2010 – 2011 DRESS CODE - Revised

The purpose of the middle school dress code is to promote a safe environment, free from distractions to learning.

·  Pants should be worn at the waist - no oversized or baggy pants.

·  Belts of all pants should be properly tucked in and not worn hanging.

·  The length of any pants, skirts, dresses, or shorts should not be shorter than 3 inches above the knees. Slits in skirts must not extend more than 3 inches above the knees.

·  Clothing must not be skin-tight or revealing.

·  Shirts or blouses must be long enough to cover the waistline even when the arms are extended above the head. The skin on the torso should never be visible.

·  See-through garments, tank tops, halter tops, strapless tops, or any tops with spaghetti straps are not permitted. (Straps should not be less than 3 inches in width).

·  “Tall tees,” pajamas and pajama pants are prohibited.

·  Sport jerseys, jersey dresses, and jersey-type clothing with numbers may not be worn (button-up style, zipper style, and pull-over style).

·  No headgear (including hats, stocking caps, do-rags, bandanas, sunglasses and forehead bands) is to be worn.

·  No holes are permitted in blue jeans pants or any pants

·  The hoods of hooded sweatshirts are not allowed on your head while in the building.

·  No gloves and/or any other hand gear can be worn.

·  Any jewelry should be worn appropriately. Large, heavy chains are not permitted, especially from the belt or wallet. “Dog tags” are not permitted. Any chains not being worn appropriately will be confiscated.

·  Tattooing is not permitted.

·  Matching Dickies tops & bottoms and coveralls are not permitted

·  If leggings are worn, the skirt cannot be shorter than 3 inches about the knees.

·  No shower flip-flops or “house shoes” can be worn or boys’ gym slippers.

·  Clothing that references illegal substances, alcohol, tobacco products, violence, obscene pictures or words, and/or nudity are not permitted.

·  **Update** - Shorts, pants, skirts, etc., that includes writing on the backside of the garment, pockets or otherwise.

The school reserves the right to revise the above list at any time and to make judgments in individual cases.

(First infraction for students who wear inappropriate clothing to school will be allowed to call home for a change of clothing. If this fails, the student will be assigned to ISS for the remainder of the day. Any additional dress code violations will result in disciplinary action)

Revised 03/04/2011