortunate geographical position does not affect this selection).
We find that in the reduction targets case the results are identical to those in our original models. For both country groups power (measured as total GDP) is a strong predictor for less cooperative behavior. And in both cases the coefficient is relatively large compared to the other significant coefficient in the model: environmental quality. This latter variable is again significant for both country groups and thus validates the findings of the original models. Yet, as in our previous findings, power is the major driver for the rather uncooperative behavior countries exhibit in this issue area.
The models for mitigation finance also corroborate the findings reported in the paper. We see that power and a country’s democratic status exhibit the expected effects for both country groups and thus lend further credibility to the respective hypotheses.
For vulnerability the effect is only significant for the Annex 1 case, therefore we believe that the Annex 1 countries are the main drivers of the effect in the pooled model. We are not surprised by this result. More vulnerable Annex 1 countries offer to do more domestically when being more cooperative. This is not the case for vulnerable non-Annex 1 countries. For them, being more cooperative means shifting towards the median position and away from demanding higher international mitigation targets. In doing so, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. One the one hand, they need a global deal to curtail global warming and are thus driven towards more moderate positions. On the other hand, if they play a too cooperative game, this might lead to an outcome that does not even guarantee their survival, at least in the case of some island nations. Being caught in the middle of these two competing driving forces, the significance level of ecologic vulnerability vanishes in the non-Annex 1 case.
Appendix Table 7: Selection Models for the two dependent variables (for both Annex 1 and non-Annex 1 countries)
Dependent variable:Reduction Targets / Mitigation Finance
Non-Annex 1
Model / Annex 1
Model / Non-Annex 1
Model / Annex 1
Ecological vuln. / −0.280 / −0.474 / −1.317 / −10.845***
(0.333) / (0.341) / (1.436) / (3.720)
Power (GDP) / 0.571*** / 0.358** / 1.439** / 2.892*
(0.169) / (0.177) / (0.719) / (1.674)
Democratic stat. / 0.101 / −0.051 / −0.949*** / −9.740**
(0.081) / (0.268) / (0.360) / (4.766)
IO membership / −0.028 / −0.013 / 0.219** / −0.006
(0.023) / (0.019) / (0.099) / (0.164)
Environmental q. / −0.033* / −0.022*** / −0.227*** / 0.036
(0.019) / (0.006) / (0.086) / (0.065)
Intercept / −2.977 / 9.090 / 17.748 / 87.408
(4.888) / (7.231) / (22.197) / (98.897)
Dependent variable (selection stage):
Non-Annex 1 / Annex 1 / Non-Annex 1 / Annex 1
GDP per capita (log) / −1.484*** / 1.044*** / −1.169*** / 1.419***
(0.326) / (0.270) / (0.258) / (0.435)
Democratic stat. / −0.085 / 0.180*** / −0.163*** / 0.384***
(0.057) / (0.055) / (0.053) / (0.113)
IO membership / −0.024** / 0.027** / −0.025** / 0.039**
(0.012) / (0.011) / (0.011) / (0.016)
Environmental q. / 0.013 / −0.001
(0.008) / (0.005)
Intercept / 14.888*** / −14.152*** / 14.806*** / −21.204***
(3.370) / (2.993) / (2.673) / (4.944)
Observations / 141 / 177 / 141 / 178
Censored obs. / 40 / 145 / 40 / 145
R2 / 0.175 / 0.412 / 0.412 / 0.486
Adjusted R2 / 0.122 / 0.270 / 0.374 / 0.368
ϱ / −0.828 / −0.305 / −0.702 / 0.174
Inverse Mills Ratio / −1.952** (0.899) / −0.284 (1.092) / −6.995* (3.995) / 1.836 (10.191)
Standard errors in parentheses
Significant at *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
For environmental quality we see just the opposite, i.e. the effect of the pooled model is driven by non-Annex 1 countries. This, again, makes sense, since most Annex 1 countries have already very high environmental standards and are thus too similar to each other for the effect to be discernible. Finally, the effect of IO membership is rather erratic across all models tested for this paper. Hence, the conclusion that the respective hypothesis should be rejected stands despite the significant effect we find in the non-Annex 1 mitigation finance case of our selection models.
Appendix Table 8: Tobit-5 Models for the two dependent variables
Dependent variable:Reduction
Targets / Mitigation
Non-Annex 1 equation
Ecological vuln. / −0.35 / −1.34
(0.34) / (1.44)
Power (GDP) / 0.55*** / 1.43**
(0.17) / (0.70)
Democratic stat. / 0.09 / −0.76**
(0.08) / (0.33)
IO membership / −0.03 / 0.23**
(0.02) / (0.10)
Environmental q. / −0.02 / −0.20**
(0.01) / (0.09)
Intercept / −4.25 / 10.72
(4.98) / (22.27)
Annex 1equation
Ecological vuln. / −0.47 / −10.77***
(0.32) / (4.14)
Power (GDP) / 0.35** / 3.06*
(0.17) / (1.67)
Democratic stat. / -0.03 / −8.77**
(0.14) / (3.02)
IO membership / −0.01 / -0.01
(0.01) / (0.14)
Environmental q. / −0.02*** / 0.04
(0.005) / (0.07)
Intercept / 8.79 / 17.748
(4.82) / (22.197)
GDP per capita (log) / 1.70*** / 1.78**
(0.39) / (0.88)
Democratic stat. / 0.11* / 0.46***
(0.07) / (0.14)
IO membership / 0.02* / −0.05
(0.01) / (0.04)
Intercept / -19.43*** / -25.76**
(3.93) / (11.32)
Observations / 133 / 134
Obs. Non-Annex 1 / 101 / 101
Obs. Annex 1 / 32 / 33
Log-lik. / -292.15 / -508.76
ϱ1 / 0.42 / 0.99
ϱ2 / −0.27 / −0.36
Standard errors in parentheses
Significant at *p<0.1; **p<0.05;***p<0.01
Overall, the selection models are a further indicator in favor of our choice of the median as the most cooperative position. Had we not rescaled the dependent variables, we would have to propose opposing hypotheses for the two country groups (e.g. more vulnerable Annex 1 countries offer more, and non-Annex 1 countries demand less). After transforming the dependent variables, so that they reflect cooperativeness for both groups, we were able to propose combined hypotheses for both groups The selection models thus also validate our assumption that the recoded dependent variables capture what we intended, since the significant effects confirm the same hypotheses as in the original regressions, and do so for both country groups in separate regression models.
g) Further Robustness checks
For the main Mitigation Finance Model (Model 4 in the paper), we find the outlier structure as indicated in the following graph.
As can be seen, there are two potentially problematic outliers. The first is Turkey (number 183), which is not very surprising, since this is the country with the most extreme position by far. It is the only country with a position more than 60 units away from the median on this issue, while all other countries are below 40 (see also the right-hand panel of Figure 2 in the paper, Turkey can be seen there on the very right of the graph in its own bar). The other potentially influential outlier is China (number 34), which has a large hat value but also a relatively large studentized residual (the size of the circles are Cook’s Distances). We removed these two observations to check the robustness of the regression. As can be seen in the table below, the results do not change dramatically, if anything, they significance levels increase.
For the dependent variable Reduction Targets we follow the same procedure. Here is the outlier plot for Model 2 in the paper.
There are a couple of potentially influential outliers, in particular Gabon (number 66) with a large hat value and a relatively large residual. There are a few observations with large residuals, and we removed all observations with studentized values larger than 3 (although all of them have small hat-values) to check how this affects the results. Again, the results are robust, with the exception of membership in international organizations. The coefficient of this variable tends to be erratic across the models, hence our conclusion that the effect is not robust and this hypothesis should be rejected (as already stated in earlier version of the paper) stands. The results of regression without the potential outliers can be seen in the following table.
Appendix Table 9: Regression results of model with potential outliers removed
Reduction Targets Model / MitigationFinance ModelEcological vulnerability / -0.062 / -0.203*
(0.043) / (0.096)
Power (GDP) / 0.118*** / 0.125**
(0.026) / (0.044)
Democratic status / 0.013 / -0.091***
(0.012) / (0.021)
IO membership / -0.005* / 0.013*
(0.002) / (0.006)
Environmental quality / -0.002* / -0.014***
(0.001) / (0.004)
Annex 1 Dummy / 1.283*** / -1.554***
(0.098) / (0.413)
Intercept / -1.168† / 2.499*
(0.599) / (1.084)
N / 130 / 133
AIC / 505.694 / 993.144
BIC / 585.985 / 1074.074
Log L / -224.847 / -468.572