three types of microbes / microbes which require oxygen / jelly-like substance from seaweed used to grow bacteria and fungi / common name for ethanol
bacteria, fungi, virus / aerobic / agar / alcohol
microbes which don’t require oxygen / medicine taken internally capable of killing pathogenic bacteria & fungi / type of microbe which looks shiny on an agar plate / the way bacteria reproduce by splitting into two
anaerobic / antibiotic / bacteria / binary fission
the slimy protective layer around bacteria / part of a bacteria which controls movement of materials in & out of it / part of a bacteria which gives it it’s shape / word which means to grow microbes
(slime) capsule / cell membrane / cell wall / culture
a microorganism which causes decay / bacteria which convert nitrogen containing compounds into nitrogen gas, N2 / a powerful chemical which kills microorganisms / DNA stands for
decomposer / saprophyte / denitrifying bacteria / disinfectant / deoxyribonucleic acid
the spread of an infection within a country / rapid increase in the numbers of microbes in a population / process which converts sugar into alcohol using yeast / another name for anaerobic respiration in yeast
epidemic / exponential growth / fermentation / anaerobic respiration / fermentation
tail like structures which help bacteria to move / type of microbe which looks fuzzy, furry or thread-like on an agar plate / examples of fungi / fine threads which make up the structure of fungi
flagellum / fungi / yeast, moulds, mushrooms, toadstools / hyphae
part of the fungi which carries out extra cellular digestion / to place the microbes in a suitable (warm) place to grow / process of putting microbes onto an agar plate to grow / another word used for food
hyphae / incubate / incubation / inoculate / innoculation / nutrient
the spread of an infection to other countries / process by which microbes feed / an organism which lives off another living thing / method of treating milk by rapid heating to reduce bacterial contamination
pandemic / extra-cellular digestion / parasite / parasitic / pasteurisation
a disease causing microbe / the round shallow dish of plastic or glass used to grow bacteria and fungi / method of growing viruses / why viruses don’t grow on agar plates
pathogen / petri dish / in fertilised hens eggs / they need living (host) cells to reproduce
the process by which living cell release energy from food / the word which means living off dead plant or animal material / the ball shaped part of fungi which produce spores / the tiny reproductive cells of fungi
respiration / saprophytic / sporangium / spores
word used to describe an object which is free from microbes / name for athlete’s foot, a fungal infection which causes red itchy skin between the toes / poisonous substances produced by microbes, particularly bacteria / type of microbe made up of nuclear material and a protein coat
sterile / tinea / toxins / virus
single celled (unicellular) fungi used to make bread and wine /
type of microbe / /
yeast / virus / sporangium / hyphae
type of microbe / type of microbe / type of microbe
spores / fungi / bacteria / virus (bacteriophage)
/ / conditions are needed for bacteria and fungi to grow /
protein coat / nuclear material, DNA or RNA / warm, moist & a food source / binary fission
HIV, measles, mumps, chicken pox, common cold etc are caused by / athlete’s foot, thrush and ringworm are caused by / typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, meningitis, tetanus etc are caused by / why petri dishes incubated upside down
viruses / fungi / bacteria / to avoid the condensation dripping on agar
where fungi and bacteria come from that cause fruit to rot / why a compost heaps get hot / three foods produced by fungi /
layer around outside
the air / heat produced by microbes carrying out respiration / (3 from) bread, yoghurt, wine, cheese, beer / (slime) capsule
Shapes of bacteria
/ Bread
CO2 produced by anaerobic
respiration of _____, makes bread
rise (bubbles) / Cheese
Excreted waste lactic acid
made by __ during respiration causes milk to curdle / Wine / Beer
Alcohol produced by fermentation
which occurs as ____
respire anerobically (without oxygen)
coccus (round),bacillus (rod),vibrio (comma), spirillum (spiral) / yeast / bacteria / yeast
Wine / Beer
CO2 produced by anaerobic
respiration of ____, gives alcohol
fizz (bubbles) / Yoghurt
Lactic acid produced by _____during respiration lowers pH of milk, causing it to curdle and forming curds. / Word that means
feeds on / eats / gains nutrients from living material / living things / living cells / living tissues /organisms. / · secrete/release enzymes
· break down/digest food/nutrients
· absorb digested food
yeast / bacteria / parasitic / extracellular digestion
convert a nutrient
into a simpler / another form, which can be reused by another organism / _____ break down dead organic matter containing N / C into simpler compounds which can be used by other organisms as food /nutrients / ______Cycle
Break down of organic matter containing protein.
Conversion into ammonia / nitrates. These can then be absorbed by plants from the soil (as nutrients) / ______Cycle
Break down of organic matter containing carbohydrates and fats;
Microbes respire / excrete CO2 into the
atmosphere to be used by plants: photosynthesis
nutrient cycling / saprophytes / decomposers / Nitrogen / Carbon
substances that slow down / inhibit the reproduction /
metabolism / chemical processes / growth of other micro-organisms / bacteria (randomly) mutate are now not killed by antibiotics. Reproduce making more bacteria with the ability to survive the antibiotic. This is called ______/ dead / weakened form of specific microbe that induces person’s body to make antibodies in advance, so it can respond
quickly and kill the microbe if they infect the body / ______reproduce inside living body cells causing the cells to die so organs malfunction
antibiotics / antibiotic resistance / vaccine / viruses