20 Things to learn for English

/ 2
/ 3
/ 4 Descriptive writing techniques
E – Emotive language
A- Adjectives
T – Triples
S - Similes
A - Adverbs
M - Metaphors
O – Onomatopoeia
S - Senses
A – Anecdotes and Alliteration
S – Show, don’t tell.. / 5

/ 7
/ 8 Words that show Inference:
•This implies…
•This suggests…
•This makes the character sound…
•This make the reader feel…
•This creates an atmosphere…
•We can infer that…
•This might mean that…
•This appears to…
•The writer hints that…
•This highlights… / 9 Comparison words
But By contrast
Differs from However
In contrast Though
Instead Yet
Rather Whereas
On the contrary
On the other hand
In other respects
Nevertheless / 10 Differences between modern and 19th century texts:
  • Archaic words (not used any more)
  • Longer,complex sentences and embedded clauses
  • Metaphors, similes and allusions
  • References to the Bible and Greek myths
  • Slang or informal language has changed

11 Paper 1
1 4 things you learn about… (4)
2How does the writer use language to… (8)
3 How does the writer structure the text to… (12)
4 XXX said that…To what extent do you agree (16)
5 Either write a description suggested by….
Or Write a story or part of a story…
(40) / 12 Paper 2
1 Shade in 4 that are true (4)
2 Write a summary of the differences (8)
3 How is language used to show (12)
4 Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes to (16)
5 Non-fiction writing: Write a broadsheet newspaper article/leaflet/speech/essay/ letter/ magazine article on an issue linked to the reading texts. (40) / 13 Writing a Description:
  • What? Where? When? Who? Where? Why? How?
  • Describe the setting
  • Describe the weather
  • Describe a character
  • Imagine you are there…what has just happened? What happens next?
  • Zoom in on one part of the picture and describe it in detail
  • Refer to more than one sense
/ 14
/ 15

/ 17
/ 18 Writing a Leaflet:
/ 19 Writing a story:
  • A hook
  • Describe the main character
  • Describe the setting
  • Crisis or problem
  • Ending
/ 20 Writing a Persuasive essay:
  • Clear opening expressing a view
  • Give your evidence (facts, opinions, statistics, anecdotes)
  • Address the counterargument
  • Use connectives to link ideas eg Firstly, for example, as a result
  • Conclusion

When you proof read check:

  • Does it make sense
  • Have I put paragraphs in? If not//
  • Have I got a variety of sentence types? If not add a short sentence and a rhetorical question.
  • POSH WORDS. Have I got at least 5 interesting words.
  • Punctuation: double check your full stops (no comma splices!) and make sure you have used at least 5 types of punctuation

Check for connectives. Use at least 3.