
Board of Commissioners March 6, 2017

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March 6, 2017

The Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room,Administration Building, Montesano, Washington, on Monday, March 6, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. Commissionerspresent wereWes Cormierand Vickie Raines. Jenna Amsbury,Clerk of the Board, waspresent to record the meeting. Norma Tillotson, Deputy Prosecuting Attorneywas also present. Commissioner Ross was excused from the meeting.










Morning/Regular meetings: February 27, 2017

Special Meetings: November 7, 2016 and December 6, 2016, February 21, 2017, February 22, 2017 and February 23, 2017


Month-End Expenditures – February: Claims $3,371,641.34; Salary



Reappointments – Timberland Regional Library Board (7-year term), Joseph Wheeler,

term expires 12/31/2023


Monthly Summary Report – February 2017

Management Services:

`Set Hearing Date: March 20, 2017 – Supplemental Budget - Management

Services Fund, $108,087

Set Hearing Date: March 27, 2017 – Community Development Block Grant

(CDBG) Review

Public Services:

Set Re-bid Date: March 27, 2017 – Shop Truck Crane

ACTION: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the consent agenda.

** Added item:


Cheryl Heywood, Timberland Regional Library, introduced staff and trustee Corby Varness. Ms. Heywood gave the 2016 State of the Library Report. Some highlights are as follows:

  • Strengthening family and youth (steam/stem)
  • Local economics – Microsoft Office certification, will have free testing sites
  • PacMtn - $10,000 grant for (job assist) each Pacific County library will have a laptop for employment help. The goal is to be able to provide a laptop in every library in the future.
  • Two new online classrooms- lynda.com and universalclass.com (500 free classes)
  • Community engagement – Transit agency now open-ended agreement for selloing bus passes at libraries. Ken Mehin from Grays Harbor Transit will speak with Timberland Regional Library and to other transit organizations.
  • Patrons are now able to download an app that will allow them to print from their devices while at the library.
  • Boys in the Boat series– over 1,500 people attended
  • Amanda Park library renovations are done and it is open

Impact Survey

  • 3,550 people responded:

-604 used the computers for employment purposes

-171 job applications were completed

-98 people were granted interviews

-67 people were hired

  • Students apply for college
  • 3,186 new cards in Grays Harbor

-7% increase in check-outs

-22% increase in overdrive

-1% drop-in, in-person attendance

  • New scheduler for internet – up to three hours at a time and a person can print 100 pages per week.


  1. Resolution, Grays Harbor County Board of Commissioners certifying capitalized assets: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approveResolution No. 2017-019 that the Grays Harbor County Board of Commissionersverifies that they have examined the listings of Grays Harbor County’s attractive items and capitalized assets as of December 31, 2016, to be correct, insofar as can be reasonably expected. RCW 36.32.210 requires that the Board of County Commissioners shall, on the first Monday of March of each year, file with the County Auditor a statement verified by oath showing for the twelve months’ period ending December 31 of the preceding year, a full and complete inventory of all capitalized assets kept in accordance with standards established by the State Auditor;



  1. Request Approval, Resolution, revising precinct boundary lines within the city of OceanShores, Washington: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approveResolution No. 2017-020revising precinct boundary lines within the city of Ocean Shores, Washington. During the Presidential election cycle there was an increase in voter registration of active voters. The city of Ocean Shores has three precincts with large numbers of voters. New registrations pushed one over the maximum allowed and the other two close to the limit. Because an election precinct may not exceed 1,500 registered voters, there needs to be a split of the precincts in the city of Ocean Shores. The precincts affected are:

Precinct / Registered Voters Before / Registered Voters After
801 / 1235 / 711
802 / 1517 / 962
803 / 1324 / 1045
810 / 0 / 548
820 / 0 / 565
830 / 0 / 245

The elections section of the office worked with GIS to determine the best possible splits following roads and other physical features within the city. These changes must be adopted for use in the city elections conducted this year.

Management/Central Services:

  1. Request Approval, Resolution, Budget Transfer – Stadium, $175,000: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve Resolution No. 2017-021 transferring items in the Grays Harbor County Miscellaneous Fund Stadium. This resolution authorizes budget for transfers out to the Fair Building Construction Fund in the amount of $175,000. This is the balance remaining from appropriations made in 2016 for the Pavilion Roof Project.
  1. Request Approval, Telecommunications Service Agreement with Rainier Connect for new ISP service, $700 recurring monthly: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approvethe Telecommunications Service Agreement with Rainier Connect for new ISP service in the amount of $700 recurring monthly.

Public Services:

  1. Request Approval, Reclassification to Current Use Open Space - Penny Thomas, Case #2016-1545, 28 acres: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the reclassification to Current Use Open Space for Penny Thomas, parcel 180933130000, 28 acres. On February 7, 2017, the Grays Harbor County Planning Commission heard the application for reclassification. Jane Hewitt, Planning, stated that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this reclassification due the fact that the 28 acres does not qualify for Designated Forest Land due to wetlands and flood zone.
  1. Request Approval, Reclassification to Current Use Open Space – MI Investments LLC, Case #2016-1547, 16 acres: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the reclassification to Current Use Open Space for Penny Thomas, parcel 180502330000, 16 acres. On February 7, 2017, the Grays Harbor County Planning Commission heard the application for reclassification. Jane Hewitt, Planning, stated that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this reclassification due the fact that the 16 acres does not qualify for Designated Forest Land due to wetlands.
  1. Request Approval, Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with SH&H Valuation and Consulting for additional appraisal services for the Vesta Bridge Replacement project, $5,950: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with SH&H Valuation and Consulting for additional appraisal services related to the recent identification of an uneconomic remnant on the parent parcel construction for the Vesta Bridge Replacement Project in the amount of $5,950.
  1. Request Approval, Award Bid for 2017 Emulsified Asphalt Supply Contract to Albina Asphalt Company of Vancouver, Washington in the low bid amount of $39,334.07, 18% below Engineer’s estimate: postponed
  1. Request Approval, Award bid to Five Star Dealership for (1) mid-size 4x4 SUV in the bid amount of $31,309.68: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve awarding the bid for (1) mid-size 4x4 SUV to Five Star Dealership in Aberdeen, Washington in the low bid amount of $31,309.68, and is competitive with DES State Contract Pricing.
  1. Request Approval, Award bid to Whitney’s, Inc., for (2) full-size Pursuit SUVs in the bid amount of $81,892.16: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve awarding the bid for (2) full-size Pursuit SUVs to Whitney’s in Montesano, Washington in the low bid amount of $81,892.16, and is competitive with DES State Contract Pricing.
  1. Request Approval, Award bid to Five Star Dealership for (1) mid-size 4x4 Pursuit SUV with partition in the bid amount of $39,365.39: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve awarding the bid for (1) mid-size 4x4 SUV with partition to Five Star Dealership in Aberdeen, Washington in the low bid amount of $39,365.39, and is competitive with DES State Contract Pricing.
  1. Request Approval, Award bid to Five Star Dealership for (1) mid-size 4x4 Pursuit SUV without partition in the bid amount of $36,087.40: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve awarding the bid for (1) mid-size 4x4 SUV without partition to Five Star Dealership in Aberdeen, Washington in the low bid amount of $36,087.40, and is competitive with DES State Contract Pricing.
  1. Request Approval, Award bid to Pape’ Machinery for the brush shredding attachment in the bid amount of $27,667.50: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve awarding the bid for (1) brush shredding attachment to Pape’ in Montesano, Washington in the low bid amount of $27,667.50. This was the only bid submitted and was under the budgeted cost for this item.
  1. Request Approval, Vendor Services Agreement with Washington Sea Grant through the Marine Resource Committee (MRC) for preparation of an infographic for public promotion of the Grays Harbor tourism and recreation industry, $5,000: A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the Vendor Services Agreement with Washington Sea Grant through the Marine Resource Committee (MRC) for preparation of an infographic for public promotion of the Grays Harbor tourism and recreation industry in the amount of $5,000.


The Workshop regularly scheduled for March 7 is cancelled.



Commissioner Cormier announced a recess at 2:24p.m. to move to Conference Room No. 1 for the Media Session.

Media Session:

Commissioner Cormier reopened the meeting at 2:28 p.m. in Conference Room No. 1. Commissioners present wereVickie Raines andWes Cormier. The media and Commissioners exchanged comments and questions on County business.



No. 2017-019The Grays Harbor County Board of Commissionersverifies that they have examined the listings of Grays Harbor County’s attractive items and capitalized assets as of December 31, 2016, to be correct, insofar as can be reasonably expected

No. 2017-020Revising precinct boundary lines within the city of Ocean Shores, Washington.

No. 2017-021Authorizing transferring items in the Grays Harbor County Miscellaneous Fund Stadium





At 2:49 p.m. Commissioner Cormier adjourned the meeting.


For Grays Harbor County

This day of , 2017

Wes Cormier, Chairman

Randy Ross,District 2

Vickie Raines, District 3


Jenna Amsbury, Clerk of the Board