New Mills Bridge Club. Minutes of AGM held on 27th January 2015.


John Cameron-Pilkington, David Noott, Barbara Garland , Anne Pace, Pat Higgins, Colin Davison, Brenda Smith, Barry Wilson, Pam Bluhm, Annie Durham, Caroline & Ian Mackenzie, Gwen Ferguson, Yvonne Smith, Andrew Ayres, Cyn Parnell, Irene Blagden, Jennifer Dagnall, Roger Barton, Diane & Mark Saxon, Liz Kidston.

Apologies received from:

John Frankland, Gyl Murphy, Dorothy Scapens & Diane Dean.

Opening remarks:

John Cameron-Pilkington opened the meeting, welcomed everyone & thanked them for coming.

Matters arising from the 2014 AGM:

As agreed, a timer has been purchased & in operation for the last year, based on each board taking between 6 & 6 ½ minutes to complete, with the amount of time remaining being announced, & hopefully eliminating very slow play.

There were no further matters arising from the 2014 AGM minutes, which have been readily accessible on the club website.Caroline, therefore, proposed they be adopted as a true record of the meeting, which was seconded by Liz, & the minutes were duly adopted.

Presentation of Accounts:

David briefly went through the accounts he was presenting & referred to the club’s insurance costs, whereby members are additionally covered on any trips organised by the club. The club is also covered on the Town Hall’s own insurance policy specifically for Katrin, as she is under 21. The insurance company need to know the number of members we have each year, which is shown by the number of annual membership subs paid.

Additionally, David highlighted certain purchased items, which he referred to as items of “hardware”, namely the new playing cards, the timer, teapot & also three thousand new travellers, which he believes will last the club for the next four years. The total cost of these items came to £168.72.

He also pointed out that the cost of the Christmas Party came to £408, which he considers to be a way of reimbursing the annual membership subs to our members.

John C-P confirmed that the accounts had been independently checked.David stated that the club showed a deficit on the year of £119.83, thus confirming that the club remains a non-profit-making organisation. There was, however, a cash balance of £72 at the end of 2013, which has not beencarried forward in the accounts. When this has been factored back in, then the deficit will be reduced to £47.83. Additionally, there was an accounting error of £9.11 in the club’s favour, thus further reducing the deficit a little.

David stated that the club had nominal assets of £447.59.

Yvonne asked whether the rate for the room hire is likely to go up & it was confirmed that an increase is expected sometime quite soon. She further suggested that, if the increase is substantial, we could save a considerable amount of money by no longer providing refreshments, wages for the tea girls being £600 annually, which is a major outlay. Committee members indicated their reluctance to do this but the situation may well have to be reviewed if necessary.

There being no further questions regarding the accounts presented, Gwen proposed they be accepted as a true record, seconded by Barry. This was agreed by the members.

Membership Secretary’s report:

Anne reported that the number of members for the year Jan 2014 – Jan 2015 was 43, being a fall of 2 on the previous year. Annual £10 subscriptions were now due, 28 having so far been received. She also stated that the total paid-up number may well be rather down, as we have sadly lost several members, two having died & others succumbing to long-term ill health, & we may see as few as 34 or so members for the new year. Barbara encouraged everyone to support & praise the club & to try to attract new members by word of mouth.

Asset report:

Barbara reported that the club has sufficient equipment for 9 full tables & that the packs of cards are changed on a regular basis, with 76 new packs of cards in stock, plus several that David has “reconditioned”. It has been noted that there are several playing card holders & bidding cards which are showing signs of wear & tear, & that replacements may need to be purchased in the foreseeable future.

Wecontinue to hold a good supply of refreshments, which are replenished when necessary.

The members were happy to accept both the Membership & Asset reports.

Election of Management Committee:

There being no other nominations, Cyn proposed thatall the present committee members be re-elected, jointly seconded by Colin & Pam, & agreed by the members.

Motions put to the AGM:

John C-P reported that no motions had been put to the AGM for debate.


John C-P reported that, after the serious injuries suffered by one of our members, he continues to make representation to the Council regarding the unsafe steps & access to the building. No final decision has yet been made as to who bears responsibility for the cost of upgrading.

He also reported that the heating had come on in the room after a complaint to the caretaker.

Closing Remarks:

Finally, Caroline expressed the thanks of the members to the committee for their on-going work for the club. John C-P expressed his thanks to all the members for their continued support & his hope that this continue well into the future. The meeting closed at 7.47pm.