Curriculum Vitae

Dorothy A. Nelson, Ph.D.

April 6, 2018

Office Address:

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice

516 Varner Hall

Oakland University

Rochester, MI 48309-4401

(248) 370-2420


Current Position:Professor of Anthropology and Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice

Education:Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

B.A. 1974College of Business

B.A.1976 Anthropology

M.A. 1980 Anthropology

Ph.D.1985 Physical Anthropology

Faculty Appointments:

Assistant Professor, MichiganStateUniversity (1987).

Assistant Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, MichiganStateUniversity (1990-2003).

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, WayneStateUniversity (1990-1993).

Adjunct Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Anthropology, Wayne State University (1994-present).

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, CaseWestern ReserveUniversitySchool of Medicine (1993)

Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, WayneStateUniversitySchool of Medicine (1994-1995)

Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine (1994-2001, tenured 1998)

Professor (tenured), Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University (8/2001-9/2/11)

Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University (9/2003-present)

Professor (tenured), Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice, Oakland University (2011-present)

Professional Appointments:

Senior Research Assistant, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI (1985-1986).

Assistant Staff Investigator, HenryFordHospital, Detroit, MI (1987);

Associate Staff Investigator, HenryFordHospital, Detroit, MI (1988-1990).

Staff Investigator, Bone and Mineral Division, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI (1990-1993)

Director, Center for Osteoporosis Research, WayneStateUniversitySchool of Medicine (1994-1997)

Consultant, Medical Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Allen Park, MI (1995-2005)

--interpretation and reporting of bone density tests

Faculty Member, Biomedical Engineering Program, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (1998-2011)

Faculty, International Society for Clinical Densitometry, Bone Densitometry Certification courses (1998-2009)

Graduate Faculty, Wayne State University, 6/99-9/11.

Director of Scientific Affairs, National Osteoporosis Foundation, Washington D.C. (January 1999- March 2000)

Interim Administrative Division Head, Rheumatology, WayneStateUniversitySchool of Medicine (5/99-4/01)

Director, Clinical Research Center, Department of Internal Medicine, 4/01-2/05.

--Founding Director

Interim Section Chief, Rheumatology, Wayne State University School of Medicine (3/2004-2/2005)

Interim Assistant Vice President for Research, Wayne State University, 2/2006-12/2006.

  • Research Integrity Officer, Wayne State University, 2/2006-9/2/2011.
  • Institutional Official, Wayne State University, Animal Care and Use Program, 10/01/06-9/2/11.

Assistant Vice President for Research, Wayne State University, 1/2007-3/2008.

Associate Vice President for Research, Wayne State University, 3/2008-9/2/2011.

  • Empowered Official, Wayne State University (Export Controls), 3/2008-9/2/11.
  • Interim Chair of the Human Investigation Committee, Wayne State University, 7/01/08-10/01/08.
  • Research Integrity Officer, Wayne State University, 2/2006-9/2/2011.
  • Institutional Official, Wayne State University, Animal Care and Use Program, 10/01/06-9/2/11.

Vice Provost for Research, Oakland University, 9/2011-5/2015

  • Institutional Official, Human Research Protection Program
  • Institutional Official,Animal Care and Use Program
  • Research Integrity Officer

Chair, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice, 8/2015-present

Honors and Awards:

Phi Beta Kappa (1975)

Excellence-in-Teaching Citation, Michigan State University (1983)

Wayne State University College Teaching Award (1998)

Wayne State University College Teaching Award (2001)

Social Science Outstanding Alumna Award, Michigan State University (2002)

FASEB/Minority Access to Research Careers Travel Award (Faculty mentor, 2004)

Wayne State University College Teaching Award (2005)


1.Public presentations:

Co-chair and Rapporteur, Body Composition Working Group, National Institute on Aging Workshop on the Menopause, Bethesda, MD, March 1993

"Bone loss in Black and White women", Gerontology Research Center, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, 1993.

"Evolutionary aspects of calcium consumption". NIH Consensus Development Conference on Optimal Calcium Intake, Bethesda, MD, June 1994.

2.Consulting/reviewing for public agencies and foundations:

NIH General Clinical Research Center site visit, December 1994 (Site visitor/reviewer)

National Institute of Mental Health, 1994 (ad hoc reviewer)

NIH GeneralClinicalResearchCenter, December 1995 (Site visitor/reviewer)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, January 1996 (ad hoc reviewer)

US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Osteoporosis Peer Review, May 13-17, 1996 (panel member).

NIH SCOR Program (Osteoporosis), July 22-24, 1997 (reviewer on one overall application and 5 projects).

NIH Review of “Prevention of Osteoporosis” RFA grants, December 18-19, 1997 (panel member, reviewer on 6 projects).

Scleroderma Rare Disease Registry’s Proposal Review Committee, 1998.

National Institutes of Health site visit reviewer, GCRC, Hershey Medical College, Pennsylvania State University, April 1999

National Institutes of Health ad hoc reviewer, Geriatrics and Rehabilitative Medicine (GRM) Study Section, October 2001.

National Institutes of Health ad hoc reviewer, Geriatrics and Rehabilitative Medicine (GRM) Study Section, October 2002.

National Science Foundation (ad hoc reviewer since 1991)

--most recent proposal reviews: April 1999, October 1999, March

2000, April 2001, January 2003

Member, F10 Special Emphasis Panel (Fellowship review), National Institutes of Health, February 2003.

Site visitor, NIH-funded GCRC, Oregon Health and SciencesCenter, Portland, OR, April 2004.

Ad hoc grant reviewer, Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Sciences Study Section, NIH, June 2005.

Member, Special Emphasis Panel, Cooperative Agreements (U01’s), NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, August 2005.

Reviewer, National Research Foundation (South Africa), review of NRF Rating Application, August 2005.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, January 2005-present.

  • Associate Editor, 2006-present

Member, Editorial Board, and Editorial Consultant, Osteoporosis International, 2006-2012.

Member, Special Emphasis Panel, Cooperative Agreements (U01’s), NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, April 2006.

Reviewer, National Osteoporosis Foundation 2006 Research Grants Program, May 2006 and March 2008.

Reviewer, National Research Foundation (South Africa), review of NRF Rating Application, May 2009.

Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), July 2009.

Reviewer, National Research Foundation (South Africa), review of NRF Rating Application, June 2011.

3.Other professionally related service

Reviewer for scientific journals

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Annals of Internal Medicine

Arthritis Care and Research


Calcified Tissue International

Economics and Human Biology

European Journal of Clinical Investigations

European Journal of Haematology

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology (1 review, July 2016)


Journal of Adolescent Health

Journal of the American Board of Family Practice

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

Journal of Clinical Densitometry

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences

Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions

Journal of the AmericanCollege of Nutrition

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Journal of the National Medical Association

Journal of Women’s Health


Medical Anthropology Quarterly

Medical Physics

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

New England Journal of Medicine

Osteoporosis International

Steering Committee, Fifth International Symposium on Clinical Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, (1991-1993)

Henry Ford Health Systems/Case Western Reserve University:

Ph.D. Working Group (1992-1993)

Clinical Research Committee (1992-1993)

Chair, Data Safety Monitoring Board. NIH 1-R18-DK-088294-01-A1 “Enhancing informal caregiving to support diabetes self-management,” Aikens J.E., Piette, J.D. (PI’s); 04/01/11-03/31/16 (DSMB dissolved 5/2015 per NIH)

Chair, DataSafety Monitoring Board.NIH 3-R01-MH-096699-04-S1 “Telemonitoring Enhanced Support for Depression Self-Management,” Aikens J.E. (PI); 09/2012-6/2017 (DSMB dissolved 9/2014 per NIH)

4.National and international boards and committees

International Expert Panel, Society for Clinical Densitometry (1994)

Associate Editor (founding), J Clinical Densitometry (1997-2002; 2006-present)

Scientific Program Committee, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 1999 Annual Meeting (Abstract Review)

NIAMS Coalition Capitol Hill Day, Washington D.C., March 1, 2000

--meeting of scientists and foundation representatives to ask Congress for increased NIH funding for 2000

Scientific Program Co-Chair, 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, October 12-16, 2001.

--with 2 other co-chairs, planned scientific program (topics, speakers, schedule, et al.) for annual meeting with over 3000 attendees

Category Chair, Diagnostic Assessment of Osteoporosis and Other Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Abstract Review for American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 24th annual meeting, May 2002.

--chaired a committee of 10 reviewers; scored and confirmed category assignments for 150 abstracts

AmericanCollege of Rheumatology Abstract Selection Committee, 2003.

--reviewed abstracts for upcoming scientific meeting

International Society for Clinical Densitometry Publications Committee (2003)

International Society for Clinical Densitometry Faculty Committee (2005-2006).

Women’s Health Initiative Bone and Body Composition Special Interest Group (2014-present)

5.State and local boards and committees:

Chair, Board of Directors, Michigan Consortium for Osteoporosis, 1996-1999.

Board Member, Detroit Medical Club, 1996-1999.

Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, Michigan Chapter of Arthritis Foundation (1998-2000).

Osteoporosis Strategic Plan Advisory Committee, Michigan Department of Community Health, 1999-

Steering Committee, Michigan Arthritis 2000 Plan, Michigan Department of Community Health (2000).

Board of Directors, United Medical Management Co, Inc., 2000-2001.

President, Detroit Medical Club, 2000-2001.

Board of Directors, Michigan Consortium for Osteoporosis, 1999-present.

Board of Directors, Metropolitan Detroit Research and Education Foundation, 2006-2011.

Board of Directors, Michigan Society for Medical Research, 2010-2015.

Member, Management Committee, Michigan Initiative for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIIE), 1/2012-6/2014

6.University service

Wayne State University:

Human Investigation Committee, Wayne State University, 1994-1999.

Vice-Chair, Human Investigation Committee (IRB), Wayne State University, 1995--1998

Steering Committee, Human Investigation Committee, Wayne State University, 1996-1999.

Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University, 1999.

Human Investigation Committee, Wayne State University, March 2002-March 2004)

Member-at-large, Executive Committee, Faculty Senate, WSU School of Medicine, May 2002-October 2003.

Scientific Misconduct Investigation Committee, Office of the Vice President for Research, Wayne State University, 2003

Secretary, Executive Committee, Faculty Senate, WSUSchool of Medicine, May October 2003-January 2006.

Chair, Department of Internal Medicine Research Review Committee, 2005-2006.

Member, Human Investigation Committee Steering Committee, 2006-2008.

Member, WSU Financial Conflict of Interest Committee, 2006-2011

Member, WSU Radiation Safety and Radioactive Isotope Committee, 2006-2011

Chair, WSU Export Control Regulations Task Force, 2007-2008.

Member, WSU Export Control Advisory Committee, 2008-2011

Interim Chair, Human Investigation Committee, July 1, 2008-September 30, 2008.

Oakland University:


Ex-officio member, University Research Committee (2011-2015)

Financial Conflict of Interest reviewer, Office of Research Administration (July 2015)

Honors College Thesis Proposal guest reviewer (November 2015)

Distinguished Professor Committee (December 2015)

Panel Member, WISE@OU Mentorship Workshop (January 2016)

Reader, CAS Commencement (April 2016 and April 2017)

Member, OU Soundings Selection Committee (2017)

Member, Radiation Safety Committee (2017-2019)

Faculty Mentor for Miranda Baxa, Bachelor of Integrative Studies program (2017-18)

College of Arts and Sciences:

Finish Line Scholarship Reviewer (August 2015, March 2016, January 2017)

Member, Committee on Appointments and Promotion (2016-2019)


Member, c.1 review committee for Jon Carroll (2015-16)

Member, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Search Committee (2016)

Member, review committee for promotion of Henri Gooren (2016-17)

Member, review committee for reappointment of Michael Pytlik (2017-18)


1.Undergraduate (full courses):

Michigan State University (1977-1993, as needed by Department of Anthropology)--taught full semester courses including Human Evolution, Physical Anthropology and Primatology

Central Michigan University (1981)-- full semester course on Physical Anthropology

University of Santa Clara, CA (1982)--developed and taught 2 full semester courses on Human Diversity and Primatology

EasternMichiganUniversity (1985)--taught full semester course on paleoanthropology

Wayne State University (1991 forward, 5 semesters)--Introduction to Physical Anthropology

--also Honors section (1 semester)

Oakland University (Fall 2015)—AN 395 (Human Skeleton for the Social Sciences)

Oakland University (Winter 2016)—AN 101 (Human and Cultural Evolution)

Oakland University (Fall 2016)—AN 391 (Primate Behavior)

Oakland University (Winter 2017)—AN 101 (Human and Cultural Evolution)

Oakland University (Winter 2017)—AN 497 (College Teaching Apprenticeship)

Oakland University (Fall 2017)—AN 3720/ENV 4100 (Human Adaptation)

Oakland University (Winter 2018)—AN 1511 (Human and Cultural Evolution)

Oakland University (Winter 2018)—AN 4997 (College Teaching Apprenticeship)

3.Graduate and Post-graduate teaching, WayneStateUniversity:

Bone densitometry and osteoporosis, Internal Medicine Residents and Endocrinology Fellows, Wayne State University School of Medicine, once/month, 1994-1997.

--12 lectures/year in 1994-1995

--3 lectures in 1997

--1 lecture in 1999

Critical Thinking/Evidence-Based Medicine, Internal Medicine Residents, Wayne State University, 1996 -1999

Medical Student Summer Research Program, mentor for Robert Molloy, 1997.

Directed Study in physical anthropology for graduate students, 1995-1998.

Core curriculum, Rheumatology, residents and fellows, 10/97, 4/98

--bone biology, osteoporosis, and bone densitometry

Research mentor for Dr. Gunda Rao, Internal Medicine resident (1998).

--case report, published 1999

Clinical Day (Connective Tissue unit), Bone Densitometry, Year 2 Medical Students (March, 1999 and March 2000)

Doctoral qualifying examinations, Biomedical Engineering Program (June 1999)

--Graded written and oral examinations for 6 students

New course: “Spine and Hip Fractures in the Elderly”, Biomedical Engineering (BME 5250), Spring/Summer 1999.

--Developed and taught full course with co-instructor.

The Metabolism Bone and Metabolic Bone Diseases, September 1999.

Full-day seminar for orthopedic residents, WayneStateUniversity.

Core curriculum, Rheumatology, residents and fellows, 4/99, 10/99, 12/99

-- osteoporosis, bone densitometry, and fragility fractures

Bone biology and osteoporosis, December 1999. Video conference presented to residents in Rehabilitation Medicine

Mentor for David A. Barondess, Ph.D., recipient of Dean’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, 2000-2002.

Bone biology. Orthopedic Surgery Conference, WSU, August 2000.

Research mentor for Shambeel Rizvi, M.D. (Rheumatology Fellow), 2000-2001

--Bone density in sickle cell disease

Core curriculum, Rheumatology, residents and fellows 1/19/01, 2/2/01, 3/2/01, 10/19/01

--Scientific Writing and Basic Statistical Concepts; interpretation of bone density results

Biomedical Engineering (BME 5250): Spine and Hip Fractures in the Elderly, Spring/Summer 2001.

--Team-taught with 1 other faculty

Mentor for Tamali Bhattacharyya, M.D., masters program in medical research, Wayne State University, June 2001-2002.

Mentor for Kristen Kingzett, Medical Student Research Intern, summer 2001.

Mentor for Angelia Mosley-Williams, M.D., M.S. on grant entitled “Computer Entry of Self-Report Medical Data by Elderly African American Osteoarthritis Patients in Central Detroit,” Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research, Summer 2001-2004.

Co-Course Director for Clinical Research Seminar Series, Department of Internal Medicine, July 19, 2002-January 31, 2003.

Research mentor for Dr. Shubi Sehgal, Internal Medicine Resident, Jan.- June 2003

--prepared abstract for national meeting

Biomedical Engineering (BME 5250): Spine and Hip Fractures in the Elderly. Spring/Summer 2003

--Team-taught full semester course: lectures, quizzes, etc.

Co-Course Director for Clinical Research Seminar Series, Department of Internal Medicine, July 18, 2003-November 21, 2003.

Mentor for Medical Student Summer Internship: Brendan Burns, Summer 2004.

Core Curriculum, Rheumatology Fellows

--Effective presentations, lecture 9/22/04 (co-taught with Judith Whittum-Hudson, Ph.D.)

--What you need to know about statistics in order to critique an article, lecture 11/17/05

Biomedical Engineering (BME 5250): Spine and Hip Fractures in the Elderly, Spring/Summer 2005.

--Team-taught with 1 other faculty

Co-Course Director for Clinical Research Seminar Series, Department of Internal Medicine, July 2005-December 2005.

--Organized seminar series and invited the speakers

--Faculty and fellows

Research mentor for Diane Pawlowski, Ph.D.

--Submitted NIH R03 application December 2005

4.Reader/Committee Member for Doctoral students:


David Barondess, doctoral comprehensive exams, MichiganStateUniversity, 1988

John Seidel, DDS, doctoral comprehensive exams, MichiganStateUniversity, 1989

Brian Brown, doctoral comprehensive exams, MichiganStateUniversity, 1990

Michelle Theeck, graduate committee, Wayne State University, 1995-2004.

Mary Megyesi, doctoral committee, Michigan State University, 2003-2009.

Allison Muhammad, doctoral committee, Wayne State University, 2008-2009.

Corey Zolondek, doctoral committee, Wayne State University, 2008-2012.

Biomedical Engineering:

Ruhan Iskender, committee chair, Wayne State University, 1998-2001.

Allison Sieving, doctoral committee, Wayne State University, 2000-2002.

Biomedical Sciences:

Jamie Walker, masters thesis advisor, Wayne State University, 2003-2004.

Susie Nemo, masters thesis, reader, Wayne State University,2004.


Elvis Daniels, doctoral thesis reader, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa, 2000-2001

Shane A. Norris, doctoral thesis reader, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa, 2004.

D. Basu, doctoral thesis reader, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa, 2010.

Grant support:

Co-investigator: Bone density and its determinants in a black population. A.M. Parfitt, Principal Investigator; Henry Ford Hospital Project Research Grant, 4/87-4/92; $4860.

Principal Investigator: Evaluation and comparison of two bone densitometry instruments. Henry FordHospital Project Research Grant, 7/87-12/89; $4958.

Principal Investigator (component project and core facility in program project): Ethnic differences in bone accumulation and loss (Project 6) and Regional measurement of bone mass (Core C); NIH grant AG07542; A.M. Parfitt, Program Director: Bone Remodeling: The Amount and Quality of Bone and the Pathogenesis of Fractures. 9/87-6/92, $2,999,933.

Co-Investigator: Biochemical markers and bone loss in older women; NIH Grant AR39657; M.Kleerekoper, Principal Investigator. 5/89-4/94, $1,537,097.

Principal Investigator: Distribution and anthropometric effect of vertebral fractures in osteoporotic women. HenryFordHospital Project Research Grant, 12/89-6/92; $6930.

Principal Investigator: Evaluation of bone mineral and body composition techniques. HenryFordHospital Project Research Grant, 5/90-12/92; $4938.

Principal Investigator: Accumulation of skeletal mass in prepubertal schoolchildren. NIH Grant AR41319; 9/91-12/96, $1,114,054.

Co-Investigator: Estrogen in the prevention of bone loss from the hip. NIH Grant AR10407; M.Kleerekoper, Principal Investigator. 2/92-12/93.

Co-Investigator: Effect of estrogen on femoral neck bone mass. NIH Grant

AG10924; M.Kleerekoper, Principal Investigator. 7/92-6/95, $1,377,582.

Principal Investigator: Longitudinal study of development and progression of childhood myopia. Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories; 11/93-6/96; $215,000.

Principal Investigator: Vitamin D Receptor Gene and Bone Mass in Mother/Child Pairs. NIH Supplement to AR41319; 8/94-7/95; $49,987.

Principal Investigator: Effect of axial impact exercise on hip bone density. OsteoDyne; 6/94-6/96, $7200.

Principal Investigator: Breast cancer risk and genetic determinants of bone mass. Karmanos Virtual Discovery Grant. 6/1/96-11/30/97, $66,275.

Principal Investigator: Ethnic differences in proximal femoral morphology. NIH 1 RO1 AG11541; 12/96-11/98, $378,209. (one-year extension through 11/99)

Principal Investigator: "Ethnic Differences in Proximal Femoral Morphology". (to include sample of South African women) Supplement toNIH 1 RO1 AG11541; 1/1/98-12/31/98, $20, 849 total direct costs. (started 7/1/98, currently one-year extension through 11/99)

Principal Investigator (subcontract): Breast Cancer in Women of Polish Ancestry. NIH/NCI. (P.I. Dorothy Pathak, Ph.D., MichiganStateUniversity). 4/1/97-3/31/02. $102,947 direct costs (fiscal year 8/1/00 through 7/31/01). No-cost extension through 10/31/02. 5% effort.

Co-Investigator: DEPO-PROVERA: Evaluation of bone mineral density and total body calcium in adolescent DP150CI users and matched controls. Pfizer (Pharmacia & Upjohn). 1/1/98-12/31/06, $289,610 total direct costs (started 5/98).