Go to godwinband.org. to find the current Concert and Marching Band fees.

Fee Day is Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Park behind the school and enter through the back doors. Look for signs to direct you.

Proceed to Room 11(it will be on your right as you enter the school)to pay your school fees and Band Booster fees. Please bring:

A check payable to Godwin Band Boosters for:

  • membership for all students (both concert and marching)
  • game day meals (marching band students only)

A check payable to Godwin High School for:

  • uniform rental for allstudents (both concert & marching will need a uniform)
  • band camp (marching band students only)

Please be sure toALWAYS put your child’s name in the memosection of your checks.

Once you have paid your fees, students should go to the band room to have their uniforms fitted, and parentsshouldstay in the hallway to compete the following tasks:

  1. Turn in your Booster Membership Format the Membership Table.Thisinformation is used to keep in touch with you throughout the year. If any of thisinformation changes please let the membership chairman know.
  2. Marching students - this form must be turned in on or before the 1st day of band camp (Thursday, August 15, 2011).
  3. Concert students - this form must be turned in on or before the 1st day of school.
  1. Turn in your Medical Permission Form/Travel Form to the Chaperone Chairman at the Chaperone Table.
  2. Marching students - this form must be turned in on or before the 1st day of band camp (Thursday, August 15, 2011).
  3. Concert students - this form must be turned in on or before the 1st day of school.
  1. Be sure and visit our sign up table to volunteer for many of thevarious committees that keep our organization running smoothly.We need our parent volunteers.
  1. See the Ways and Means Table before you leave, to purchase any of our great band merchandise including sweatshirts, polo shirts, tote bags, and the Band Letterman jacket. There will be jacket samples for you to see and try on for size.

All of the above forms are located on the website. We will have extra copies on hand for you to fill out if you prefer to do it on fee day. If you have any questions, please email the Band Booster President at .

Thank You,

Godwin High School Band Boosters