Minutes of Wormegay Parish Council held on 26/07/2016 held at Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall at 7pm

Present: Chair G. Reddington, Vice Chair D. Parker, Borough Councillor M. Howland, T. Scott, K. Reddington, Clerk T. Wright and three members of the public.

26/07/01 Apologies J. Pearce, D. Symington

26/07/02 Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.

G. Reddington and K. Reddington are both members of of Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall Committee. In a small village, some overlap of membership between village organisations is inevitable. There may be occasions when decisions are taken which effect Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall and it is not possible to carry out the business of the Parish Council without those named being involved in such decisions.

No declarations were recorded.

26/07/03 Minutes of our meeting held on 28th June 2016 to be approved and signed.

These minutes were approved and signed with no amendments.

26/07/04 Borough Cllrs report. Chairman’s Report, Clerk’s Report

Borough Councillor Mike Howland commented on the following:-

The cutbacks on verge trimming have been ceased. Was costing £60,000 but will now cost £80,000 to restart as most are overgrown.

Magistrate’s court in King’s Lynn will now close, cases will be heard in Norwich.

Wilson and Betts have been fined for renting out a house as requirements were not met.

Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution. Devolution offers a generational opportunity to accelerate growth in Local and National economy whilst improving the life changes and quality of life for every resident in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Chairman’s Report.

No report was recorded as all is included in items on the Agenda.

Clerks Report.

Mazars Papers are now complete and authorisation displayed in Parish Notice Boards giving residents chance to view the yearly accounts if anyone wishes to.

Letter from J. Cross for appreciation of cheque for £20 for his Audit.

Email from K. Gauntley resigning as a Parish Councillor with immediate affect.

Further to this the Clerk will contact the Borough Council stating Kirsty’s resignation.

Action Clerk

An email received from the Borough Council asking all Councillors to canvas for new members. All Councillors present decided not to be involved with this. The Clerk will forward this to the Borough Council.

Action Clerk.

The Parish Laptop needs repair as the touchpad is uneven and the power button does not always work. The Clerk will take this to PC World.

Action Points completed from March 1st of this year’s meeting:-

Clerk’s action points:-

Under minute reference 01.03.04

Jobs for Highway Rangers – completed

NALC New audit regime. Emailed as all Councillors voted to opt out – completed

Further to this the Clerk has had an email asking all Councillors to re-consider their vote. This was put to the vote again, all Councillors present decided not to change their vote. Clerk will email NALC.

Action Clerk

Tree on Village Green. Regarding emails from Mr. and Mrs Harrod. Contacting preservation society and finding Arboriculturist to inspect tree - Completed.

Further to this the Chair arranged for the tree to be inspected. The rotten branches found can be removed with permission for £300. If the branches fall it will be on the Village Green. The Parish Council does not own the Village Green where this tree was planted. The Clerk will inform Mr and Mrs Harrod of these findings.

Action Clerk

Cradle seats on play area. Quotes to replace them were found by Clerk and emailed to all Councillors – completed.

Health and Safety. Added to future Agenda – completed.

Minute reference 01.03.05

Planning paper reference Nar Valley Lodges to be sent to Borough Council – completed.

Minute reference 01/03/11

Suggestion for Clerk to ask our bank to open a second account – complete.

Further to this the Clerk was informed the signatories would have to visit the Branch to open another account. This was discussed and all Councillors present voted not to open another account.

D. Parker/Chair Action point.

Minute reference 01.03.07

Meeting between Chair and J. Pearce about redecoration of village hall – completed.

26/07/05 Queens 90th Birthday report.

The weekend celebrations went ahead with great delight from all who attended. The celebrations included a live band, disco, hog roast, buffet food, bouncy castle etc. A very successful weekend.

The whole event cost a total of £740 pounds. This means Wormegay will pay £370 and Tottenhill £370 as the events were shared between both villages.

The Chair had displayed all invoices for the expenses to be approved by all Councillors present.

26/07/06 Village Hall Report.

New toilets had been installed, along with new lightning. The redecoration is still ongoing.

26/07/07 Health and Safety.

K. Reddington reported on the post holding a sign which needs attention. K. Reddington will attend to this. The cradle seats were discussed as previously the Council asked for quotes to be obtained to replace these as cracks had appeared. It was discussed to remove or repair these. The repair would not go ahead for safety reasons. The decision to replace or remove will be added to our next Agenda.

Action Clerk

26/07/08 Planning Matter.

None to be recorded.

26/07/09 Financial Report for this meeting and approval of cheques.

Balance carried forward from last meeting £9464.43

Cheques written since last meeting

Clerk wages and expenses

Cheque no. 666 6 hrs per week x 4 wks £211.68

£4 per wk use of office x 4 wks £16.00

Postage stamps £7.68

Total £235.36

J. Cross Audit Fees cheque no.641 £20.00

Village Hall Fees cheque no. 642 £80.00

The clerk requests the following cheques to be approved and signed

Norfolk County Council- Play Area Inspection Cheque No.667 £370.00

G. Reddington Queens Birthday Celebration Expenses Cheque No. 668 £370.00

Clerks Wages and Expenses Cheque No. 669

6 hrs per wk x 4 wks £211.68

£4 per wk use of office x 4 £16.00

Mileage to meeting .45p x 18 miles £8.10

Mileage to display Electoral papers for Mazars

.45p x 18 miles £8.10

Total £244.38

Total expenditure £1219.74

Balance to be carried forward to meeting £8244.69

With reference to cheque number 668. This is for expenses for the Queens celebrations which were paid for by the Chair and were to be claimed for. As we only have two signatories at the present, it is not normal practice to sign your own cheque for expenses. All Councillors were in agreement to approve the cheque to be signed. The Clerk had contacted NALC and SLCC for verification of this. Clerk read out minute reference 01.03.10 reference expenses for the Queens Celebrations

26/07/10 Village Matters and items for future agendas.

Village Matters.

Councillor Vacancy.

A parishioner had shown an interest in joining the Parish Council as we now have a vacancy. The Parishioner was present and was asked by the Chair if he would like to be co-opted on to the Parish Council, and he was agreeable.

K. Reddington proposed Mr. Johnson to be our new Councillor, this was seconded by T. Scott. It was decided to vote with a show of hands. All were in agreement. It was carried Mr. Johnson would be our new Councillor, who was welcomed to our team. The Clerk will contact the Borough Council to inform them we have a new Councillor. The Clerk will forward the required forms to Mr. Johnson, along with a copy of our Financial Regulations and Standing orders. The Clerk will order a copy of the Good Councillors Guide.

Action Clerk.

Two Parishioners asked if the Parish Council could help in any way to help solve a problem in the village. Documentation was given to the Chair/Clerk from the Parishioners. The Council agreed for the Chair to talk to the people involved and report back to the Parishioners and the parish Council.

Action Chair

A parishioner commented on the absence of the signs which should be displayed on our new Village entrance gates. The Chair/Clerk had both, on numerous occasions, contacted Andy Wallace from Highways at the Council about these signs dating back to last November. It was decided to contact him again. The parishioner had also contacted Norfolk County Council regarding this problem. The new gates painted by the Chair and K. Reddington, needed the new signs and the old ones are not as visible as they could be to the public.

Further about safety in the village, a parishioner asked the Council if we have any other form of road safety in the village. The Chair stated we use to have Speedwatch monitoring sessions but had not attended any of late. The Clerk was informed by the Co-ordinator the equipment may be picked up as we have not managed to attend any sessions. The parishioner wished to join the team and help with these if the sessions were still to go ahead. The Clerk will contact the Co-ordinator to see if we still have the equipment.

Action Clerk.

It was also discussed about the presence of drivers of speeding tractors who were also using their mobile phones. It was agreed to contact all farms in Wormegay about this problem. Unfortunately tractors do not come under the Speedwatch monitoring scheme.

Action Chair/Clerk

Another suggestion was to circulate a letter to all parishioners about keeping to the speed limits that are present in Wormegay.

Action Chair/Clerk

Future Agendas

New signatory for cheques.

Cradle seats in Play Area.

26/07/11 Date and time of next meeting.

Our next meeting will be held on 27th September 2016 at 7pm in Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8pm.