Appendix 1: Annex K
Template Warning Letters
Please refer to Section 4 of Annex K: Progression and Examination for guidance on using these templates.
Dear <enter student name>
I am writing to you as we have identified some concerns about your current academic progress.
<The first part of the letter should provide a full written summary of the School’s specific concerns about the candidate’s progress which might include:
· Failure to attend supervisory meetings or training courses (N.B. this should include dates)
· Failure to prepare adequately for supervisory meetings.
· Submission of work below the level expected for the research degree in question.>
I would be grateful if you could contact me as soon as possible so that we can schedule a meeting to discuss your progress in more detail. In light of our concerns about your progress, I should draw your attention to section 12.1 of the Regulations for Research Programmes of Study which states:
12. Termination of Registration
12.1 In the event of unsatisfactory progress or attendance during the period of registration the Board of the Faculty concerned may terminate a candidate's registration for the degree having first given the candidate the opportunity to appeal the recommendation under the Standing Orders Governing Research Appeals.
Should you fail to respond to this letter by <X date - 3 weeks> or should your progress continue to be unsatisfactory, we will be required to issue you with a second and final warning about your progress. Should you fail to respond to this second warning, we will recommend to the Faculty of <enter Faculty name> that your registration be terminated under section 12.1 of the Regulations for Research Programmes of Study. Whilst this is a serious issue, you are being given an opportunity to improve your performance and we hope that these more extreme steps will not be necessary.
Should you be experiencing any problems which are affecting your ability to concentrate on your research degree, we would encourage you to advise us of these as soon as possible. <The School should advise the candidate of the name(s) and contact details of any student advisors available for research students to contact within the School>. The Kent Union Advice Centre can also provide you with free and impartial advice on a range of areas (website:, email: and phone: (01227) 827724).
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
School Director of Graduate Studies
CC: Supervisory Team
Dear <enter student name>
I am writing to you as we are continuing to have serious concerns about your current academic progress.
<The first part of the letter should provide a full written summary of the School’s specific concerns about the candidate’s progress including:
· Previous occasions on which poor or unsatisfactory progress has been discussed or raised with the candidate.
· Any missed review or supervisory meetings (N.B. this should include dates).
· Previous occasions on which the candidate has failed to meet criteria for improvement outlined by the School (e.g. criteria outlined at review or supervisory meetings)>
I would be grateful if you could contact me as soon as possible so that we can schedule a meeting to discuss your progress in more detail. In light of our concerns about your progress, I should draw your attention to section 12.1 of the Regulations for Research Programmes of Study which states:
12. Termination of Registration
12.1 In the event of unsatisfactory progress or attendance during the period of registration the Board of the Faculty concerned may terminate a candidate's registration for the degree having first given the candidate the opportunity to appeal the recommendation under the Standing Orders Governing Research Appeals.
Should you fail to respond to this letter by <X date – give 3 weeks> or should your progress continue to be unsatisfactory then we will recommend to the Faculty of <enter Faculty name> that your registration be terminated under section 12.1 of the Regulations for Research Programmes of Study. Whilst this has become a serious issue, you are being given an opportunity to improve your performance and we hope that these more extreme steps will not be necessary.
Should you be experiencing any problems which are affecting your ability to concentrate on your research degree, we would encourage you to advise us of these as soon as possible. <The School should advise the candidate of the name(s) and contact details of any student advisors available for research students to contact within the School>. The Kent Union Advice Centre can also provide you with free and impartial advice on a range of areas (website: email: and phone: (01227) 827724).
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
School Director of Graduate Studies
CC: Supervisory Team
Dear [name]
I write to inform you that the Dean of [enter Faculty] has received a recommendation from the Director of Graduate Studies in the School of [name] that your registration as a student should be terminated on the grounds of unsatisfactory progress and attendance as permitted in section 12.1 of the Regulations for Research Programmes of Study, see have the right to appeal against this recommendation under the Standing Orders Governing Research Appeals. Should you wish to appeal you must complete a Research Appeal Form (available from and submit it to the Faculties Support Office, Room 24B, Marlowe Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NR within 21 days of the date of this letter. It is strongly recommended that you read the procedures as set out in the Standing Orders Governing Research Appeals, which can be found at sincerely
cc: Director of Graduate Studies
School Administration Manager