Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
Table Of Contents
A. Statement of Policies and Responsibilities:
1.0 Procedures
2.0 Glossary
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Policyand Regulations
3.0 Responsibilities
4.0 Selection ofRespirators
5.0 MedicalEvaluations and Fit Testing
6.0 Routine and EmergencySituations
7.0 Maintenance Procedures, Service Life and Change Out Schedules
8.0 Training
9.0 Record Keeping
10.0 Program Evaluations
11.0 Resources and Guides
11.1 List of Employees Authorized for Required Respirator Use
11.2 Summary of Required Respirator Program Elements
11.3 Guidefor ProgramEvaluation
11.4 Guidefor Usingand Maintaining anAirPurifying Respirator
11.5 General Guidefor Usingand Maintaining a PAPR
11.5 Summary of Service Life/Change out schedule
C. VoluntaryRespiratorUse
1.0 Scope andPurpose
2.0 Glossary
3.0 WorksiteSpecificProcedures
4.0 Resources and Guides
4.1 Summaryof VoluntaryRespiratorUse ElementsandActions
4.2VoluntaryRespirator Maintenance Proceduresfor TightFittingRubberorSilicone Facepieces
A. Statement of Policies and Responsibilities:
Occupational safety and health regulations mandate that employers implement and maintain a written management program to protect the safety of every employee that wears respiratory protection for any reason, whether voluntarily for comfort or by employer mandate for worker health protection.
The manager of each campus department with one or more employees who wear respiratory protection for any reason is chiefly responsible for ensuring the implementation, execution, and administration of the respiratory protection program within their own department. The Environmental & Occupational Health unit (EOH) is responsible to provide supportive expert oversight, guidance and direct services to department managers. Failure to implement, execute, and administer the program where required may result in disciplinary and/or legal action against the responsible person(s).
1.0 Procedures
Theuse of respiratorsordust masks isdetermined bydepartment managementbasedontheresultsofan initial HazardEvaluation ofthe workplace.Thehazard assessment process should be initiated by the department by completing a department hazard assessment in the appendix of this documentThe Environmental & Occupational Health (EOH) unit staff will review the hazard assessment information to determine whether respirator use will be required for employee health protection. After completing the review, EOH will follow-up with the department point of contact to communicate the results of the review. When respirator use is required, EOH will provide the department with recommendations and additional guidance.
When the results of EOH’s review of the hazard assessmentare received one of the following procedures will be required:
- Whenrespiratoruse is“required”–use“RequiredRespiratorProgram” section ofthisdocument.
- Whenrespiratoruse is “not required” but will be allowed–use “Voluntary RespiratorProgram” section of thisdocument.
- When norespiratorusewill occur–respirator requirementsare completed.
2.0 Glossary
Authorized employee-An employee approved by department management to usea respirator.
Filteringfacepiece-Anegative pressureparticulaterespiratorwith afilteras an integralpartof thefacepieceorwith theentire facepiececomposedofthefiltering medium. A dust mask may be a filtering facepiece.
IDLH –Immediately dangerous to life or health.
Prudent (recommended) Use- The use of respirators in atmospheres known to have contaminants that could affect the health of some individuals, but are not covered by or do not exceed enforceable exposure levels. Examples include exposure to allergens, reproductive hazards or novel agents with no established exposure limits.
Required Use- The use of respirators in atmospheres with air contaminants known to be above allowable levels or where a supervisor has otherwise determined respirator use to be mandatory. Failure to use a respirator where required should subject an employee to discipline.
Respirator–Anair filteringdevice wornoverthemouthand nosetoprotecttherespiratorytractof the user fromhazardousgas,vapororparticulatematerialsin theambient air.
Respirator programadministrator (RPA)–A person(qualified byappropriatetrainingorexperiencethat is commensurate with the complexityoftheprogram) to administeroroversee thedepartmentrequired respiratoryprotection programand evaluate programeffectiveness.
Tightfittingfacepiece–A negative pressurerespirator with a tightfittingfacepiecemade ofelastomers such asrubberorsilicone.Dependingontype of filteror cartridge used, maybe usedforvaporor particulates.
Voluntaryuse-Theuseofarespirator inatmospheres which are not known to have levels of air contaminants known to impact health.
Required Respirator Program
1.0 Purpose
Thepurposeofthisprogram isto assurethateach respiratoruserisadequatelyprotectedfromair contaminantsof concernunder routine and emergencysituations; that respiratorsarekeptclean, sanitary,andmaintainedingood operating condition;andthat respiratorsareusedbyemployeeswho have been properlyfittedandtrained.
2.0 Policyand Regulations
OSHA GeneralIndustryRegulation 29CFR1090.134, as incorporated by reference for State of Wisconsin employees in Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter SPS32.15.
3.0 Responsibilities
Thedirectorof thedepartment (Director) issolelyresponsiblefor thisprogramandhasfull authorityto make necessarydecisions toensure itssuccess.The directormayassignresponsibilityfor implementation and day-to-dayoperation of therespirator programto adesignatedRespirator Program Administrator.
The Respirator ProgramAdministrator (RPA) for the department is
name, ______phone, ______e-mail, ______address______
TheRPAwill maintain a level ofexpertise commensuratewith the complexityoftheprograminthe department.The RPA will review workplace use of respiratorsasoften as needed(ataminimumannually)toensureelementsof the writtenprogramaresuccessfully maintained. Ifatanytime there is aquestion regarding hazarddetermination orappropriateselection and use ofrespirators, theRPA will seekconsultationfrom EOH by phone at 608-890-1992.The RPA will keepthecurrentlist of employeesauthorizedforrespiratoruse andfit test recordsand will furnish copies to EOH.
Supervisorsareresponsible to ensurethatemployeesfollowproceduresformedical evaluations, fit tests,and training requirements; that theyuse andmaintaintherespiratorproperly; and that theyreport changesin exposureconditionstothe RPA.
Employeesshall obtain requiredmedicalevaluations, fit tests, andtraining, and wear and maintainthe assigned respirator (asrecordedinthe“ListofEmployeesAuthorizedfor RespiratorUse”) whenworking in anarearequiring respiratoruse. Employeesshall reportchangesin exposureconditions tothe Department RPA.
Environmental & Occupational Health (EOH)
TheEnvironmental & Occupational Health staff will workwith the department toconducthazardassessments,setup the initial program,provide consultation asneeded,periodicallyrevieweffectiveness ofthedepartment program, and serve asthe central records custodianforcopiesofrecords medical determinations, fit tests,andthe list ofauthorized usersineach department.
4.0 Selection ofRespirators
Departmentsshallsurveytheirworkareasforrespiratoryhazardswith the help ofEOH orotherexperts on respiratoryhazards.
Where hazardevaluation dataindicatesthe needforrespiratoryprotection, thedepartment must provide the employee with an appropriaterespiratormodel with acceptablefitatnocost to the employee.
Respirator selection shall bebased onhazardsthestaff memberwill be exposed to, and any other factors that may affect performanceandreliability. All models of respirators used for employee health protection must be certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
Selection and useofrespiratorsfordepartmentemployees includes thefollowing:
- Estimateofexposurehazard
- Chemical and physicalform ofcontaminant
- Characteristicsof the hazardous operationsorprocesses
- Location ofhazardous areas
- Period oftimewhich respiratoryprotection maybe needed
- Activityofworkers inthehazardous areas
- Physical characteristics, capabilities,and limitationsofvarious typesof respirators
- Respirator protectionfactorsandrespiratorfit
Limitationsof Use
Departmentemployeesareonlyallowed to wear the specific make, model, and size of air purifying respirators for which theyhave been properly fitted,andwhen applicable,thosethat meet the appropriatechange-out scheduleforcartridgesandfilters.
Departmentemployeesare prohibited from performing workin otherdepartments where respiratory protection is required unlessEOH or another authorityonrespiratoryhazardshas first completeda hazardevaluationfor the work.
Airpurifying respiratorsshall notbe used under thefollowingconditions:
- Immediately Dangerous to Life andHealth(IDLH)atmospheres.
- Oxygen deficient atmospheres(lessthan 19.5%oxygen).
- Situationswhere contaminantslacksufficientwarningproperties.
- Atmospherescontainingunknown contaminantsorconcentrations.
- Atmospherescontainingcontaminantconcentrationsexceeding maximumuse concentration of therespiratoror cartridge.
Only self-containedbreathingapparatus(SCBA) orairline respiratorswithan emergencyescape supply shall be usedto enterareaswith unknown hazardous air contaminantconcentration or inIDLH situations.
5.0 MedicalEvaluations and Fit Testing
Prior to initial use,medical authorization to wear a respiratorshall be required of every employee (faculty, staff, LTE, and student) thatwill be requiredtousearespirator.Medical evaluations will be conducted atUniversity Health Services (UHS).
Fornon-requireduserespirators,aninitial medical evaluation is required only ifthe device hasatight-fittingelastomericfacepiece.
All departmentemployees requiredtousearespiratorwill be fittestedusingthe samemake, model, style andsize respiratortheywill use.
Fittestingmustbe performed prior toinitial useofarespirator, at least annuallythereafter, and whenever conditions (such asemployee'sphysical condition)changethat could affect respirator fit.
Quantitativefit testingisperformedbyUHS Occupational Medicine Program for all cartridge and filtering facepiece respirators. The UHS phone number is 265-5610.
6.0 Routine and EmergencySituations
Respiratorsshall be put on before enteringaworkareawith ahazardousatmosphere. Employees wearingtightfittingrespiratorsmustperformasuccessful user seal checkusingproceduresfrom AppendixB 1ofOSHA's29CFR1910.134regulationsor the respirator manufacturer eachtimethey(donn)therespirator. Employees wearingfiltering facepiece respiratorsmust performasuccessful user seal checkusingproceduresprovided by the manufacturer.
Therespiratorshall not be removed while in the hazardousatmosphere.
Employeesarenotpermittedtoenter IDLH atmospheres, unknown hazardous atmospheres,orany hazardous atmospherethatexceedsthe capabilityoftheir assignedrespirators.
Respiratorsshall not be wornwhen conditionsprevent agoodfacepiece-to-face seal or interfere with valve function. Suchconditionsmaybe agrowth ofbeard,sideburns, a skull capthat projectsunder thefacepiece,temple piecesonglasses, gogglesorotherpersonal protective equipment, ortheabsenceofone orboth dentures.
Employeeswearingrespirators in hazardous atmospheresmustleave therequiredrespiratorusearea for the following:
- Towashface andrespiratorfacepieceasnecessaryto preventeye or skin irritationfromuse.
- Iftheydetect vapororgasbreakthrough, changesin breathing resistance, orleakage of thefacepiece.
- Toreplacetherespiratororfilter, cartridge,orcanisterelements.
When arespiratoruserin ahazardousatmosphere detectsvaporor gasbreakthrough,breathing resistancechanges,orfacepieceleakage,the department must replaceorrepair therespiratorbefore the employee returnstothe workarea.
Ifduring respirator usea changeoccurs in workconditionsthat could result in higher air contaminantlevels,theemployee will leave the contaminatedareauntil theair contaminantconcentration can bedetermined and thecorrectrespiratorprovided.
If duringusethe respirator failsortheaircontaminant(s)isdetected bytherespiratoruser, he/shewill leave the area immediatelyand not return until therespiratorproblemiscorrected.
Ifrespiratorswill be usedforemergencysituations, the department mustadd specificprocedurestothe written program.
Ifairline respiratorswill be used,thedepartmentmustadd procedurestothe written program.
7.0 Maintenance Procedures, Service Life andChange Out Schedules
Respiratorswill be regularlycleaned,disinfected, inspected, repaired, stored,andwhen necessary, discarded.Guidesforthese proceduresforcommonrespiratorsused oncampusarefoundin Section 11 (Resources andGuides)inthisprogram.
Cleaning andDisinfecting
Respiratorswill be cleaned and sanitized usingprocedures whichfollowsprotocolsof AppendixB 2ofOSHA's29CFR1910.134regulations.Respiratorsusedroutinelywill be inspectedduringcleaningand wornordeteriorated partswill be replaced.
Respiratorswill be inspected before eachuseand aftercleaning,checking respiratorfunction, tightnessof connections, condition of parts(includingfacepiece,head straps,valves, filteringelements),andforany deterioration or loss of pliabilityofelastomeric(e.g., rubberorsilicone)parts.
Respirator Repairs
Respiratorsfailing inspection orfounddefectiveshall beremovedfromservice.Adjust, repair, ordiscard respiratorsusing thefollowingprocedures:
- Respirator repairsoradjustmentsareonlydonebyproperlytrained personnel using parts designedfor therespiratoraccording tomanufacturer'srecommendations.
- Discard respiratorspermanentlyremovedfromservice so theydonot return toservice.
All respiratorsmust bestoredin acleanand sanitary locationto protect themfromdamage, contamination,dust,sunlight,extremetemperatures,excessive moisture,damaging chemicals,and to prevent facepieceandexhalation valve deformation.
Service Life and Change Out Schedules
Filtering facepiece respirators must be replaced based on manufacturer recommendations or if not provided, consider hygiene, damage and breathing resistance. Filtering facepiece respirators must be replaced if they are damaged, soiled or if increased breathing resistance is noted.
OSHA has established mandatory change out schedules for substances including acrylonitrile, benzene, butadiene, formaldehyde, vinyl chloride and methylene chloride.
Change out schedules for cartridges must be established based on the specific cartridge used and consider duration, frequency and if exposure is a mixture. The service life of a cartridge is the length of time the absorbing material in a chemical cartridge is effective in keeping contaminants out of the respirator. To ensure that chemical cartridges are replaced before the service life ends, a cartridge change-out schedule must be developed. Contact EOH if assistance is needed to establish a change-out schedule.
OSHA-recognized rules of thumb that can be used to estimate cartridge service life:
If the chemical’s boiling point is >70ºC (158ºF) and the concentration is less than 200
ppm you can expect a service life of 8 hours at a normal work rate.
Service life is inversely proportional to work rate.
Reducing concentration by a factor of 10 will increase the service life by a factor of 5.
Humidity above 85% will reduce service life by 50%.
In the absence of a change-out schedule for specific operations, cartridges should be changedout at the end of each day or workshift.
8.0 Training
Trainingisrequiredpriorto use in the workplace,annually,andmorefrequently ifnecessaryto ensuresafe respiratoruse. The RPA shall maintain records of employees who participate in respiratory protection training.
Generaltraining forairpurifyingrespiratorswill be provided by EOH. Training appointments can be made by calling EOH at (608) 890-1992. General training for air purifying respirators can also be provided by the department RPA.
Site-specifictrainingwillbe provided bypersonnel qualifiedtoteachtheinformation.
9.0 Record Keeping
TheRPA will maintain thefollowingrecords:
- Respirator usermedical clearance approval.
- Records ofannualfit tests TheAuthorizationTablefor Required RespiratorUse (the list ofemployeesin Section11, ResourcesandGuides,of thisprogramdocument)
- Respirator user training logs
- Evaluationsofprogram effectiveness
- A written copyofthecurrentdepartment respiratorprogram
10.0 Program Evaluations
The RPAshall maintain appropriatesurveillance ofworkareaconditions and employee exposure.The RPA shall monitorthe effectivenessoftheprogrambymaking unscheduled observations of locationswhere respiratorsare usedtoconfirm proper respiratoruse,andbydiscussing specific aspectsoftherespirator programwith personnelduring appropriatescheduled meetings. Issues identifiedduringsurveillance shall be promptlycorrected by the RPA.
Aguide isfoundin Section 11(Resources andGuides). If a change isnotedthathas potential toincrease employee exposure, the RPA will contact EOHtodetermine if protection modificationsarenecessary.
11.0 Resources and Guides
SeeResourcesandGuidesin this Section. EOH can provide additional consultation and assistance; contact EOH at 890-1992.
OSHA Appendix B User Seal Check Procedures
NIOSH End-of-service-life FAQs
11.1 List of Employees Authorized for Required Respirator Use
Onlyauthorized employees mayusearespirator. Employees mustcompleteall requirementsof the required userespiratorprogrambeforeusingarespirator.
Theauthorization table listsemployee names, theirjobclassification, type ofrespirator, andthelocation oroperation whererespirator use isrequired.
Authorization Tablefor Required Respirator UseDate:
Nameof Department:
DepartmentRespirator ProgramAdministrator:
Job Classification / Employee Name / Operation/Location / RespiratorApproved
(type,model,size, filterorcartridge)
Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
11.2 Summary of Required Respirator Program Elements
Program Element / ActionEvaluateWorkplace AirborneHazards /
- Complete the online Environmental Airborne Hazard Evaluation form for each exposure.
- Requirerespiratoruseonly ifengineeringor administrative controlsare not possible tocontrol exposure.
Respirator Program Administrator (RPA) /
- Include name ofRPA inwritten program.
- Ensure RPA training iscommensuratewith complexityof program.
Written Department-Specific Program /
- Use templateandincludein theauthorization table theroutine andforeseeable emergencysituations (operations/locations)when respiratoruseis allowed.
SelectRespirator(s) /
- SelectappropriateNIOSH-certified respirators
Medical Requirements /
- Initial questionnaire review and/or physical exam at UHS
- SCBA annual physical exam at UHS
- Questionnaire inconjunction with annualfit test - some people have 2- 5 yr clearances, questionnaire is not necessarily annual
- Provide a copy of each medical clearance approval
Fittesting /
- Initial and annual on everymake, model, style,andsize respiratorworn
Training /
- Initial and annualforeach type ofrespiratorassigned to employee
Maintenance /
- Written program mustinclude proceduresto inspect, clean,disinfect, repair,and storerespiratorsper manufacturer recommendationsandOSHA requirements.
Recordkeeping /
- HazardEvaluation,written program,program evaluations,OSHA rules,list ofemployeesapproved to weararespiratorplusmedical, fit test, andtraining records.
Program Evaluation /
- RPA mustcontinuallyspotcheckprogram effectiveness,changes, and employee compliance
- RPA must annually conduct a formal evaluation of the department respiratory protection program using the form found in 11.3 of this document, Guide for Program Evaluation.
Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
11.3 Guidefor ProgramEvaluation
TheOSHA standard is performance-oriented andstatesthat the program shall be updatedas necessary toreflectchangesin workplaceconditionsandrespirator use. TheDepartment RPA must maintain awareness ofrespiratoruse in theworkplacetoensurethat continuoussuccessful implementationofall programelements isbeing achieved.
Frequencyofprogram evaluationisbased onthecomplexityandfactorssuch asthe hazard, typesofrespirator in use,variabilityofprocesses and operations,numbersofusers,andworkerexperience. Program evaluation must be completed at least on an annual basis.
Program Element / Evaluation CriteriaNo Significant ChangesOccurred /
- Confirm thatoperations, processes,andmaterialsused arethe sameandwould not resultin significant changesin workplace conditions thatneedtobe evaluated byEOH.
Authorized EmployeesUse and
Maintain Respirators Properly /
- Anyproblemswith usewerecorrected.
- Device is inspected before puttingon. Userseal checksperformed when puton. Device is cleaned and sanitized.
- Device storedin clean safemanner.Filters/cartridges/canisters properly labeled.
Supplies are Adequate /
- Checkinventoryofspareparts,filters/canisters, and cleaning materials.
TheProgram isEffective /
- Respiratorsand procedures are correctfor the airborne hazardsin theworkplace.
- Writtenrespiratorprogram matchesthe devices and locations where employeesuse respirators.
- Thewritten programandOSHArule areavailableforemployee review.
Respirator Clearance Evaluations are Up-to-Date /
- Employee received initialUHSmedical evaluationfor
- Annuallythereafter, reviewsquestionnaireandrespondsonfit testform. Ifchanges, referto UHS
- ForSCBA,employee received annual evaluation atUHS
FitTestsare Current /
- Confirm annual andcurrent fit testingforeachdevice used by each employee
Trainingis Current /
- Confirm annual training completedbyeachrespirator userfor each type ofdevice used.
Recordkeeping isComplete /
- ListofEmployeesAuthorized
- Initial Medical Clearance from UHS
- Fit Tests
- Training
- Written programisup-to-date
- Program Evaluation byRPA
Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
Itemstofollowup andcorrect:
Respiratory Protection Program
Document Number: OH-PRG-003
Revision: 2
Date Approved: Draft August/2014
11.4 Guidefor Usingand Maintaining anAirPurifying Respirator
Thefollowingaregeneral proceduresforuse andmaintenanceofreusableairpurifying respirators. Departmentscan usethese proceduresprovided theysupplement themwith morespecificinformation provided bythe manufacturerof therespiratorthatwill be used. Proceduresforother typesof respirators (PAPR,Airline,andSCBA)requirefollowingthemanufacturer’sprocedures with assistancefromEOH as needed.
1. Inspectfacepiecefor:
- cracks, tears,orholes
- distortion(place the respirator “nose down” (”faceseal up”) on a clean surface and examine the faceseal and facepiece todetermine ifdistortion hasoccurred)
- crackedorbrokenairpurifying element holders,badlyworn threads,orwornor missinggaskets
- cracked,scratched,or loose-fittinglensonfullface models
2. Inspectheadstrapsfor:
- breaksor tears
- loss ofelasticity
- broken or malfunctioning buckles orattachments
3. Inspect inhalation andexhalation valvesfor:
- cracks, tears,ordistortion in valve material orvalve seat
- defects in exhalation valve cover
4. Inspectair purifyingfilters/cartridgesfor:
- adequacytoprotectagainst the hazard
- wornfilterandfacepiecethreads
- cracksordents infilterhousing
- end ofservice life indicator(ifapplicable)
- legible NIOSH approvedlabelsand color codes
- Inspectrespirator (seeabove)
- Confirm thatair purifying elementsarethoserequired toprotectagainstair contaminantsexpected and that theyareinstalled properly.
- Place respiratorfacepiece onfacewith the chinproperly located inchin pocket.
- Position strapsorharnesson headpermanufacturer’s instructionsandtighten strapsto holdfacepiece in place.
- Adjust facepiecefor comfort andre-tightenstraps/harnessifrequired.
UserSeal Checks
- Perform positive user seal checkbylightlyplacing thepalmof thehand overexhalation valve cover andgentlyexhaling.Aslightpositive pressureshould build upinside respirator. Ifany leakageis detected, readjuststrapsandrepeat testuntil noleakageoccurs.
- Perform negative user seal checkbyplacingthepalmsof the handsoverthe cartridgesandgently inhaling.Aslightnegative pressureshould buildup inside respirator. Ifany leakage is detected, readjust strapsandrepeat testuntil noleakage occurs.
Removing (Doffing)Respirator:
- Loosen or unhook respirator straps/harness.
- Removefacepiecefromface.
Cleaning andSanitizing
Respirator usersmustclean their respiratorafter use with respiratorwipes,orclean it more completelyusing thefollowingprocedure:
- Remove cartridges/filtersand all removable gaskets. Disposeofexpired cartridges/filters, do not wash ordisinfectused cartridges.
- Disassemble respirator, includingvalves,straps,and cartridge holders(nose cupassemblyand speakerdiaphragm onfull facemodels).
- Clean respiratorparts:
- immersethem in warm soap and water solution orcommercial cleaner/sanitizer.
- gentlyscrubfacepieceand partswith acloth orastiffbristle(not wire)brush.
- removeforeignmatterfromsurfaces ofexhalation valve and seats.
- rinse partsthoroughly in clean,warm, preferablyrunningwater. Drain.
- Ifcleanerdoesnotcontain asanitizer, thensanitize partsbyimmersingfor two minutes ina water solution containing:
- commercial cleaner/sanitizer,or
- two tablespoons ofbleach pergallon ofwater,or one teaspoonoftincture ofiodine pergallon of water.
- Thoroughlyrinse partswith clean, warm, preferablyrunningwater. Drain.
- Allowpartsto air dry in aclean location.
- Reassemble respiratorbyreversingstepsusedtodisassemble. Install newcartridges ifneeded.
Respirator Repairs