Learning Strategies 1OL Course Outline Mr. Saint-Yves

Mrs. MacMillan


This course explores learning strategies and helps students become better, more independent learners while increasing their personal management skills, both in school and in other contexts. Students will learn how to develop and apply a range of strategies to improve their learning and achievement, particularly their literacy, numeracy, communication, and planning skills. This course will help to increase students’ confidence, motivation, and ability to learn.


Strand 1 / Orientation to School
Strand 2 / Learning Styles
Strand 3 / Literacy
Strand 4 / Numeracy
Strand 5 / Communication and TeamBuilding
Strand 6 / Goal Setting
Strand 7 / Study Skills/Test taking
Strand 8 / Summative

CURRICULUM DOCUMENTMinistry of Education and Training. The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 10: Guidance and Career Education. 1999.


As part of their day to day experience with this class, students should be aware of the following:



Students will be required to keep a separate binder for their Learning Strategies notes. This notebook must remain in the classroom and will contain all handouts/coursework and a daily record of work completed. Notebooks should be neatly organized and use dividers for each section (named after each unit above). Notebooks will be checked and evaluated on a regular basis.

Independent Reading

Each week, at least one day during the first part of the class will be set aside as an opportunity for you to read. Each student is expected to arrive at class with an appropriate reading selection. We have an excellent library and the world is full of great books. Students can do a great deal to improve their reading skills if they use this time wisely. Students are to have a silent reading book with them each day to be used during spare time.

Journal Writing

Every day the student will complete the journal section of their notebook indicating what work was completed during classtime. Students are expected to bring with them at least one textbook/notebook from one other class. Any work completed for other courses must be included in the daily journal.

The Summative

The summative will include a mark for the completed journal, an assignment/test from each class that has been assessed and revised and a brochure assignment connecting all units of the Learning Strategies course.


Marks will be assigned in the following categories. Students will be aware of their average as they progress through the course.

Course Work40%This section will include assessments from the Learning Strategies Unitsusing the categories Knowledge Understanding, Thinking & Inquiry, Communication, and Application.

30%This section is based on a daily mark given for fulfilling the class expectations. These include: arriving on time, prepared, showing respect for self/teacher/classmates, completing the journal and bringing other course work.

Summative Assessment30%Journal (10%), Brochure (10%) and revised assignments/tests (10%)

Students are expected to complete all evaluations. If a student chooses not to complete a task, a mark of “0” will be assigned.


All assignments will have specific due dates and students are expected to respect these dates. Assignments must be submitted at the beginning of the class on the due date. Extensions may be granted to students under special circumstances provided they negotiate this with their teacher at least one day prior to the due date. If a student is absent due to illness, it is his/her responsibility to make arrangements to get the assignment to school. On the day the assignment is due, students who did not submit the assignment and who have not made prior arrangements with their teacher must prepare the assignment, or an alternate assignment, during the period on the day of their return. (In such cases, students will also be responsible for catching up on missed work for that period.)

These rules are here to help you! To encourage your sense of responsibility, and to enhance your capacity to manage time and tasks, we have developed this course with student achievement in mind. Remember your teachers are here to help.

Best wishes for a successful Semester.

Mrs. MacMillan/Mr. Saint- Yves September 09/(revised 09/09)


Parental Signature:______Student Signature:______